
Last activity: 21 Jan 2016 14:00 EST
Hi ,
Getting below exception very frequently in production logs ,I read an article(SA-3507) in PDN saying that there was a hot fix(HFix-8818) to resolved issue ,and i couldn't get any details related to HOTFIX .
Getting this issue in 7.1.6 version. Could you please provide work around to resolve the issue.
Unable to serve file;java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal characters detected in the path "/StaticContent/common/b7cb1bab9b3f9e5cc72aae0cbe23f22f/msLY7o3HC3KEAd2LLM4RKFcgTzzYJPcsUCnblR6lxgM%5B*/msLY7o3HC3KEAd2LLM4RKFcgTzzYJPcsUCnblR6lxgM%5B*/msLY7o3HC3KEAd2LLM4RKFcgTzzYJPcsUCnblR6lxgM%5B*/webwb/ciscologo.gif". You may not use ", ?, *, <, >, |, :;
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi brahmeswara rao,
Upon reviewing the corresponding SR, we see that it has been resolved. SA-16384 was created as a result of the investigation. Please reference that if you have the same question.

Hi Brahmesh, referred HFIX-8818 notes say it is fixed in 7.1.6. Is this problem sporadic or are there steps to reproduce? when did you start seeing these error messages? Please send us pegarules log file.

Hi Gopi,
Thanks for your reply .
There was no issue related to this,but it's starts coming up in logs for past 1 month especially in notification alerts(Email Templates),
like we are referring the logo file in corr template,and below exception is getting added to the notifications ,and logo image displaying as "red cross 'X' image"instead of logo file ,
we've been observing the issue with 5 out of 10 notifications. Illegal characters detected in the path "/StaticContent/common/226d04faf76ce05c97c6ac413577860d/DjMHov0UR3Ntq5aHicruKuhDaB2lXgTy*/webwb/ciscologo.gif". You may not use ", ?, *, <, >, |, :
Unable to attach & added log file over here,so added snap shot of it.
Complete log file:

Pegasystems Inc.
The snapshot image of the log shows an error with content "...common/b7c..." and your example shows "...common/226...". Can you provide correct log snapshot?

Pegasystems Inc.
Please send us the line that references the image in the email notification template.

Thanks Paul for your response,
The snapshot of the log was taken from production where notification goes to the end users,so i couldn't share the actual exception coming in notifications in prod region,
The log snapshot that shared earlier one is correct .
The Exception message added to notification messages in QA region is,
- Illegal characters detected in the path "/StaticContent/common/226d04faf76ce05c97c6ac413577860d/DjMHov0UR3Ntq5aHicruKuhDaB2lXgTy*/webwb/ciscologo.gif". You may not use ", ?, *, <, >, |, :
Source code that is being referred to load logo image in template.(source code gets generated by default)
<img title=Ciscologo alt=Ciscologo src="DjMHov0UR3Ntq5aHicruKuhDaB2lXgTy*/DjMHov0UR3Ntq5aHicruKuhDaB2lXgTy*/webwb/ciscologo.gif">

something seems wrong with image reference link.
can you try this line for image reference?
<IMG src='<p:r n="pxThread.pxReqHomeURI" m="normal"/>/webwb/ciscologo.gif'/>

we had added the Image to Corr template by using "Insert Image" from tool bar of Corr rule ,Hence reference link gets generated automatically.
Are you suggesting here to get rid of OOTB image reference link by <IMG src='<p:r n="pxThread.pxReqHomeURI" m="normal"/>/webwb/ciscologo.gif'/>?
I don't think so,it's problem with image reference link as it is a sporadic issue,as issue is occurring for 5 notification out of 10.
Updated: 23 Aug 2015 22:17 EDT

I think you should try using rule-file-binary for this use case and see if that helps.

please try the suggestion that Adi mentioned.
In order to identify the problem with current configuration, can you please capture the URL for the working and non-working scenarios?
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi brahmeswara rao,
Upon reviewing the corresponding SR, we see that it has been resolved. SA-16384 was created as a result of the investigation. Please reference that if you have the same question.