
Last activity: 1 Aug 2016 3:58 EDT
Not able to delegate Decision Tree in Pega 7.1.8
We are not able to delegate Decision tree in Pega 7.1.8. However "delegation" button is available in Decision Table ( Action Button->Delegate)
If we add the rule in MyFavorites then it's not coming in Manager portal .
If we delegate a decision table via Delegate option ( from Action menu ) then in manager portal we are getting a tab "Configuration" where a can see the delegate rules.
Any Idea how to get the option Delegate in Decision tree.
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When you delegate the decision tree, are you able to see it in the DesignerStudio window -> "Favorite" (left bar, bottom icon) ?
Also you can try adding a widget in the case manager portal (gear icon - top right corner ) -> select "Manage Change".

Hi Sunny,
Before Pega 7 we used to it through MyFavorites. But in Pega 7 we have to it through delegate button. Now question is, why it is not there for decision tree.Is it bug in Pega 7

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi everyone,
Thanks for checking out the new "Change Management" feature! Right now, we only support a few rule types - Decision Tables, Paragraphs and perhaps most importantly, Data Types. (Any data type that is configured to be modified using the new record editor can be delegated, allowing business users to quickly make in-line modifications to data instances from their own portals). Our goal is to quickly offer more business-facing rules in the near future. (7.1.11, 7.1.12). When rules, Map Values, Decision Trees would be excellent candidates. Sections and especially Activities would likely not be appropriate for your average business analyst.
Hi everyone,
Thanks for checking out the new "Change Management" feature! Right now, we only support a few rule types - Decision Tables, Paragraphs and perhaps most importantly, Data Types. (Any data type that is configured to be modified using the new record editor can be delegated, allowing business users to quickly make in-line modifications to data instances from their own portals). Our goal is to quickly offer more business-facing rules in the near future. (7.1.11, 7.1.12). When rules, Map Values, Decision Trees would be excellent candidates. Sections and especially Activities would likely not be appropriate for your average business analyst.
Why did we make this architectural change? Even though the old 'Favorites' model of 'delegation' supported any rule type, it came with a host of problems that caused confusion. Opening a 'delegated favorite' using "My Rules" opened the entire rule in it's entirety, and customers rightfully complained that their business users had the ability to change anything they wished - including rule availability, ruleset, ruleset version, etc.
The second problem is that the experience was just plain poor. A business analyst does not know (or care) what an 'Applies To class' is, nor do they care about any of the options offered in each rule's "Actions" menu. They shouldn't be exposed to all this technical jargon. They just want to make a quick change to some business logic in their app and move on.
The third problem is that the security' features that were implemented for rule delegation in the 6.x series completely broke when we moved to harness-based rules in Pega 7. Take for example the Results tab of any Decision Table. The options which govern whether the rows/columns can be modified, whether expressions can be used, etc... are controlled from this tab, and it allowed a developer to customize how a business user interacted with the rule during delegation. In the 6.x series, only the first tab of a rule was rendered in the end-user portal, which effectively allowed us to hide all these switches on a tab we knew would not be accessible to the business line. With the migration to harness-based ruleforms, the rule form is shown in it's entirety. A business user can simply click over to this tab and re-enable something that should be turned off.
So it was with these issues in mind that we went about trying to "reboot" the concept of rule delegation. The Mange Change delegation model solves these problems by allowing us to configure and associate different user interfaces that match the intention of the delegation. Rather than a "one size fits all" approach of showing the entire ruleform, we can associate different user interfaces to the selected "intent" of a delegation. Each dynamically sourced radio button on the delegation dialog can be associated with a unique UI - for example, a UI that allows users to add/remove rows of a decision table vs. a UI that does not.
This flexibility results in a dramatically improved user experience that we can control and customize based on customer use cases. Indeed, our end-goal is for business users to not even realize that they are modifying a "rule".
To wrap up my long-winded response above, I would argue that although the list of supported rules is presently small, the architectural improvements introduced in ML8 are large. Unfortunately the Actions > Delegate option is not yet turned on for Decision Trees. You can use the old "favorites" mechanism until we roll out support for this later next year.

Thanks Magyar for very clear info.

To bring back My Rules (favorites) to the manager portal you can override the pyCaseManager navigation rule and add an item that executes a harness action. The harness is pyCMDelegatedRules. You can look at the pyCaseManager navigation rule in Pega-EndUserUI:07-10-xx to see how the item is configured.

if we delegate through My Favorite option then rule is not opening from Manager portal. Please follow the below steps
1. Create a user with a Manager role i.e PegaRULES:WorkMgr4
2. Make sure you have "UpdateLimitedForm" privilege in @baseclass. Not OpenDeveloperForm.
3. Delegate any DTree rule to that user.
4. Open the manager portal and try to open that rule.
We are getting blank screen.
So far what we found that in activity "WBOpen" ( line no 13) another activity is called i.e pzGetDelegationDetails which is trying to open the DTree from class "Rule-Obj-DelegationConfiguration". As we are not delegating the rule through "Delegate" option there is no instance in this class.
How to solve it.

Pegasystems Inc.
What version of Pega are you running? And can you elaborate on Step #4: Open the Manager portal to try and open the rule. What are you clicking on when you open the Manager portal?

Hi Magyar,
We are using Pega 7.1.9.
In manager portal , if you click on the operator link ( right corner of the portal) then you will get option " My Rules". Once submitting that you will get all the delegated rules in a separated tab. Then if you click on any of the link of delegated rules it's not opening.

Pegasystems Inc.
Do you get any kind of error messasge?

Pegasystems Inc.
Do you get any kind of error message in the tracer?

HI ,
I have raised a SR "SR-A10246".
It seems there is one HotFix -23767
We are following it up with Pega support team.

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes, HotFix -23767 was created and packaged to address the issue you described above. After applying the hot fix, in order to use new delegation model, the rules which are already delegated using Favourites should be re-delegated using delegation option.