
Ness Technologies (india) Pvt. Ltd.
Last activity: 21 Aug 2015 8:41 EDT
You are about to close an open work item which has changes that have not been saved.
Problem statement:
When working on a section I ran into a problem.
I have a section which was created sometime ago. As per the new requirement I had to add new fields and map newly created properties in existing section.
In runtime when I perform SAVE, I see section with message "You are about to close an open work item which has changes that have not been saved." with Cancel and Discard buttons.
This is a PEGA issue. Ideally PEGA will compile a section to create a java code in the background. PEGA has to re-compile every time there is a change in the section.
In this scenario, PEGA has failed to notice the changes made to section, hence at the runtime, particularly during save action we are facing dirtycheck issue.
Create a new section. Don't save as the corrupted section.
Manually create a new section and use it.
Creating a new section should resolve this issue.