Scipio Systems LLC
Last activity: 2 Nov 2015 9:40 EST
Generating 837 EDI (PegaHC claims) output file
We have a requirment to read an EDI 837 file and create claims work objects from the segements in the 837 files, the files are fairly larg so we have to remove the X12Data page once work objects are create because it was jamming up the clipboard because of the size of the file.
Now the issue we are having is that we need to generate the 837 output file with the updated data so we are re-loading the same file that we read in the begining of the process and using OOTB GenerateOutputFile activity in PegaHC framework to create the output file, but it seems to be inconsistant as files are not created some times (No errors on the tracer, no errors in the logs, but still doesn't seem to be working everytime).
Do you guys know what could be the issue OR if there is a better approach we can use instead of re-loading the same file again ? Can we perform this task in one shot ? (i.e. load the file once without increasing the clipboard size drastically and still have the same message available when we are ready to generate the output file?)