
Infosys Limited
Last activity: 27 Sep 2016 4:32 EDT
Change Stage smart shape
As given in exercise, i am trying to change stage from Qualify(primary stage) to Post-Rejection (Alternate-REsolution stage) using "Change-Stage" smart-shape in "Determine Targe Position" step(multi-step process).
When i run the case, it is jumping to "Post-Rejection" alternate resolution stage. But it is still asking to perfrom the next step (Request Technical Sample) in Qualify stage. Accoring to my understanding the case should get resolved at "Post-rejection" as it is alternate resolution stage.
Please let me know is it the default behaviour of change-stage or Am i doing any thing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
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Pegasystems Inc.
This is the default behavior of the Change Stage smart shape.
To achieve what you want, in the Change Stage smart shape, enable "Close open assignments from current stage on change".

Infosys Limited
Its working.
Thanks a lot. Inc
Hi Chuat,
This is not working in Pega7.1.7 event we enable the "Close open assignments from current stage on change". Do we have hotfix for this?
Please see the below link:

Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks for the info, Shiva!

I have a related question.
Suppose the case structure is the same of this one presented in the post. Hypotize that the change stage point to an alternate stage (e.g. CheckSolution stage).
From "Determine Target Position" step we jump to "CheckSolution" alternate stage: here we perform some actions and then, another change stage bring us back to "Qualify" stage, to perform the last step ("Request Technical Sample").
Is this possible?
I'm using the 7.2 PE but I think the behind logic is the same.
I tried but Pega let me perform first the "Request Technical Sample" step and then the "Change Solution" stage. Is there a problem on status? Like pending or anything similar...
Thank you very much in advance.

Navy Federal Credit Union
Hi @VincenzoP1948,
It is working for me, you need to check "Close open assignments from current stage on change" option in "change stage" smart shape option. if it does not work instead of using smart shape , you can still call pxChangeStage utility passing "CleanUpProcesses" flag checked
Sai Phaneendra

Hi Sai,
I tried your solution but doing so I can't perform the last process in the stage, as the flow jumps directly to the next stage. I'll try to explain you what I'm trying to do.
Deflagging "Launch on re-entry", when the operator performs the check, the change stage occurs. In the "Open assignments" panel, however, I see both "CheckManleva" and "Data Validation" available. I want, instead, that only CheckManleva results available as in the CheckManleva process there is again a Change Stage shape which redirects to Validation Stage.
Two scenario are now possible
1) If I perform first CheckManleva, when the flow is redirected to Validation it finds "DataValidation" unperformed and the flow runs as desired.
2) If I perform first Data Validation, then CheckManleva redirects to Processing stage (not what I need).
Now, my interest is in removing possibilities to perform the Scenario n° 2.
How can I achieve this? How can I stop/pause flow to wait for alternate stage execution?
Hi Sai,
I tried your solution but doing so I can't perform the last process in the stage, as the flow jumps directly to the next stage. I'll try to explain you what I'm trying to do.
Deflagging "Launch on re-entry", when the operator performs the check, the change stage occurs. In the "Open assignments" panel, however, I see both "CheckManleva" and "Data Validation" available. I want, instead, that only CheckManleva results available as in the CheckManleva process there is again a Change Stage shape which redirects to Validation Stage.
Two scenario are now possible
1) If I perform first CheckManleva, when the flow is redirected to Validation it finds "DataValidation" unperformed and the flow runs as desired.
2) If I perform first Data Validation, then CheckManleva redirects to Processing stage (not what I need).
Now, my interest is in removing possibilities to perform the Scenario n° 2.
How can I achieve this? How can I stop/pause flow to wait for alternate stage execution?
(I know I can in some way merge that process and check in the main flow but I want to know if what I have tought is implementable)
Thank you very much