
Last activity: 17 Aug 2019 2:33 EDT
How to disable Email notifications for selected scenarios in pega deployment manager?
We are using Pega Deployment Manager-3.3 for deployments. Currently we are receiving email notifications for all the scenarios like: Deployment start, Deployment step completion...Approve for production. Can we disable email notifications for all these scenarios and have it enabled for few? Thanks.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Have you checked the operator notification preference screen? I have not checked 3.3 version, but 4.4 seems to have what you want:

Thanks Kevin. Could you please let me know how you have navigated to that screen?

Thanks Kevin for the reply. We do not have this option in 3.3.x version of DM.
How do we achieve it in 3.3.x version? Does pega provides any hotfix for this? or any tweak in OOTB rules to get this?
Can you please assist ?

Pegasystems Inc.

Thanks Kevin for the reply. We do not have this option in 3.3.x version of DM.
How do we achieve it in 3.3.x version? Does pega provides any hotfix for this? or any tweak in OOTB rules to get this?
Can you please assist ?

Pegasystems Inc.
This functionality is not supported in the 3.x series of Deployment Manager, only in the 4.x series and it only functions if the orchestrator system in on Pega Infinity 8.x series. You can if you wish, upgrade the orchestrator environment to the newest Pega Platform version 8.3 and install Deployment Manager 4.5, even with the target systems on 7.4 . A few things to keep in mind when you do that
- The target environments should be have PegaDevOpsFoundation v3.4.1 in the app stack
- DM 4.x series have introduced a number of new task types that are not compatible with 7.4 platform versions, but all the pipeline tasks that were supported in DM v 3.4.1 will continue to work. The specific tasks that are not supported include
- Validating test coverage
- Refresh application quality
- Scenario testing task
Hope that helps

Thank you