
Kivco Consultants Inc.
Last activity: 4 Jun 2016 8:19 EDT
Cannot create onboarding case
I am on section "Building Assignment Focused (Intent-Driven) user interface". Unfortunately, I don't know when the following error was introduced since I haven't attempted to run the onboarding case until now.
"fail The property pyWorkPage.pyWorkParty(Owner) was of mode String while com.pega.pegarules.data.internal.clipboard.ClipboardPropertyImpl.getPageValue() was expecting Page mode. Details: (none) Admin@SAE HB8F22F7B6E1D92BFB836DC089E02F6BC PegaRULES 7.10 ML6 (coreAssemblyCached_716_259)"
Can anyone provide me any ideas how I can debug this to get my exercise back on track? Yes, I can obviously start over, and run the case after each exercise to see what I have done wrong, but I might as well learn how to solve this type of problem.
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Kivco Consultants Inc.
For further color on the issue:
This is the first error from the UI trace:
For further color on the issue:
This is the first error from the UI trace:
Close |

I just want to echo that this happened to me as well, and I was following the guide as close to the letter as possible. I wish I could remember exactly what I did that resolved this.

Kivco Consultants Inc.
FYI, I started over (just named everything with a 2 after it) and it worked, but when I compare the two sets of rules I cannot find any differences.
The important thing here though is that I would like to have a methodology to debug and correct the error, but unfortunately the course so far has not provided this. Anyone out there who can help with any pointers, I would very much appreciate it.

One thing that I did encounter, and maybe when I dealt with this problem the above was resolved, was I had flows in Onboarding that had mismatched key values and labels. So, I would use the stage designer and have things looking a certain way, save, and then upon commit and refreshing the view...the step names would change.
So I went through every flow record in Onboarding, and made sure that the "key" (aka id) matched what I think is the label (excepting spaces) and I found quite a few that didn't match and a handful of "extra" flows were created when I had made steps for each evaluation period (which I had already switched to a single step with multiple assignments) and those flow names were all truncated.
So, if you are curious...take a look at all the flows in your original Onboarding case and see if you have a) extra flows and b) IDs match labels. You can click on the label to edit it (the bigger text) so I updated all the flow labels to match their IDs and then deleted out all the "extra" flows with truncated names.
Not sure if this happened to you, but after I did that, my case creation woes were over.

Kivco Consultants Inc.
I have now deleted everything from the onboarding case and created a new stage (Test Stage) with a new step (Test Step)
I have removed virtually all rules from this case. There is still something different though because the class edit screen for the new working case shows the type being "Concrete" and greyed out. While the broken case shows the type being "Concrete" but for some reason I can still change it to abstract (even if I add a form and section to "Test Step")

Pegasystems Inc.
I'm curious.
"The class edit screen for the new working case..."
Did you create a new case type, or are you still working in the Onboarding case type and simply adding new stages to it?
Also, (I may have missed it), is this happening when you first try to create an Onboarding case? It looks like it is.
p.s. What drives the class type being greyed out, or not, is if any instances of a case type have been instantiated. If any were, it will be greayed out.
p.p.s We did a proof-of-concept for adding troubleshooting into the exercise guides. It blew up into this huge thing really quickly. The possible issues, and variations of those issues, was infinite. It seemed best to let folks post to the forums.

Kivco Consultants Inc.
- "Did you create a new case type, or are you still working in the Onboarding case type and simply adding new stages to it?"
I'm not sure what you are asking, but I'll just answer as broadly as I can. I created a new stage with a single step in the existing broken case type and deleted all other stages and steps. Separately, I created a new case type and recompleted the exercises -- and that works. For the broken case type, I have removed all rules beneath SAE-HRServices-Work-Onboarding (and de-subclassed the two subcase-types). However, I did not touch the system generated rules (those beginning with "py".) I compared the definitions for the system generated rules and they are the same, except where appropriate. For example, the data propagation is different because there are now no subcases for the broken onboarding case.
The case type now has no meaningful functionality remaining, but the error message is still the same.
What I think I did that broke stuff: I should point out that during the exercises I switched between Chrome and IE because the popup window to create new data tables does not work in Chrome (seemingly unrelated to popup-blocking status.) In IE, I tried to drag and drop properties from the smart tree on the left to the main screen so as to add a component to a UI layout (yes, I realize this is foolish) and a model dialog opened in IE (asking for clipboard permissions) that locked up the browser because IE fails to release the mouse-grab status (modal-locking all IE windows with no recourse!!!). Due to my genius, I repeated this several times before clueing in that this is not the way things work. Each time I had to restart IE and at least once I remember that the designer studio was messed up upon restart (I cleared the browser cache and logged in fresh again).
It is possible that I did something during one of these abnormal paths that permanently broke the case definition. Although it is also possible that it was broken at the time of creation because I never ran the case. But if it was broken afterward, that would be a problem.
My concern is that I can break a client's existing case-type, necessitating a version rollback with rework. Would it be helpful if I posted the XML of the broken case-type?
- "Also, (I may have missed it), is this happening when you first try to create an Onboarding case? It looks like it is."
- "p.s. What drives the class type being greyed out, or not, is if any instances of a case type have been instantiated. If any were, it will be greayed out."
Okay, so that's true, I haven't created any instances of that case-type yet.

I just had this issue re-occur, and the only files I had open (and I am pretty sure I didn't touch any) were related to the data class for HR Plan. IE had frozen earlier. I cleared my browser cache and a few other things trying to find how to clear my browser cache ;) and that seemed to clear up the issue.
I didn't even have a pyWorkPage in the clipboard.

Pegasystems Inc.
Well, I can see where it's failing: step 17 in an activity named createWorkPage. And I can follow the thread starting with the pyDefault case type record, then on into pyCaseManagementDefault work parties record, etc.
I checked the PDN and this particular error has been reported before, albeit with no resolutions posted. I'll take a look at support tickets to see if it's been reported there, but for now I offer this up to anyone who may have figured out a way to resolve this error.
One last thing. I am assuming you are using the online exercise system. Send a note to [email protected] and ask them to restart your exercise environment. ReSTART not reSET - because if they reset it you will lose everything. Not sure it will make a difference but Ctl-Alt-Del could probably make the sun rise in the west and set in the east; no one's ever tried.
I will report back my findings from the support site search.
sorry I couldn't be of more help.

Pegasystems Inc.
Ok, so @BramK998,
What happens if you:
Dump the cache in IE? Then try to create a case
Try creating a case using Chrome?

Kivco Consultants Inc.

Pegasystems Inc.
Never give an Apple fan-boi an opportunity like that ;)
OMG, the temptation

Sorry it wasn't clear earlier, but I resolved this by clearing the IE browser cache as best I can tell. I had to log back in to the exercise environment (which I assume is NOT a reSTART). Hope this is helpful.
Basically IE froze.
Then I had the problem
Then I cleared the IE browser cache
Closed all IE windows
Restarted IE, re-logged in to exercise environment
Hopefully someone can verify that (since I did click on some IE options while looking for the "clear cache" option

Cheri Gaudet
Clearing my cache fixed this error for me as well.

Cognizant Technology Solutions
I had a similar issue and clearing IE cache fixed this error for me as well.

I had a similar problem and I happen to find this forum post.
clearing the IE cache helped resolve the issue.