
Last activity: 8 Oct 2015 9:25 EDT
How to refresh a single page in repeating grid if it is splitted based on Pagination
We have a repeating grid loading based on Page list with pagination 100. Max page list count goes to 500+. Each row has three drop downs. User can update them in the current page (say 3) by using button option provided in the section. On click the page list is updating with values in the clipboard and then we are refreshing the section contains Repeating Grid.
Proble here is on refresh the cursor is going to Page 1 by default. We would like to refresh only the current page (say 3) but not the whole page list.
Also if i update the 99th row on refresh the cursor is going to top.
Though it is expected behaviour here we have to customize this feature.
Is there any way we can achieve this or do we have already some pega oob features?
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Pegasystems Inc.
What version of Pega are you using? Also you put this in the reporting forum but as I read your question it is in a section that you are doing this, correct?
Cecil Howell, CSA | Senior Instructor | Pegasystems Inc.

We are using 6.2 version. yes it comes under UI category. i am using a repeating layout with Pagelist as input. Please let me know if you need further detials.
Adding to it. There is a pagination section(pyGridPaginator) on click a JS function is calling with parameters as shown below.
Which inturn calling reloadsection activity with parameters. Similarly can we call the same function to land into a given page?

Pegasystems Inc.
Please try using Refresh List in action event configuration.

Tech Mahindra
Hi Phanee,
I am also facing the same issue. After performing an action like edit or delete in page x in pagination , the section is reloding and the cursor is going to page 1.
How can i customize, to be on the same page of pagination after performing the edit or delete action.
As saikat said i have even tried using referesh list action event. but its not working.

Pegasystems Inc.
It should work.. Are you doing any event on edit or delete? Such as onChange or onClick? And you should not use refresh section in any event..
Let me know if it helps.

JSC Sberbank of Russia - Ukraine
Hello Everybody,
I have similar question.
I use RepeatGrid with short information and when User click on Grid, I show the detailed data. When User click on Pagination section (pyGridPaginator), information in Grid changes. But I don't know about this and can't change detailed data.
So, how to know (get control) when User click on Pagination section in RepeatGrid ?

Citicorp Services India Private Limited
Hi Phanee,
1. Create the drop down in seperate section in Repeat grid class context.
2. Configure the onchage -> Refresh section event in the drop down section.
3. Refer that section in the cell inside the repeat grid.
Please try this from your end and let me know if this helps.

Capgemini Nederland
Hi All,
I am facing the same issue in Pega 6.2 SP2. When I refresh the section, the pagination points to Page 1 by default in repeating Grid.
Refresh List option is not available in Pega 6.2. Is there any thing needs to be done to solve this issue please..

TATA Consultancy Services Ltd
Saikatc8 the refresh list does not work.
I am showing data,search result, using Report defination which is in repeat grid.the each row of the report defination has delete and update button.On pressing delete the data status changes to inactive and the delete button should be deactivated.
Similarly on pressing update a new section gets opened to update data and after successful updation the last report defination page should gets displayed with updated result.
On delete button I wrote an activity(click-->Run activity) to change the status and then refresh list(click-->refresh list).but the current report defination page does not get refreshed.
similar is the case for update.the page 1 gets displayed though I stop Page-New in the preactivity when gets back to search page from update page.
pls help.