Pega Infinity™ includes an industry-standard patch release process to simplify and maintain high-quality releases. Several cumulative patches are released a year for each release stream. The Resolved Issues page contains information about client-reported issues that have been addressed for the specific release.
For a complete set of the Resolved Issues for this release, download the PDF attachment at the bottom of this page. (Note that you must be logged in to access the attachment.)
Low-code Application Development
Case Management
24.2.1 Patch Resolved Issues for Case Management
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-B24617 | 880580 | Corrected handling for auto-processed SLA queue item | When the DSS UseSLAQueueProcessor was set to true, an assignment configured with "Allow auto Process" and SLA defined was moved to the broken queue instead of being removed when the assignment was auto-processed. This has been resolved by updating the logic in the flowfua_task_assignment function. | Case Management |
INC-B27412 | 902405 | Updated logic for archival case ID | After the Case Archival process was completed, some of the archived cases still appeared in the global search even though the Archival search filter was not included. Investigation showed live cases were not removed from indexes due to missing letter-case matches caused by the pyID being derived from the pzInsKey. This was a missed use case, and has been resolved by updating the logic to send the exact value of pyID by getting it from the respective tables so live cases will be deleted from indexes. | Case Management |
INC-B30601 | 895711 | File upload supports up to 2GB | Attempting to attach a file larger than 1 GB using the local action pzManageRecentContent in the pyCaseRelatedContent section in case attachments resulted in a "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" error. This has been resolved by updating the pzUploadAttachmentToDocument activity to support uploading files of up to 2GB. | Case Management |
INC-B33358 | 889929 | Updated handling for wait configuration | The Assignment page was not correctly set after reaching a wait configuration with a dependency. This has been resolved by updating the function in the pyContinueAfterWaitPre data transform to PageExistsWithClass and ensuring the necessary parameters are passed. | Case Management |
INC-B34651 | 897913 | Null check added for empty BulkProcessTransferFlowAction | Bulk actions failed with an error if the BulkProcessTransferFlowAction application setting was empty for the environment level. This has been resolved by adding additional error handling. | Case Management |
INC-B36062 | 897059 | AddWorkObject locking updated to prevent 404 response from REST API | Under very heavy load, there are circumstances where the commit of a new case did not complete prior to returning to the activity step it was spawned from, leading to the DX API response being sent to the client and the client responding with an ID that did not exist yet because the commit had still not finished. This has been addressed by updating the locking for the svcAddWorkObject activity. | Case Management |
INC-B36579 | 894551 | Updated search panel security | Cross-site scripting protections have been added to the search panel. | Case Management |
INC-B37071 | 893571 | Added support for Pulse notes archived to secondary storage | When long text was submitted to a Pulse message, the full message was not visible on the archived case. This was traced to the Data-WorkAttach-Note record not getting saved into secondary storage, and has been resolved by adding logic to copy the Data-Attach-Note instance of a case. | Case Management |
INC-B40273 | 893598 | SendEmail security updated | Cross-site scripting filters have been added to the SendEmail control. | Case Management |
INC-B40285 | 893919 | Mandatory validations correctly enforced for launch screen | In Theme-Cosmos applications, it was possible to continue from the screenflow Create screen without completing mandatory fields if "Allow Errors" was checked. After launching new case the second time, no mandatory field errors were displayed when clicking on the create button. This has been corrected by updating the isDeferError and customClientErrorHandler functions in the Navigation rule to ensure the "Allow Errors" checkbox is handled correctly. | Case Management |
INC-B40474 | 893086 | Corrected pxProcesses page handling for change stage automation | When a change stage was used in the flow process as a shape, the action was not marking the task/assignment as done. Using change stage from the Action button as a case-wide action worked as expected. Investigation showed that while performing the change stage with a "Change to a specific stage" automation step, the pxProcesses page used by the pxStageHistory page was being removed from the pyWorkPage for that stage. This has been corrected. | Case Management |
INC-B41088 INC-B38253 |
892400 889776 |
Lock released on case with optimistic lock when error occurs | The lock was not released when an exception occurred during case processing in Constellation on a case using optimistic locking . This has been resolved by adding logic in the pzPerformActionErrorHandle activity and the pzJumpToStep activity to check if the case locking is optimistic and release the lock on the case if an exception is encountered. | Case Management |
INC-B42463 | 895501 | Constellation preprocessing documentation updated | The documentation for Constellation has been updated to clarify that preprocessing is run on submit and refresh of assignment and case actions. | Case Management |
INC-B42994 | 895001 | Corrected attachment category access handling | A category with no access was listed during add/edit attachment. Adding an attachment generated an error indicating a permissions issue. In Edit Attachment, it was possible to select an attachment which was not included in the user access. This has been resolved by updating the handling in the EditAttachmentAPIWrapper activity to first set the attachment name and categories and then check for edit access. | Case Management |
INC-B43205 | 893396 | Check added to ParseMentionedItem to limit search | Long email threads that include email domains containing hyphens (ie were causing performance impact. This was due to the system is pulling all references to the hyphenated text in the activity pzSaveMentionedUsers and then iterating through the entire list of mentions to determine if they are users, cases, etc. This was a missed use case, and has been resolved by adding a 'when' condition to check for "." in the string passed to Pega-Ext-Mentions-Cases.pyParseMentionedItem to limit the search. | Case Management |
INC-B45983 | 897991 | Attaching with FilePath control works with SessionTimer | When the toggle pxSessionTimer was enabled, attempting to attach any content using the pxFilePath control was not working. This has been resolved with the addition of a null check for RefreshSection in Section node in pxFileUpload Control. | Case Management |
INC-B46243 | 908987 | Corrected stack overflow for archive process | The archival process was failing with a StackOverflow error when executed in pipeline mode. This has been resolved by updating caseHierarchy.toString() . | Case Management |
INC-B46619 | 904890 | Updated handling for RecalculateAndSave activity | After configuring a multiselect grid using a data reference property, clicking the "Select All" checkbox in the table header resulted in the error "Exception caught during invocation of PRObjectWrapper.prGetString() for Java Property". This has been resolved by modifying the logic in the RecalculateAndSave activity to disable autopopulate while saving an instance. | Case Management |
INC-B47572 | 898119 | Improved performance for large screen DX API | A performance issue was seen when using DX API for large screens. This was traced to previous work done to address a potential cross-site scripting vulnerability, and has been resolved. | Case Management |
INC-B49205 | 903856 | Updated handling for case action ResumeFlow | ResumeFlow was not working from the case action when using the pxPerformCaseAction case activity. Investigation traced this to a mismatch in parameters, and this has been resolved by updating the handling. | Case Management |
INC-B49246 | 902494 | Corrected attachment class handling after cancelled delete | After attaching a document, previewing it, and clicking delete from the 3 dots menu, clicking the cancel button to stop the deletion resulted in the attachment being removed from the Link-Attachment class and it was not able to be previewed again. This was a missed use case and has been corrected by adding a wrapper activity to prevent deleting the Link-attachment instances on cancel or close actions. | Case Management |
