
Pegasystems Inc.
Posted: Nov 1, 2019
Last activity: Apr 13, 2020
Last activity: 13 Apr 2020 20:48 EDT
I am unable to receive email notifications from Pega Deployment Manager
There could be a number of reasons why notifications are not working. Here are a few things to consider
- Notifications for the 4.x series require a minimum Pega platform version of 8.1.3
- First, ensure that you have followed the instructions for configuring email notifications
- If you are upgrading from a previous version of Deployment Manager, there are a few additional steps you might have to confirm for configuring email accounts.
- Ensure that email notifications preferences are set for your operator correctly
- Ensure that you have the correct email address in your operator record
- Check to see if you are receiving notifications in the Notification gadget in Deployment Manager portal
- Notifications will not work if the Stream Service is not running. There are couple of options here to consider
- Ensure that the notifications Queue Processor is enabled
- This can be fixed by going to Admin Studio portal, then navigate to Resources-->Queue Processors.
- Ensure that the queue processor pyProcessNotification is enabled and running
- If the previous step did not fix the problem, then the Stream service might need to be restarted
- Resolved by starting Stream Service (Dev Studio-->Decisioning-->Infrastructure-->Services-->Stream).
- Edit the settings to make sure Replication factor value does not exceed the number of nodes available.
- Add Node
- Ensure that the notifications Queue Processor is enabled
- Notifications will also not work on on nodes with an untyped Node classification. Ensure that the node type is Universal or at the very least Default. On 8.1.x there is a chance that the node type is set to Uptyped which can cause issues with Stream processing which is required for notifications to work properly
- Ensure that the SendCorr agent is running on at least one node.
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