
LLoyds Banking Group
Last activity: 26 May 2015 9:20 EDT
Unable to download PVS
Hi, I am using Mozilla and want to download PVS for my DSM excercises. However when i follow the instruction in the scree to click on the token link and do save as the zip file gets immediately saved in my system. Downloaded file is about 5KB in size. Can someone let me know if there is abother way to download the pvs system or help me diagonise the issue?
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Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks a lot for your post.
Sorry to ask, did you "Right-click on the token link..." as suggested?

LLoyds Banking Group
Yes. I did right click on the Token and seleted 'Save Link As'. Then the save window popped up. Do you thihk its becasue of some network firewall issue?

Pegasystems Inc.
Not sure. I think it is because you used the none supported Mozilla Firefox browser. It is recommend you use IE, Chrome or Firefox.

Pegasystems Inc.
I did try myself and indeed it randomly in Firefox. Also once it fails it can not restart. I see some issues with downloading larger fiels in Mozilla, so can you maybe try first to download with IE or Chrome?

Hi Manish,
Your screenshot says that the type of file being downloaded is html, it should be a zip file. I use IE for pega academy, right click on the link and do "save target as", and make sure you the type of file being downloaded is .zip.
Good luck.

LLoyds Banking Group
I used a different browser and it downloaded the PVS this time and i am able to run it. However the user IDs mentioned in the course are not working
- Strategy Designer:
- User Name: StrategyDesigner@DMorg
- Password: rules
- Administrator:
- User Name: Admin@DMorg
- Password: install
Are they not part of the PVS bundle?

Pegasystems Inc.
I am glad you did suceed in downloading the image. Actually for me Mozilla works correctly as well, I just had some HDD space issues and that was the reason for failure.
Regarding operators, we are quite sure operators are correct since many students have completed succesfully this course. Do please ensure that:
- you start up the correct image
- you are trying to log in to the correct image
- you are using the operators from the document
Good luck. If it is still not working please send screenshots with images reflecting exactly what you do (which image you have fired, which operators you log in with, which browser you use etc).