INC-B50173 | 904998 | Corrected handling for count of linkedto cases | The D_pzCountOfItemsPerWidget was not returning the proper count of linkedto cases when the association was configured by running the pxCreateAssociation activity. However when the case utilities widgets expanded, the linkedtocases were properly shown under related cases. This was traced to a difference in the filter handling and has been corrected. | Case Management |
INC-B50225 | 903915 | Documentation for DX API actions updated | The documentation for Constellation has been updated to clarify that the PATCH /cases DX API endpoint supports only case-wide actions that update cases directly. Actions such as Transfer and Adjust Assignment SLA, though they can be listed in the case-wide optional actions section, actually apply to assignments. | Case Management |
INC-B50770 | 903577 | Error message displayed on mobile with external repository | When an external repository was enabled, uploading a duplicate attachment from a mobile device did not generate the correct error message. This has been resolved with an update to the pzAttachContentFile activity for the error message related to strFailedMsg, and the localized string value has been added for that error message. | Case Management |
INC-B51419 | 903734 | Usage and documentation updated for pyBulkProcessing operator ID | The documentation for bulk processing has been updated to clarify proper steps for "Troubleshooting errors with Assignments stuck with pxAssignedOperatorID=pyBulkProcessing". This covers the needed information to avoid or correct a scenario where cases became stuck because an agent or node went down and assignments were moved to the Assign-Worklist of the pyBulkProcessing operator ID but the pyBulkProcessing operator profile was not valid. The usage section of the rule BULKPROCESSINGID has also been updated with more detail, and reads "During bulk processing exceptions, Cases will be routed to the operator specified in this Application Setting. Save this setting to the current application Ruleset and update the value with the operator ID to which Cases should be routed. Ensure no other operator or Work Queue in the system uses this ID." | Case Management |
INC-B52231 | 904261 | Accessibility added to application icons | The application logos/icons used in the pzDeferLoadApplicationLogo control were missing the alternative text for accessibility. This has been resolved by adding the alt attribute with appName for the logo image. | Case Management |
INC-B52394 | 908196 | Corrected launch accessibility for link with icon | After using the the attach content control to configure three controls in a section, one as a button and two as a link where one of the links had an icon class displayed in addition to the label, the control with the link and icon class did not launch on spacebar/enter key press after tabbing to it. This has been resolved by adding the aria-hidden='true' attribute in pzGenerateLinkOrButtonAttach to indicate that the icon is not essential for screen readers. | Case Management |
INC-B53300 | 908817 | Corrected Cancel button label for better accessibility | The Cancel button n the attach content pop up had extra information when it received focus, speaking "cancel button Click here to cancel work". This was a missed use case, and has been resolved by updating the pyMessageLabel Cancel field value to announce "Cancel". | Case Management |
INC-B53319 | 905666 | Updated handling to find viewName for Approval flow | Attempting to save the Approval task by clicking on the "Save for later" button generated the error "The requested action pyApproval could not be found". This was traced to an issue with the viewName parameter being set, and has been resolved with an update to ensure that when the pyViewReference on the flow action rule is empty, the pzGetViewName activity will be called to set the view name that is configured on the Approve Reject smart shape. | Case Management |
INC-C2878 | 909524 | DSS added for RecalculateAndSave backwards compatibility | After update, a service call which updated the parent case and created a child case was generating the error "ORA-00001 Unique Constraint". Investigation traced this to the child case creation method being customized to use obj-save with write now, which was not working with recent changes to the RecalculateAndSave activity to add insert queries. To support this customization, the DSS SkipInsertQueryUponCaseCreation has been added to skip the add insert logic and restore the previous functionality of merge/update. | Case Management |
Cloud Services
There were no 24.2.1 Resolved Issues for Cloud Services.
Conversational Channels
24.2.1 Resolved Issues for Conversational Channels
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-B28013 | 879676 | Digital Messaging Service connectors relocated into Pega Rules | In order to support connecting the Digital Messaging Service (DMS) with an external authentication provider, the code has been refactored to move connectors from Java methods into the Pega Rules. Rules calling old methods have been adjusted to use Pega Rules instead. In addition, BYOK encryption has been added for Digital Messaging attachments. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B28588 INC-B42444 |
899981 901902 |
Handling added for unexpected attachment filepaths | Handling added for unexpected attachment filepaths In some scenarios, the email content section of a case was unexpectedly empty. The error "PRRuntimeException Paths may not navigate out of the scope of their definition" was logged. This was caused by the email containing an attachment that indicated a filepath starting with ../ (two dots instead of one), usually for inline attachments such as logos in email signatures. To resolve this, pyPreProcessTriageWork has been updated to remove unnecessary characters from inline attachments before attaching the email. |
Conversational Channels |
INC-B33097 | 889376 | "Run visibility condition on client" unchecked for PostEmailContentV2 | The UI and icons of an email triage pane changed automatically if the case was left open. This was caused by an auto-refresh of section by the SystemHealthIndicator evaluating all of the visibility conditions present in the current AJAX container (IFrame). During that validation by the change tracker, the conditions were returning false and affecting the icons and their visibility. This has been resolved by unchecking the "Run visibility condition on client" in the section pyPostEmailContentV2, which is part of the work being done to remove client-side visibility conditions and switch to server side checks. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B35358 | 889838 | Updated harness types for IsHarnessTypePerform 'when' rule | After reopening a Service Case containing an email thread and moving the case to Resolved-Completed status, the Reply button option was visible in the Confirm Harness screen even though it had a 'when' condition to display only in the Perform harness. This has been resolved by adding PerformFrames to the custom list of harness type parameters in the pyIsHarnessTypePerform 'when' rule of both Work-Channel-Triage-Email and PegaSocial-Message classes. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B39275 | 895508 | Proactive chat trigger invokes HandleLanguage activity | When using a chat setup with the proactive chat trigger on window load to expand the chat bubble by default, the proper browser language was not setup so the initial chat messages were always in English. Selecting a chat queue then called pyHandleLanguage which also updated the operator instance and the next messages were in the localized language. This has been resolved with an update to call pyHandleLanguage earlier in the welcome event handling. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B39766 | 891035 | Handling added for history item errors | Runtime exceptions from the natural language processing (NLP) analysis resulted in pyHistory being created with incomplete data. To resolve this, Rule changes have been added to ensure pyHistory record creation when an error occurs in NLP, along with added logging and an extension point. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B40592 | 894270 | Added extension point for custom access group used for Data-Channel-BotAgent-Integrations | The error message "You are not authorized to save instance DATA-CHANNEL-BOTAGENT-INTEGRATIONS of class Data-Channel-BotAgent-Integrations" was being logged. This was traced to the background processing being run with the default access group of the operator who triggered the pzRefreshIntegrations activity and not the access group used when queueing the background processing. This was an implementation issue which did not account for site-specific variations in the permissions for the default access group of an operator, and has been resolved by adding an extension point for a custom access group with the needed permissions for the background processing activity. The Extension point pySetCustomAccessGroup will be used when the flag pzUseCurrentAccessGroupForChild is set to true and will be added during queueBatchActivity processing in the pzRefreshIntegrations activity. