Case Management Exercise - Cannot create Case Type
I've had my share of troubles with Internet Explorer, but was doing well with Firefox. With Internet Explorer, certain GUI elements were just unresponsive. With Firefox they work, but popups and context menus dance all over the place. Only mentioning in case something is displaying OFF the screen and I don't know abou it.
So I'm trying to create "Evaluate Employee" case. I have created a branch for the exercise and a branch ruleset for LP7. Now when I try to create case from Case Manager, I get the following error.
No unlocked RuleSet Version is available to create or update Rule-Obj-Class .
Huh? I've been doing all exercise just this way. Making sure only my exercise branch is in my application and have not been having any issues. However when creating Case Type I am. Is it because it is non-versioned object? What am I missing?