
Last activity: 6 Apr 2018 19:26 EDT
During Pega 7.1.8 upgrade adding Multitenant column, pzTenantID
Hi ,
As part of pega 7.1.8 upgrade ,
SQL databases do not allow the addition of a non-null column to an existing table unless the table is
empty; upgrading systems on those databases displays an error "Table must be empty to add column".
These Pega 7 tables do not include the required pzTenantID columns:
So Pega is asking us to truncate this tables . But this tables already contains the schdule reports and subscribed operator details for reports.If we truncate this table is pega automatically creates these values again through upgrade script ?
If not , I am trying to take back up of this existing data and tries to insert again I don't know what is the exact value to be in pzTenantID column.
Can any one help me quickly on this as I am in middle of upgradation.
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