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B45110 | 895348 | Handling added for extra characters in inline email attachments | On some occasions, inbound email replies sent from Microsoft Outlook web clients were not correctly being attached to an existing case, and the runtime error "PRRuntimeException Paths may not navigate out of the scope of their definition" was logged. This was traced to extraneous characters included in file paths for inline attachments such as logos in email signatures where the filepath started with ../ (two dots instead of one). This has been resolved by updating the pyPreProcessTriageWork activity to remove unnecessary characters from attachment names and replace special characters with '_' for the inline attachments of inbound emails. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B46032 | 896107 | CreatePostAndWorkPartyFromEmail log level changed | The log level in pzCreatePostAndWorkPartyFromEmail has been updated from "LogInfoForced" to "Error" to prevent potentially capturing sensitive data. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B46226 | 900925 | Logging added for operator presence issues | An intermittent issue was seen where all customers waiting in chat queues were suddenly removed. Due to the volume of requestors and interactions on the environment, targeted logging has been added to avoid impact on system performance. The setting OPERATORS_TODEBUG uses operator IDs to track the activity of few selected CSRs to facilitate debugging operator presence issues. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B46577 | 897784 | Chat transcript storage updated to better handle migration | Duplicate messages and missing messages were seen in the Chat transcripts after upgrade. Investigation showed if a chat was in the pipeline under Pega 8.7.6 and then accepted again after upgrading to Pega Infinity 24.1.1, the Chat transcript was not correctly added to transcript storage. This was due to the migration being called twice as a requirement to propagate properties from the migrated interaction to the currently processed pyInteractionCase clipboard page. To prevent double migration, an update has been made to propagate the migration status of existing interactions to pyInteractionCase. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B47521 | 897803 | Email thread history editable in Reply | While performing Reply, the email thread history was appended in the backend after the Send action was performed. This limited updating or removing any sensitive/restricted data available on previous threads before sending out the email to recipients. To resolve this, an update has been made to pre-fill the text/html from the previous email when Email Composer is opened. This work also adds a backward compatible 'Access complete email' for cases created / in progress prior to this update and optimizes the handling of inline images by not duplicating content. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B49985 | 904758 | Added null check to TreatIncomingText | When a plain text format email contained special characters, the pyTreatIncomingText activity in the email listener was generating a null pointer exception. This has been resolved by adding a check. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B50152 | 901793 | Email case load optimization | When there were a lot of email cases in in-flight mode and if all emails in that case are pre-loaded in one single request (on screen load), a requestor lock exception occurred that caused the requestor pool to be exhausted. This has been resolved with an update to use deferred load of emails on demand so that emails that are not seen on screen are not loaded on clipboard. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B50303 | 901670 | Updated handling for very large inbox in Constellation | The UI component of the Constellation Email Manager Portal was failing to load the next set of cases after the first 150 items. This was seen due to the progressive loading of a very large inbox (over 2.6k in this scenario) using continuous scrolling which was repeatedly invoking the loadMore method and calling the API with the same loadedEmailCount twice. This has been resolved with an update to handle this usecase. | Conversational Channels |
INC-C178 | 909839 | Improved JSOUP handling of large CSS data | The EmailListener was not processing the emails to create/update case when using the POP3 protocol. This was traced to a performance issue when JSOUP iterates over a very large CSS selector, and has been addressed by refactoring the handling to allow faster processing of latest reply extraction. | Conversational Channels |
Data Integration
24.2.1 Resolved Issues for Data Integration
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
Special Note | 891720 | PEGA00167 alert added to identify UDF activity | Relying on Java UDFs to extract one or more BLOB columns to be used for reports or application queries can negatively affect application performance, especially with large database tables or multiple, simultaneous BLOB column extractions which can occur on large, complex applications. Issues such as database out-of-memory errors or queue processors failing to process records may be seen and affect all nodes in cluster, impairing recovery. Beginning in Pega Platform version 8.6, Pega deprecated usage of the Java user-defined functions (UDFs) due to their severe performance impact. In a future release of Pega Platform, Pega will no longer support Java UDFs for on-premises deployments. Pega Platform deployments do not require Java UDFs and in most cases, Pega does NOT recommend the installation of Java UDFs. In order to assist with this transition, the PEGA00167 alert has been added to notify if any report or any use case is using UDF. |
Data Integration |
INC-B10618 | 904619 | Logging added to diagnose insights issue | Additional logging has been added to to assist with diagnosing issues with imported insights intermittently not loading in the portal page. | Data Integration |
INC-B14829 | 901867 | Added handling for MSSQL pxupdatedatetime rounding | While acquiring lock on the work object, Obj-Refresh-And-Lock was not working as expected and refreshed the current pyWorkPage because it was considered stale. Investigation showed this was caused by a mismatch in the pxUpdateDateTime comparison between the step page and the database, which was traced to the rounding used by MicrosoftSQL changing values ending in 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 to use the digit 7. To address this, Obj-Refresh-and-Lock has been updated to assure that the contents of the step page are current and a lock is appropriately held on the corresponding object. If the object is locked and the lock has not expired, this method has no effect. If the object is not locked, this method acquires a lock and if necessary replaces the step page contents with the current value of an object instance. | Data Integration |
INC-B19847 | 871878 | Additional logging added for Lake Gen 2 configuration exceptions | Logging has been added to collect the HttpResponse exception generated when attempting to configure a Microsoft Azure Data Lake Gen2 repository. | Data Integration |
INC-B23270 | 886291 | Support added for abstract property generation | When using the connector and metadata wizard to generate classes properties and parseXML rules for use in a large new XSD with abstract properties, properties were not getting generated from the XSD when abstract=true. This has been resolved by adding support for generating the properties with abstract. | Data Integration |
INC-B28508 | 879320 | Updated OpenAPI Export parameters for Service-REST | The generated OpenAPI specification for a Service-REST rule was incorrectly generating the field allowEmptyValue for all parameter types. This has been resolved with an update to restrict allowEmptyValue to true only for query parameters and not for path/header parameters. | Data Integration |
INC-B29673 | 903828 | Debugging logging added for Tomcat servers | Enhanced logging has been added to assist with diagnosing issues with the Tomcat server shutdown. | Data Integration |
INC-B32312 | 899165 | Accessibility improved for pyMapFieldsInner | Helper text has been added to all default fields the MapFieldsInner section for improved accessibility. | Data Integration |
