Hi ,
Getting below exception very frequently in production logs ,I read an article(SA-3507) in PDN saying that there was a hot fix(HFix-8818) to resolved issue ,and i couldn't get any details which are related to HOTFIX .
Getting this issue in 7.1.6 version. Could you please provide work around to resolve the issue.
Unable to serve file;java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal characters detected in the path "/StaticContent/common/b7cb1bab9b3f9e5cc72aae0cbe23f22f/msLY7o3HC3KEAd2LLM4RKFcgTzzYJPcsUCnblR6lxgM%5B*/msLY7o3HC3KEAd2LLM4RKFcgTzzYJPcsUCnblR6lxgM%5B*/msLY7o3HC3KEAd2LLM4RKFcgTzzYJPcsUCnblR6lxgM%5B*/webwb/ciscologo.gif". You may not use ", ?, *, <, >, |, :;