
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 18 Aug 2017 6:44 EDT
How to run agent at a specific times in a day. Such as 4:00,12:00,20:00 each day.
As per my project requirement we need to run the agent at specific time on each day say 04:00,12:00,20:00. As for the recurring schedule we can run the agent only once a day. Is there any way to achieve this. Other than duplicating the agent and run it at different times each day.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Unfortunately there is no way to have the same agent run at specific times of the days as you wish to do without duplicating it to run at different times.
Andrew Fontenelle
PDN and Pega Academy Support Team


PegaSystems Inc.
For recurring schedule, You can specify the start time and then recurring interval then on. Looks like your requirements is to run an agent every 8 hours. You can use recurring schedule to achieve that.
If you have multiple nodes on the system, you can have agent starting on different times in those nodes.
Hope this helps. Interesting question though.

Pegasystems Inc.
If we go for recurring then there is no option to put interval. It only runs once a day at a specific time. I only easy way I can think of is to have multiple instances running at specific time.
Gaurav Londhe
Updated: 14 Dec 2015 0:42 EST

Bank of Nova Scotia
Lets say if we want to put a start and end time within that time only the agent should run periodically!! with the current OOTB feature its not possible unless you put the code in the Agent Activity (in my opinion this will be easiest if you want only one activity to behave like this).
Nonetheless this is a valid scenario in any organization.

Areteans Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
I think you can achieve this by using pattern as periodic and in interval can put 8 hrs (28800) and start your agent manually at 4:00 so that the next run will be 12:00 and next to next will 20:00 and then again 4:00 , 12:00 and 20:00 .