Party ID: This field may not be blank
In the onboarding case I receive the following error message.
Error: Party ID: This field may not be blank
Where can I resolve this issue?
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In the onboarding case I receive the following error message.
Error: Party ID: This field may not be blank
Where can I resolve this issue?
After you complete the Work Party exercise you will need to supply an email address each time you create a new Onboarding case otherwise you will receive this error. As a thought you might want to add this to a Data Transform, perhaps the SetFieldDefaults data transform and have the email address filled in automatically. This should resolve your issue.
Please let me know if this solves your issue,
Pega Academy Support Team
Hi Sean,
Thanks for your reply. I will try to implement this and let you know if I was able to resolve the issue.
Hi Sean,
This is strange. I tried once filling in an e-mail address and no error message appeared. But now when I fill in no e-mail address also no error message appears.
Is this because by filling in an e-mail address in initialized the data object?
I also checked on the data transform. There's already a data transform available in SAE-HRServices-Work. See for a screenshot.
My issue is resolved.
It is strange as you would need one email address for each Onboarding case. Just because you filled out the email address on one case doesn't create the object on another case. If you were to add the following line to your SetFieldDefaults data transform:
.Employee.pyEmail1 = " Proprietary information hidden"
Then each time you instantiated the case the Emal Address would be filled out.
Glad to hear everything is working!
Pega Academy Support Team
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