Last activity: 7 Apr 2017 6:58 EDT
Getting no ID/Harness fail message
I am getting NO ID message displaying when i try to open the work object from the worklist.
Tried to trace it,can see below error message in newassign page.
pyErrorAssignment | true |
pyErrorMessage | ProblemAssignment_FlowNotAtTask |
pyParentFlowPath | SubProcess1 |
pxCreateOpName | |
pxUrgencyAssign | 10 |
pyDeferCommit | true |
pxLateExecuteCount | 0 |
pxApplication | |
pyPerformTaskTime | 0 |
pxUrgencyWork | 10 |
pxStageID | |
pxWorkGroup | Default |
pzInsKey | |
pxFormName | TabbedScreenFlow7 |
pxSystemFlow | false |
pxAssignedUserName | |
pxAssignedOperatorID | |
pxAssignedOrgUnit | Installation |
pxTopLevelFlowName | InitiateRequest |
pyFlowType | InitiateRequestScreenFlow |
pyInterestPageClass | |
pyErrorStep | Pending Approval |
pxStageLabel | |
pxInsName | |
pxApplicationLabel | |
pyRuleHarness | RuleFormLegacy |
pxIsInvestigative | false |
pyAccessGroup | |
pxRefObjectClass | |
pyLabel | |
pxTimeFlowStarted | 20160413T072212.402 GMT |
pxCreateDateTime | 20160413T072335.396 GMT |
pxRefObjectKey | |
pxFlowInsKey | |
pxSaveDateTime | 20160413T072432.229 GMT |
pxAssignDateTime | 20160413T072335.396 GMT |
pyPerformActionTime | 0 |
pxTaskName | AssignmentSF2 |
pxAssignedOrgDiv | Administration |
pxRefObjectPageName | pyWorkPage |
pxFlowName | |
pyDeferErrors | true |
pyAssignmentStatus | Error: Flow Not At Task |
I am able to open the work object when i newly create and updated data and save work object.
When i try to move to inbetween screens(like move to 2,3 screen and come to 1 and try to do save and exit) in the screen flow and do save and exit and try to open the WO from the work list, it is displaying no id/Harness fail message.
Can some one help/guide if they have faced similar issue.