INC-B32764 | 889902 | Connect-FTP handling added for multibyte code filename | An update has been made to support transferring files with names that include multibyte code such as Japanese characters on an IIS FTPS server using Connect-FTP. These changes are dependent upon the DSS "ftp/enableUTF8Encoding" which must be set to true for this use. | Data Integration |
INC-B32976 | 901925 | Corrected file extension for Smart Dispute | When using the Pega Smart Dispute Framework Application, the .pdf extension was missing for the generated PDF file, causing the CreateCB service invocation to fail. This has been corrected. | Data Integration |
INC-B34410 | 899779 | DSS added to use lower TLS protocol for MSGraph | After upgrading from Pega 6 to Pega 8, sending email attachments larger than 3MB using the Microsoft Graph API was not working and the error "Blocked by tenant configured AppOnly AccessPolicy settings" was logged from from SENDEMAILNOTIFICATION. In Pega 8, an enhancement was introduced to use proxy configuration for MSGraph which included integrating trustStore and keyStore details into the HTTP client. By default the native protocol settings are used, which in this case was expected to be TLS 1.3. However, since does not support TLS 1.3, this error occurred. To support this use, the DSS "getSupportedLowestTLSVersion" has been added to fetch a lower supporting protocol and configure the same value in the HTTP client. | Data Integration |
INC-B35087 | 903365 | closeIdleConnections() tuned | Slow response was seen for Rule-Connect- SOAP/REST service calls, and application performance was impacted. Investigation showed there was a HTTP network close handshake delay causing unused SOAP connectors to not be promptly closed. To address this, the connection pool cleanup code to has been moved to the queue processor. | Data Integration |
INC-B35491 | 887794 | Email Listener updated for MSGraph subfolders | Email listener was not working for multi-level subfolders such as Inbox/Sub-Folder1/Sub-Folder2 when using MSGraph, and decrypted mail content wasn't visible in the work-channel object. Support for these has now been added. | Data Integration |
INC-B36970 | 892359 | Corrected bulk test case execution | Test cases run from the action button on the test case ruleform executed as expected, but running the test cases in bulk was failing. This was an unintended side effect of work done to the getSimulationActivity to correct access context and maintain case lock during Connect REST invocations, and has been resolved by updating the logic used to conditionally fetch the simulation page in getsimulationActivity. | Data Integration |
INC-B37040 | 892042 | Corrected decryption of embedded properties | After update, case search was failing with the error "An internal error occurred while fetching the results using data view. Please contact administrator." Investigation showed when there was a combination of pagelist and a property with the syntax ".AddressList().City", the decryption of the mixed use case syntax was not handled from data page API end. This has been corrected by updating the decryption of the embedded page and pagelists for lookup and list endpoints. | Data Integration |
INC-B37751 | 889940 | Value rounding method updated for improved accuracy | The "Round up to nearest" rounding method was not working correctly inside cell properties in a section. This was caused by javascript storing the floating numbers to the nearest possible value, which can be different from the exact value. This has been resolved with an update to use the 'tofixed' method to round up the decimal values. | Data Integration |
INC-B38804 | 904052 | Added null check for portalName | After creating a case from Postman using REST services and executing custom logic to update the pulse data, trying to save the datapage using the pzSaveDataPage activity generated an error indicating "InvalidParameterException: cannot be null or blank". Investigation showed there were attributes missing so the clipboard was not holding the required parameters in the Declare_pyDisplay.pyDisplay page. This has been resolved by adding null/blank checks for portalName in & pzGenerateMicroDC Rule-Utility-Functions. | Data Integration |
INC-B40138 | 895808 | Sort check on data transform updated for backwards compatibility | After upgrade, using the Sort option on a data transform was failing. This was traced to a browser issue caused by the JavaScript interpreter inside the webview not having the same handling as the older version used previously, specifically that the check whether the parameter for "SORT" is array by executing "inputArray instanceof Array" was now returning false and generating an error. This has been resolved by updating the check to "Array.isArray(inputArray)". | Data Integration |
INC-B41302 | 895160 | Security updated for responses | Cross-site scripting (XSS) security has been updated for service request responses. | Data Integration |
INC-B41381 | 901654 | Changed logging level for missing meta data | The error "Page D_GetReceiveFileTargetFilesList in Thread TABTHREAD1 in Requestor is missing meta data. Skipping this page for passivation" was repeatedly generated and filling up logs. Investigation traced this to a custom D_GetReceiveFileTargetFilesList data page which did not contain the expected meta data. Missing meta data does not have any functional impact and there will be no loss of business logic. To prevent the excess logging, this has been addressed by downgrading the log level from error to warn. | Data Integration |
INC-B41547 | 897999 | Corrected service REST label during creation | An incorrect Label was displayed while creating a service REST rule. This has been resolved by updating the pzRARecordConfiguration section in the Rule-Service-REST class. | Data Integration |
INC-B41646 | 896452 | Date format consistent after export for long property names | When trying to export a data type in the application, some of the date columns were exported in 'yyyymmdd' format while others were in 'mm/dd/yyyy' format. This issue was traced to the name of the property exceeding 32 characters: this length meant it was being converted into a hash value and then being returned as a general format due to not having required formatting attached. While there was a workaround of using property names under 32 characters, this has been resolved by updating the logic to find the property type first before changing the property name to the hash value. | Data Integration |
INC-B41953 | 895829 | Updated webservices library versions | After upgrade, trying to send an email from the activity on submit of Flow Action generated a "NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/activation/registries/LogSupport" from the SendEmailNotification process. This has been resolved by repackaging the SOAP service webservices-rt jar with updated libraries. | Data Integration |
INC-B42029 | 897916 | PerformXSLT updated | After upgrading from Pega 7 to Infinity '23, the PerformXSLT function was not working. This was traced to work which removed a vulnerable library previously used in the function, and has been resolved by updating the TransformerFactory implementation. | Data Integration |
INC-B42844 | 895125 | Corrected file extension after attachment migration | The file extension was missing after running the attachment migration tool. This has been corrected by modifying the pzGetAttchmentContent actvity to add the extension type. | Data Integration |
INC-B44271 | 898204 | Updated guardrail warnings for File Listener creation | After upgrade, new severe warnings appeared on save after creating a File Listener and updating the post processing as keep. This was traced to pxAddWarningsForGRSField wrongly adding severe warnings, and has been resolved by modifying the guardrail warning classification for File Listener. | Data Integration |
INC-B46095 | 901424 | Added stagingloc support for DataManifest listener pzuploaddataactivity | The DataManifest listener pzuploaddataactivity was not working as expected. This has been addressed by adding repository API support for a staging location. | Data Integration |
INC-B46174 | 899393 | Ondemand Passivation remote node timeout duration made configurable | Users of Pega Call were being unexpectedly logged out or had clipboard page issues. This was traced to websocket timeouts related to passivation as well as network, VPN, and other types of connection breakage from server to client. To address this, the Ondemand Passivation remote node timeout duration has been made configurable to allow more tolerance for connection interruptions. SettingName: ondemandpassivation/timeout/duration/seconds Description: specifies the maximum time, dynamically fetched from prconfig settings, for a remote task (Ondemand passivation) to complete before timing out. Only supports prconfig. Minimum value allowed is 10. DefaultValue: 10 RecommendedRange: 10 |
