
Tech Mahindra
Last activity: 18 Mar 2015 15:14 EDT
How to access to the solution application.
At "Source Your Data with Data Pages" of "Data Model", I have downloaded "Keyed Data Page.zip" from Excercise page.
And I have uploaded "DataPage.zip" to PRPC from the menu 'Design Studio' - 'Application' - 'Distribution' - 'Import'.
And after that I added the "DataPage" branch under HRServices 01.01.01.
But I couldn't find DataPage application in the Application menu.
I have tried to produce ACCESS GROUP "DataPage:Administrators".
But I got error like this;
How can I access to the application "DataPage"?
What is the correct way to do that?
Please let me know the process by step by step.
Does somebody have any suggestions?
Thank you.