Log Files
What is the difference between Pega logs and Server Logs? Are they same?
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What is the difference between Pega logs and Server Logs? Are they same?
Interesting question.
I am using Ubuntu to run Pega 7. There are lots of Ubuntu log files. These are considered server logs, and have nothing to do with Pega.
I am using Tomcat as the app server. There are lots of logs files for Tomcat. These are also considered server logs, and have nothing to do with Pega. Then, there are my database server log files.
I also have Pega-specific log files such as PegaRULES-ALERT-dateStamp.log
There are those who would consider these to be server logs as well, albeit Pega-specific.
I don't believe it really matters whether you call it a "Pega log" or a "server log" as long as you know what log file(s) you are referring to.
Thanks Eddie
Hello AkkamahadeviH,
Typically log files in the app server has a lot of log files. The app server logs contain the startup log, shutdown log,http traffic log etc. Where as typically pega OOTB creates pega logs (the logs created by the application and any exceptional handling forces logs to be written to the same file) and alert logs. Apart from that, you can customize and create your own log files - Interface logs etc.
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