Data Integration |
INC-B46704 | 900441 | SearchTerm value correctly reset for delegated data type | After making a data type delegated and displaying the delegated table in the user Portal under configuration, searching for a value in the table records showed the filtered records. However, after a refresh was performed the filtered values were reset to their normal state but the value entered in the search box still appeared instead of being reset to empty. This was traced to the input value of the search field not being properly reset at the clipboard even after refresh, and has been resolved with an update to explicitly flush clipboardpage. | Data Integration |
INC-B46722 | 901177 | Updated encoding for URL special characters | When using OpenURLinWindow to open a URL in new window from a case, a SECU0019 alert was generated for pzProcessURLInWindow. Investigation traced this to the method used to encode a space character in the parameter, and this has been resolved by using XMLUtils.encodeString instead of URLEncoder.encode for the process. | Data Integration |
INC-B48566 | 905356 | Corrected exception for exporting CSV file in data type | After upgrade, a "Stream closed" exception was logged in the PDC whenever data was exported from the data type, and the download took longer than usual. This was traced to the pxexportdatausingrdpage activity, and has been resolved by removing a redundant writer.close() call. | Data Integration |
INC-B49619 | 905586 | Corrected repository path validation handling | The error "There was an issue listing files in directory. The specified path does not exist or is not a folder" was appearing on paths / and lower when using the S3 repository. This was an unintended side effect of work done to ensure an error message was generated for invalid paths by checking the provided directory before making a list files API call, and was caused by D_pxListFiles returning results if the prefix matched even though the given path did not exist. This has been corrected by removing the path (prefix) validation from the D_pxListFiles functionality. | Data Integration |
INC-B50652 | 903663 | Corrected validations for UploadCSVResults flow action | Validations were inconsistent when using pxUploadCSVResults flow action to upload files. If an invalid filetype (other than csv) was uploaded, clicking submit displayed a success screen. Clicking submit without uploading any file generated a runtime exception error on the screen. This was traced to missing validation on the pxUploadCSVResults flowaction, and has been resolved. | Data Integration |
INC-B51325 INC-B50929 |
903469 901093 |
DSS added to modify rule resolution handling for Customer Decision Hub | Proposition rules were sometimes missed during rule resolution. This was traced to an inconsistency in the rule cache: the rule cache is dependent on the system pulse for invalidation, and if any rule is created after the cache initialization and the system pulse is missed or the rule is created before the system pulse module is loaded, then the cache is not updated and there is a "hitnotfound" error for the rule during resolution. According to the default logic, if a proposition rule is not found from the cache, a new rule is created. This may potentially cause issues if the intended rule has already been created but isn’t present in the cache due to the race condition. To resolve this, a DSS has been added to specify the behavior when this error is encountered. Setting CACHE_RRALIAS_SKIPHITNOTFOUND_ENABLE to true will result in the change that if a specified rule is not present in the cache, the system will search the database and add the entry into the cache. The default condition is false. Enhanced logging has also been added for the rule not found error which will print the request data and database query in order to better diagnose underlying issues. | Data Integration |
INC-B52975 | 906039 | Attachment Migration wizard updated for backwards compatibility | While upgrading from Pega 7, cases with attachments were migrated to Pega Cloud and stored in the database. When the Attachment Migration wizard was run to move the files to the repository, the file names included the Service Export full path and the extension was missing. This was due to the attachment name handling difference, and has been addressed by adding logic to handle attachment names when upgrading from Pega 7 versions by extracting the name from the full path. | Data Integration |
INC-B9397 | 896333 | TLS updated | The ConnectREST APIs of Pega-Int-PAT were pointing to TLSv1.0, which has been deprecated. This pointer has been updated to TLSv1.2. | Data Integration |
INC-C223 | 908633 | Updated WorkObject mapping to handle WrongModeException | After update, the mapping performed by the DXAPI no longer accepted missing data when the data was the only embedded property in a JSON object. This was traced to a change in the handling for the mapping to the pyWorkObject which encountered this edge case when declarative rules were defined on the PageContext and the input payload request had empty embedded page data. This has been resolved by handling the WrongModeException while mapping data in mapInputJSON() API. | Data Integration |
896313 | Purge process performance improvements | In order to improve the performance of the purge process for large development environments with many applications and branches, the option has been added to remove the date criteria for the ruleset index table, the purge query has been refactored to remove AppCentric cached data, and the purge query for AppCentric data has been split into 3 parts to avoid timeouts. | Data Integration |
Decision Management
24.2.1 Resolved Issues for Decision Management
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
EA-B8047 | 889854 | GetNextWork-related activities for Revision Management moved from Work- class to RevisionManagement-Work class | Intermittent issues with opening and populating items using "Get Next Work" were seen when using the Client Lifecycle Management (CLM) application. This was traced to locally added access Rulesets causing the GetNextWork activity to be overridden in the Work- class of the Pega-DecisionManager Ruleset when Revision Management was not being used. To resolve this, these GetNextWork-related activities have been moved from the Work- class to the RevisionManagement-Work class as this activity in Pega-DecisionManager ruleset is only needed for Revision Management-specific scenario. The Work Pool of Revision Management access groups has been updated to RevisionManagement-Work so the GetNextWork functionality works as before for Revision Management users. When not using Revision Management, the GetNextWork activity will be picked up from the Pega-ProcessEngine Ruleset. | Decision Management |
INC-B34347 | 893860 | Added configurable Very Big Data (VBD) dataset system tools | Data migration was failing with a heap space exception encountered during ADMFactory export when running the pipeline during VBD Actuals export. This has been addressed with several updates which will perform an internal retry when the bucket is busy during BrowseOperation of the VBD Dataset to isolate the DataFlow retry and any potential DataFlow failure, enable HTTP response compression, and Introduce a new behavior for VDB dataset partitioning which will create a partition for a day to reduce memory consumption. Enhanced diagnostic logging has also been added. 1. DSS short description: VBD Response compression Enable HTTP response compression if configured. Owning Ruleset: Pega-DecisionEngine Setting Purpose: vbd/restServerCompressionEnabled Value: true 2. DSS short description: VBD Dataset browse partition size Owning Ruleset: Pega-DecisionEngine Setting Purpose: vbd/dataSetBrowsePartitionSize Value: 1 (day) Configuration is applicable to VBDDatasets with HOUR, DAY granularity. Configuration is not applicable to VBDDatasets with WEEK granularity. 3. DSS short description: VBD Diagnostics logs Log response when longer than threshold; Log process time when longer than threshold; Log pending tasks if above threshold. Create scheduled task. Owning Ruleset: Pega-DecisionEngine Setting Purpose: vbd/restServerPendingTasksLogInterval Value: 60 |
Decision Management |
INC-B34437 | 893191 | DSS added to control conversion of empty values during handling | After update, an empty value that was created in the clipboard page if an empty value existed in the provided CSV file was instead being converted to 0 rather than remaining as empty. This was traced to the JSON serialization which can write empty values as empty string by default. To control this behavior, the DSS dsm/serialization/disableConvertingEmptyValuesToDefaults has been added with owner ruleset Pega-DecisionEngine. The default value is set to true. | Decision Management |
