Full Name property: Declare Expression versus Data Transform
In the candidate excersise the Candidate.FullName property is set using a data transform in the post processing action in the flow action Personal Information. For the Onboarding case the property Employee.FullName is set using a declare expression.
This confuses me on what can be condisered best practise. At first sight a data transform seems more suited as it is part of the Data Category whereas declare experession belong to the Decision category. The big difference is I see is that the declare expression automatically updates the full name on the form without additional configuration whereas for the candidate case the full name is only updated after the form has been submitted..
To make it even more confusing there is also the pyFullName. Looking into the details of the property within Data-Party class I can neither see a data transform or declare expression rule, Nevertheless the usage documentation on the property says: Composed of pyFirstName + pyMiddleInitial + pyLastName + pyNameSuffix.
(1) Any guidelines on what can be considered best practise Data Transform vs Decare Expression.
(2) How and where pyFullName getting populated.
Regards, Erik