
ACC3 International Inc
Last activity: 21 Oct 2015 7:41 EDT
Increase case urgency for each consecutive business day past the goal time
Hi All,
I have a requirement to increase the case level urgency for each consecutive business day past the goal time. Note here is we shouldn't adjust the Goal time, it should remain as the initial date and time. What is the best way to implement this?
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Bernving Associated
An Service Level Agreement (SLA) have Goal Time, Deadline and Pased Deadline times including a setting for business days only. If you set the Deadline time to 1 day after goal time and then passed deadline to be one day, repeated as many times you need and for each part you set the value to increase the urgency with you should be good. Note that max urgency is 100. Passed deadline intervall is calculated as time passed AFTER deadline. Goal time and Deadline ar calculated AFTER the assignment was created.

Coforge DPA
Hi ,
You can use the SLA's and you can configure the goal , deadline , passed deadline in the rule .
Refer this link : https://docs-previous.pega.com/using-service-levels-slas-pega-7
Here iys explained step by step .
Hope this helps.

ACC3 International Inc
Thanks Bernving and Bhavya for your comments. If I am correct, Passed Deadline will be reached once Deadline is reached. Let's say Goal Date is October 20th and Deadline is November 1st. On October 20th Goal Time will be reached and the Urgency set to 20. From next day onwards I need to increase the Urgency by 5 per day till November 1st. Is this possible?

Hi Krushanthan,
I think it is not possible as part of SLA activity rules, since Goal Date is reached and you set the urgency to 20 and Deadline is not reached we cannot increase the urgency.
Goal time reached you can add urgency so that the user can work on this case or it can be escalated to Mgr etc.
Similarly Deadline time is reached then we can increase the urgency value. How could be the sla agent activity would not pick this task instance as deadline is not reached in your case.
For the cases, If an assignment remains open when the deadline time is reached, the system adds this value to urgency value of the assignment which is an one time only not repeating like adding 5.
For repeatitive you can add in the passeddeadline event where you can mention how many times to run and the urgency value.

Coforge DPA
HI ,
Take a look at below example to be clear on how the urgency gets calculated :
Suppose given the following configuration in a Service Level Rule:
HI ,
Take a look at below example to be clear on how the urgency gets calculated :
Suppose given the following configuration in a Service Level Rule:
- Initial : 15
- Goal: 20, Time: 2
- Deadline: 45, Time: 4
- Passed Deadline: 5, Time: 1
- Repeating Interval: 3

You can do this by usign the business days option enabled. Your goal time will be 1 day from the assignment creation and with desired urgency set. Deadline time is on 2nd day i.e. 2 days with desired urgency and past deadline or lete interval set to 1 day since it will be calculated from the past deadline time with desired urgency. As you said you shouldn't alter the Goal time. In the past deadline , the number of times to be executed you can keep some high number. If you requirement is to change the urgency dynamically based on later interval count, you can do that in later interval activity based on the Assign-.pxLateExecuteCount in your past dead line activity.I think this is the ideal approach.
I hope the urgency increase you explained should be the assignment but not the work object.