INC-B37106 | 889987 | Removed 10k records limit in GetListOfValidOperators and GetQuestionList | The Operators and Questions list was not displaying if there were more than 10k records. This has been resolved by updating the GetListOfValidOperators and GetQuestionList report definitions to change the value of the maximum number of rows to retrieve field to 0 in the Data Access tab. | Decision Management |
INC-B37576 | 899686 | Added handling for null pointer error in WaitForActualResponses | The pxWaitForActualResponses function was intermittently generating a null pointer exception at the write to pxAdaptiveAnalytics step. Although the issue occurred in the process that prepares the response for display in the "Last 5 responses" section of the model management page, this is only a display feature and does not affect the actual response capture. To resolve the error, an update has been made to prevent a null pointer error in the response capture when the handled response is null. | Decision Management |
INC-B39314 INC-B42281 |
894744 896039 |
Avro null logging level decreased | Publishing a message to a topic was generating a large number of alerts in the tracer, all reading "AvroSerdeException: Unsupported data type! NULL". The message was successfully posted despite the error. This exception is only thrown when property with a value is used with an optional field defined with "null", which may occur when those properties aren't used during serialization in other schema. As this excessive WARN logging could cause the disk to fill up and impact the system, the logging level of the messages has been lowered to DEBUG. | Decision Management |
INC-B39672 | 893375 | Corrected event store error in campaign run | After upgrade, running a campaign was generating the error "EventStoreException: Exception in writing event store record". This has been resolved by updating the event store keyspace handling. | Decision Management |
INC-B40512 | 892369 | Improved multithreading synchronization for database tables | When trying to read more than 25K records from a table with BLOB content, the dataset was reading duplicate records and causing the data flow to process more records than present in source table. This occurred when the destination component was an activity in the data flow and took more than one second per item to process the record and which was combined with many small database partitions which caused multiple threads to be created. To avoid reading duplicate records, an update has been made to database multithreading synchronization. | Decision Management |
INC-B40636 INC-C3268 |
908046 910994 |
Maximum string limit extended for deserialization for single object | After update, the data migration pipeline was not pulling the action performance or impact analyzer metrics into the Business Operations Environment (BOE). Investigation showed the updated fasterxml.jackson.core library had put validation in place starting from version 2.15.0 to restrict the string length able to be deserialized as a single object. In earlier versions this string length was set to unlimited. To address this, an update has been made to extend the restriction on the maximum string limit during the deserialization. | Decision Management |
INC-B41055 | 894896 | SSAFactory preconditions updated | Following work to make the DecisionTable more consistent, additional updates have been made to enhance the information in the SSAFactory preconditions. | Decision Management |
INC-B41675 | 901608 | Added check for parent lock before submitting change request | Attempting to submit a change request intermittently resulted in the status "PENDING-SUBMITTEST" which blocked progress and it was not possible to proceed. This has been resolved with an update which checks for a lock on the parent case before proceeding to the finish assignment stage. | Decision Management |
INC-B42120 | 901418 | Dataflow maintains blank value during ingestion | During dataflow Ingestion from the staging table to the final table, the records with a value of a single space were being replaced with NULL. During the recovery automation, the query looked for the records to be aligned and since the value single space did not match with NULL, they were treated as different and inserted as a new record. To resolve this, conversion handling has been updated to replace the isNotBlank check with isNotEmpty so the value " " is preserved. | Decision Management |
INC-B42406 | 893553 | Improved performance for strategy execution | Strategy execution during inbound container calls was taking more time due to higher CPU utilization during ADM model execution. Investigation showed this was related to the number of properties on the Customer Page where Adaptive Models were executed, and was caused by the snapshot process for the predictor data using the hash of that page. This has been resolved by removing StaticPredictorDataHolder use of IdentityHashMap on source pages. | Decision Management |
INC-B43293 | 900701 | Search works for tagged content in a space | When Case pulse comments were added in any Space through tagging the Space, the content search was not working. Also searching with subject line (ticket number) or operator (who added the pulse note) was not working in this scenario. This has been addressed by adding a wrapper activity to D_pxMentionedPosts and implementing logic for the search using the provided string. The search flag has been made available in pzPopulateFeedParams and can be set based on the configured 'when' condition. | Decision Management |
INC-B43747 | 898885 | Kafka Avro Schema storage format updated | Attempting to verify the Invitation ID read from Kafka with the invitation ID stored on a case as a check whether to continue case processing was not working. This was traced to the data stored as bytes in Kafka being interpreted as text format by Pega, preventing a match. To support this use case, an update has been made to store Avro Bytes as a base64 string with [ENC:BASE64] prefix. | Decision Management |
INC-B44694 | 902467 | Data flow picks up DefaultWorkingSet properties | When responses associated with Real-Time Containers were captured, the interaction history records were missing certain properties utilized by downstream functionality if the "Output properties" option was set to "Output selected properties". This has been resolved with an update to the data flow handling to pick up properties added to the pyDefaultWorkingSet data transform before starting any strategy component in the data flow. | Decision Management |
INC-B45075 | 894933 | Corrected authentication for ADM HandleResponses | The pxHandleResponses data flow was failing with an unauthenticated thread exception. This was an unintended side effect of work done on a multi-application change for paid media model response updates related to looking up Adaptive Decision Manager (ADM) configurations, and has been resolved with an update to ensure authentication with accessgroup rule resolution. | Decision Management |
INC-B45373 | 901041 | Improved revision compilation and invalidation logic for Globally Optimized Strategies | When working on a large system with many nodes, several new actions and proposition filter changes were not applied correctly. This was traced to a time window between a Globally Optimized Strategy (GOS) revision compilation finish and the time the revision is committed to the database. Rule changes coming in during this window that should have invalidated the current revision were ignored, creating a race condition. This has been addressed with an update to address revision invalidation in cases where incoming rule changes occur between the time the new revision has been compiled and the revision is committed to the database. | Decision Management |
INC-B46092 | 894133 | Corrected duplicate properties in groupBy summary dataset definition | An issue was seen where removing properties from the pyInteractionHistoryConfiguration data transform resulted in the summary dataset containing duplicate GroupBy properties. This occurred in cases where the iteration ran over two sets using 'index' and not a concrete property name (purpose), and the number of elements in second set was the same or lower than in first set. The data set aggregation handling for Interaction History has been modified to correct the duplication. | Decision Management |
