Close All opened tabs on click of a button
We've a specific requirement to close all opened tabs on click of a single button. can someone help us with this.
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Could you please check the OOTB pzStudioContainer section. In that you have a drop down menu which has a close all option. Please hit the Close all button at runtime and trace the activity using the tracer. This can help you to give idea to create a button and call the OOTB close all activity

hi N@gendra,
have u got any approach as we also need to do the same. If yes please let me know the procedure to do the same

Hi All,
I guess SATAS, is referring to the option available in the devloper portal, Close All Tabs at the top right corner, as shown below

Hello DemiGods,
I have done this a while back and the easiset way to achieve this is to fire the onclick event on the span elements as shown below :
<SPAN style="DISPLAY: inline; VISIBILITY: visible" id=close class=iconCloseSmall> </SPAN>
To make sure you are not firing the onclick on unnecessary spans or unwanted spans, make sure the spans are all inside the div tabcontainer. Once you find these spans, just do click action. This way, you do an ootb way of closing the workarea tabs and the harness resize etc should trigger automatically.
Hello DemiGods,
I have done this a while back and the easiset way to achieve this is to fire the onclick event on the span elements as shown below :
<SPAN style="DISPLAY: inline; VISIBILITY: visible" id=close class=iconCloseSmall> </SPAN>
To make sure you are not firing the onclick on unnecessary spans or unwanted spans, make sure the spans are all inside the div tabcontainer. Once you find these spans, just do click action. This way, you do an ootb way of closing the workarea tabs and the harness resize etc should trigger automatically.
var l = document.getElementById('
for(var i=0; i<50; i++);
This should give a starting point for you.