Last activity: 15 Oct 2015 9:27 EDT
PVS for pega 7
Iam trying to download pvs from pega website.
After downloading file , iam trying to unzip it using 7zip. But its throwing an error as corrupt file.
Is anyone able to download and use pvs of pega 7.
vinay kumar karumanchi.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Just downloaded the 4.54GB 7-zip compressed PVS.
Open Archive worked fine.
Extracted the two folders and release notes file without a problem.
Try downloading again.
Cognizant Technology Solutions
Hi PEDEL how are you :) Now when i download pvs from PDN LSA course it is giving me 4.5GB "txt" file instead of zip file. Can someone please quickly check. I tried lastweek also samething. thank you.
Pegasystems Inc.
Which browser are you using? Are you clicking on the link or right clicking on the link as the instruction says.
Cognizant Technology Solutions
Yes RAMAK.... please go to LSA 7.1 course and try to download pvs it is a 4.5GB txt file. I think browser will not change file type but it has changed .... when i download using chrome it has given me txt file but not i am able to download 7z zip file with internet explorer.
I tried to download the PVS using Chrome by selecting “Save link as …”. The File Explorer opens with a txt extension. If I instead select “Open link in new tab” the download starts immediately and it works fine. Extension is 7z and file size 4.3GB.
Have you tried “Open link in new tab”?
Cognizant Technology Solutions
No...i just tried "save link"
Pegasystems Inc.
Pegasystems Inc.
It would be interesting if someone could use DOS "cmp" against a file downloaded by Chrome vs one downloaded by IE.
Is the only difference the extension or is the ".txt" file downloaded by Chrome truly corrupt hence renaming to ".7z" would be to no avail?
Pegasystems Inc.
I tried renaming to .7z/.zip but no luck. I believe Chrome is not able to understand '.7z' as extension and while downloading it is defaulting to as text document. Even while downloading i tried to get rid of ,txt extension and use .zip or .7z but no luck..It is always downloading as .txt. Even after download no luck with changing extensions.
Within the PVS for LSA 7.1, Pega provides a sample application SAE for practicing. In my PC, I am unable to run VMWare workstation due to some unknown issues, but I am able to run PRPC personal edition.
Is it possible to get the RAP for SAE application from Pegasystems? So that I can run it in Personal edition.
Pegasystems Inc.
It is preferred that you use the PVS.
The Encryption Exercise has to be developed on the PVS for example.
Also do you have the 7.1.7 Personal Edition version?
Bernving Associated
Using the Pega 7 personal edition is, of course, possible but we do not have resources and possibillities to help you ensure all libraries and other software used by the course it available. Using the PVS is, for all circumstances the best solution as we are then abel to help you with eventuslly problems.
Back to VMWare. A common issue not be able to run VMWare on a windows machine is that the BIOS settings do not allow virtualization. Depending on your BIOS and motherboard this is called "Allow Virtualization" or enable vt-x (intel) or amd-v (amd). Depending on your companys policys you might need to go to IT support to enable this setting otherwise you can change it yourself. You can find articles on the internet on how to enable vt-x. It does not matter if your computer is running 32 or 64 bit windows (or Linux). For Mac you can use Parallels Desktop or VMWare Fusion for running the Pega PVS.
Yet another possibillity is if you have a spare computer that can run VMWare player, you can install the Pega PVS on that computer and connect to the PVS from your other computer. This requires some handiness with network settings though.
Thanks Bernving, Well I am trying to run it in my personal laptop.. Sony Vaio VPCEB45FG... It has virtualisation enabled motherboard and Intel 1st generation i3, the problem I am facing is VMWare is starting up but the Pega Virtual Machine is not starting up most of the times.. May be it is due to the current RAM capacity (4 GB), I will install 8 GB RAM next week. However do you have any minimum requirement spec to run the PVS?
Pegasystems Inc.
4GB is not sufficient.
8GB works but for best results you may need to limit the amount of memory consumed by other applications when doing intense development.
At 12GB you should have no problem.
Thanks Lee!
My motherboard has max capacity of 8 GB RAM, so I need to limit the other application memory consumtion.. for 12 GB I need to get a new laptop :)
I upgraded my RAM to 8 GB, now it is working fine. :) One question, What database does the Pega instance uses in the PVS? Do you have any guide about how to connect to the DB within PVS using Toad or similar kind of tools?
Pegasystems Inc.
As shown, the database is Postgresql.
You need to make a few changes on the PVS to allow an external client such as SQuirrel to access it.
You can either download postgresql-9.4-1201.jdbc4.jar from the Internet or from the PVS's /usr/share/tomcat7/lib directory using WinSCP
Bernving Associated
The default setup of postgres is to only listes to requests from localhost ( Proprietary information hidden). To have postgres to listen on requests from the outside world you need to chage some configuation files. The suggestions below expects you to be a bit familiar with unix command line and tools.
As root ensure the file postgresql.config contains this line (you might need to chane an existing line):
listed_addresses = '*'
The file pg_hba.conf should contain this line:
host all all Proprietary information hidden/0 trust
In the same file change all peer autentication to md5. Can be done with the command:
sed -i "/^local.*all.*all.*peer$/s/peer/md5/g" pg_hba.conf
Then restart postgres
Below is my script to automatic do this (run script from user architect with sudo ./scriptname; Sorry cannot include this as a file)
#! /bin/bash
echo Fix RDBMS settings in your virtual machine
pg=`find / -mount -name postgresql.conf 2> /dev/null`
if [ -n "$pg" ]
echo Changing listening address for postgresql
grep "^listen_addresses = '\*'" $pg > /dev/null 2>&1 || echo "listen_addresses = '*'" >> $pg
echo Postgres.conf file not found
The default setup of postgres is to only listes to requests from localhost ( Proprietary information hidden). To have postgres to listen on requests from the outside world you need to chage some configuation files. The suggestions below expects you to be a bit familiar with unix command line and tools.
As root ensure the file postgresql.config contains this line (you might need to chane an existing line):
listed_addresses = '*'
The file pg_hba.conf should contain this line:
host all all Proprietary information hidden/0 trust
In the same file change all peer autentication to md5. Can be done with the command:
sed -i "/^local.*all.*all.*peer$/s/peer/md5/g" pg_hba.conf
Then restart postgres
Below is my script to automatic do this (run script from user architect with sudo ./scriptname; Sorry cannot include this as a file)
#! /bin/bash
echo Fix RDBMS settings in your virtual machine
pg=`find / -mount -name postgresql.conf 2> /dev/null`
if [ -n "$pg" ]
echo Changing listening address for postgresql
grep "^listen_addresses = '\*'" $pg > /dev/null 2>&1 || echo "listen_addresses = '*'" >> $pg
echo Postgres.conf file not found
pg=`find / -mount -name pg_hba.conf 2> /dev/null`
if [ -n "$pg" ]
echo Changing host allowance for postgresql
grep "^host.*0\.0\.0\.0/0" $pg > /dev/null 2>&1 || echo "host all all Proprietary information hidden/0 trust" >> $pg
echo applying md5 to peer authentication
sed -i "/^local.*all.*all.*peer$/s/peer/md5/g" $pg
echo postgres restart in 5 minutes. We wait 5 min so we not interfere with prpc startup.
echo service postgresql restart \> restart.res 2\>\&1 | at now + 5 min
echo Postgres pg_hba.conf file not found
#Regards Hans