INC-B46388 | 900050 | CSV file attachment corrected for Simulations | After creating a decision funnel simulation, attempting to attach the TopLevelView report as CSV was not working. This was traced to Param.CSVProperties in the pzAttachSimReportAsCSV activity appending a property with a "."(dot) , and then another dot was added when it was passed in the pxConvertResultsToCSV activity. This has been corrected. | Decision Management |
INC-B46559 | 899896 | Pulse post retrieval display limited to improve performance | Users who had a large number of mentions in Pulse posts were experiencing slowness when attempting to log in, with the logs showing the error "The incoming request has too many parameters. The server supports a maximum of 2100 parameters. Reduce the number of parameters and resend the request". This was traced to the activity pxRetrieveActivityPosts which retrieves all of the user-mentioned posts using the pzInsKey of each as a parameter, resulting in this error when the 2100 limit was exceeded for the SQL server. To resolve this, an update has been made to the pzGetPostsWithUserMentions and pxRetrieveActivityPosts rules to display the top 2000 or 1000 mentions, based on the database being used. This change accommodates the limitations of Oracle (1000 mentions) and MSSQL (2100 mentions). | Decision Management |
INC-B46896 | 906580 | Updated Kafka OAuth client allowed properties | The below OAuthBearer Kafka client properties have been added to the allowed list for the file in the Kafka data instance: sasl.oauthbearer.token.endpoint.url sasl.login.callback.handler.class |
Decision Management |
INC-B48728 | 905751 | Updated handling for withdrawing change request | After creating a change request and adding web treatments, attempting to withdraw the change request in Revision Management resulted in either the request not being withdrawn or entering a pending withdraw state. This was a missed use case for the system trying to delete a class while withdrawing the change request, and occurred if the rule was in a ruleset removed from the application stack. This has been resolved with an update which will not delete the Decision Data rule class unless the Decision Data rule is new. | Decision Management |
INC-B48810 | 900979 | Logging level reset for ignored ADM responses | After update, logs were filling with errors for Adaptive Decision models (ADM) when ADM responses were ignored. This was traced to the logging level being set to "error" when "warn" was expected, and has been corrected. | Decision Management |
INC-B50910 | 905852 | Updated handling for ComponentResultsSSA | After upgrade, running Globally Optimized Strategies generated runtime errors indicating an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException related to the ArraySSAValueStore. The issue was caused by a not-sequenced GetPageVar SSA being evaluated by the ComponentResultsSSA, and has been resolved by adding primaryPageSSA to the acceptChildren method in ComponentResultsSSA. | Decision Management |
INC-B51050 | 903695 | Troubleshooting Kafka Data Sets documentation updated | The documentation for Troubleshooting Kafka Data Sets has been updated with information on resolving the "RecordTooLargeException" error by modifying the broker configuration to increase the limit for the message size. | Decision Management |
INC-B52301 | 902366 | URestored message removal after Kafka processing | As part of the work done to remove embedded Stream service, the support for removing messages immediately after they are processed from Kafka, instead of waiting for the TTL to expire, was mistakenly eliminated. This has been corrected by restoring this support. The feature is enabled by default for all QP topics, and can be enabled for custom Stream data sets. | Decision Management |
INC-B52530 INC-B47916 INC-B50787 |
904632 904939 905593 |
Added handling for null pointer during data flow shutdown | If an Adaptive Decision Manager (ADM) Single Case run was processing records while an associated service such as a RealTime data flow was stopped, a NullPointerException was thrown which stopped the RealTime service from being terminated and a STOPPING_FAILED error was generated. This was a missed use-case, and has been resolved by updating the data flow to guard against throwing a null pointer error when stopping a data flow service that has a single case run processing records. | Decision Management |
INC-C1304 | 909128 | Added handling for ADM_ResponseLogger race condition | After update, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException errors were seen in the ADM_ResponseLogger catalina logs. This was traced to a race condition between future callback on the response logger, and has been resolved by adding a synchronized statement to prevent concurrent modifications by different callback threads. | Decision Management |
INC-C2338 | 908329 | Batch node scaling startup services handling modified | After update, exceptions were being generated during node scaling which affected outbound campaign execution. Investigation showed that when a batch node started up it immediately started processing records and established a session to Cassandra before formally initializing DDS Service. After DDS Service was initialized, it acted as if the Cassandra configuration had changed and tried to restart the session, causing errors during the batch run. To resolve this, an update has been made to ensure the DDS SDK only establishes a Cassandra session after DDS service is fully up, and handling has been added to avoid unnecessary Cassandra session restart. | Decision Management |
INC-C643 | 906123 | Corrected unoptimized properties in pzGetSocialMessages | Attempting to run the report definition pzGetSocialMessages related to the "Social/Pulse posts" search results from case manager and case worker portal generated the error ""Union not applied because properties are not optimized in Work-Cover-Task". This has been corrected. | Decision Management |
Low-Code Application Development
24.2.1 Resolved Issues for Low-Code Application Development
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-B10692 | 861802 | UIKit version updated in Usage Validation Utility (UVU) | Applications built on CustomerService 8 in Pega Infinity '23 or '24 were generating guardrail errors. This was caused by a difference in the UIKit versions: the Usage Validation Utility (UVU) component used in Pega Platform was built on UIKit 13.01 whereas PegaCRMBase 8 is built on UIKit 15.01. This has been resolved by upgrading the UIKit for PegaUVU to 15.01, and the pyInstanceList has been modified to add more columns. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B23858 | 882448 | Corrected page handling to resolve PEGA0045 alerts | A PEGA0045 PDC alert, which is triggered when a requestor loads a data page that is already loaded, was generated from the node classification tracer when viewed from the Dev Operator login in Dev Studio. Investigation showed this was caused by the loaded D_PZNODESINCLUSTER data page not being used, followed by new request being submitted for the same data page without using the existing one due to the original being marked as reload once per interaction. This has been resolved by updating the page handling in Data-Portal-PegaAdminStudio-ClusterWidget to avoid PEGA0045 alerts. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B27950 | 900910 | Corrected handling for URL mapping with SSO | When using URL mapping with SSO to launch the case, the URL did not launch the case on the first attempt but did open the case as expected if the URL was hit a second time. Investigation showed the case was opening from the Standard Thread instead of the AutoThread for the SSO operator, and this has been resolved by introducing new variable pzisRedirectedFromSimpleURL in Code-Pega-Thread class to identify the flow is from SimpleURL, so that UI will use the same variable to open the Case Portal for the first time and subsequent requests. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B36301 | 894492 | Resolved Case Usage agent disabled | The Push Resolved Case Usage Data AES Remote agent (agent activity - PushCaseEventDetails) was throwing numerous exceptions and alerts in the logs due to connection timeouts. This is a resource intensive query which slowed down other SQL executions and was recommended to be deprecated due to performance impact. With this update, Resolved Case Usage agent has been disabled in PegaAESRemote. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B43438 | 895593 | Improved server response security | Security has been updated for the response from the server when an update is made to a user object. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B43566 | 894033 | Corrected accessible label close button on App Studio popup | Opening App Studio generated a popup where the close button was missing the accessible label, causing it to be read as a multiplication sign. This has been corrected. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B44364 | 900798 | Endpoint handling updated for prcluster_service | After update, prcluster_service was not providing a response when hitting the endpoint for health checks. This was due to changes in the underlying servlet responsible for providing the response when the given endpoint is hit, and has been resolved by updating the WebStandard servlet method. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B44711 | 896009 | Corrected datetime handing during validation | Failed records were generated when clicking the “Validate Integrity” button in the Condition Builder. This was traced to the datetime property on the UI being changed from “Last 30/90 days” to “Is empty/Is not empty” but the change was not reflected in the clipboard. This has been corrected. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B47181 | 905907 | Corrected branch preference handling for private edits | When a case type rule was simultaneously private-edited by two users working in separate branches, one user was receiving a locked ruleset error instead of the correct behavior of both users seeing the case designer as editable. This was an inadvertent side effect of previous work on branch preferences, and has been resolved with an update which will consider the personal/private ruleset usecase. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B51384 | 903141 | Corrected duplicate focus for keyboard navigation in App Studio | The onclick actions present on the dynamic layout section for pzCaseTypes and pzDataTypes were causing duplicate focus while navigating via keyboard due to the presence of an anchor tag also configured in the section. This has been resolved by moving the "click & enter" action set from dynamic layout to the link controls in three places in the App Studio overview page - manage case types, manage data objects and view visual data model. | Low-Code App Development |
24.2.1 Resolved Issues for Mobile
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-B16894 | 868683 | Date showing on hover for mobile view | When using a Touch laptop, the date was missing on hover after selecting it in the calendar gadget. This has been corrected. | Mobile |
INC-B18304 | 875936 | Modified dirty state handling for Datetime UI control drop-down list | When a datetime control in display mode was used on mobile device, navigating to a drop down and then navigating away without making any changes resulted in a dirty state popup. The issue was visible only in the Mobile web browser in the Mobile application and only for the Mobile native control property of type TimeOfDay; using the Pega control for TimeOfDay did not display this behavior. To address this, an update has been made to only add the data-initialValue attribute when type is "hidden". | Mobile |
INC-B23982 | 884738 | Corrected AM localization for Taiwan | In the offline mobile app used on Taiwanese language devices, inputting AM 4:40 displayed as 凌晨 04:30 until save, when it was correctly displayed as 上午 04:30. This has been corrected by updating pzpega_ui_formatDateTime to add a specific condition for the locale "zh_TW". | Mobile |
INC-B33256 | 890379 | Setfocus updated for iOS | Setfocus to target property was not setting the focus correctly on text input fields for iOS. This was traced to iOS devices not supporting setTimeout, and has been resolved by adding the condition to explicitly execute for iOS. | Mobile |
INC-B38030 | 889447 | Phone control supports dirty form handling | The dirty check handler has been added for the Phone control. | Mobile |
INC-B43931 | 895187 | Mobility header supports disabled caching | An update has been made to disable caching in headers for pzGetMobileLogsConfiguration. | Mobile |
INC-B45498 INC-C2574 |
899535 908279 |
Corrected search in multiselect on Android | The search functionality was not working in multiselect mobile when using an Android device. This was traced to the logic for handling the popup not executing if the popup was already opened, and has been resolved with an update to the target handling in the !isPOOpen condition. | Mobile |
INC-B46675 | 900391 | Calendar spinner corrected for touchscreen laptop | A datetime control configured as spinner was working on iPad but not on a touch screen laptop using Google Chrome. This was traced to the configuration in the touchend event handler, and has been resolved by adding event listeners for touchstart and touchend events to the calendar spinners. | Mobile |
INC-B51039 | 908522 | Corrected mobile app collapsible header function | After update, collapsible headers were not working in the Fieldservice mobile application. This was an inadvertent side effect of previous work done on attachment handling, and has been resolved with an added condition in the onclickHandler_Header function in ui_template_layout_header. | Mobile |
INC-C1566 | 908805 | Cache-control header added to disable cache | For URL responses that should not be cached, the server will issue the following header: Cache- Control: no-store, no-cache. | Mobile |
Project Delivery
24.2.1 Resolved Issues for Project Delivery
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-B20179 | 884025 | Offline mobile app documentation updated for offline mode | The documentation for local actions offline mode has been updated to remove references to hiding the default buttons of a flow action. This is not a supported configuration for the offline mobile app. | Project Delivery |
INC-B26431 | 884580 | Form Refresh Settings documentation updated | The documentation for Conditional logic in Views has been updated to clarify the difference in behavior based on a server-side visible 'when' rule vs a client-side visible custom condition. | Project Delivery |
INC-B28578 | 892270 | Application URL alias documentation updated | The documentation for adding an application URL alias ha been updated to highlight that when an application is first created, the application URL alias defaults to the name of the application. After the URL alias is changed, it is still possible to log in to an application using the default app alias that contains the application name. | Project Delivery |
INC-B39205 | 894300 | Documentation clarification for attachments in a file storage repository | The documentation for Storing Case Attachments Using External Storage has been updated to specify that when there are multiple image or PDF attachments, poster creation is skipped and a placeholder thumbnail is generated instead. | Project Delivery |
INC-B44601 | 902131 | Documentation updated for Field-Level Audit | The documentation for Enabling Field-level Auditing has been updated to clarify that Declarative Rules are not supported within data flows, with the result that Field-level Auditing will not work when executed from data flows. | Project Delivery |
24.2.1 Resolved Issues for Reporting
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-B10314 INC-B14636 INC-B15872 INC-B1662 INC-B16662 INC-B17143 INC-B17444 INC-B17472 INC-B1888 INC-B21931 INC-B23691 INC-B24830 INC-B25209 INC-B25495 INC-B25822 INC-B26551 INC-B3032 INC-B32417 INC-B35357 INC-B35525 INC-B38480 INC-B39929 INC-B42285 INC-B42731 INC-B44324 INC-B45715 INC-B48027 INC-B6255 INC-B6956 INC-B7757 |
901694 | ModelDiffCalculator updated for SRS data modal issues | When issues are encountered with the SRS data model, running the pxResetSearchModel activity can help reset the model and fix the issue. However, in some cases this is not a viable solution as it would delete all the indexes from live and archival and require time and effort to create new indexes from scratch. To address this, the latest SRS product version has an updated ModelDiffCalculator to accept class FtsExcluded Properties changes in place of running pxResetSearchModel. This is handled through the use of the hasFtsExcludedPropertiesChanged flag to accept any changes in FtsExcludedProperties. | Reporting |
INC-B1263 | 851261 | Corrected IAM authentication handling for Amazon OpenSearch connection | When running the helm chart to deploy the Search and Reporting Service (SRS) by connecting to Amazon OpenSearch (running ES 7.10) with awsIAM configured as the authentication method, the SRS pod failed to start and generated the error "RuntimeException: Unable to load credentials from any of the providers in the chain." This was an issue with the provided helm charts, and has been resolved with the release of search-n-reporting-service-aws:1.32.2 . | Reporting |
INC-B1412 | 851157 | Row focus maintained on close of report | Opening the last report from a list in an optimized table and then closing the report caused focus to shift to the first row of the list. This has been resolved by adding set focus in the pzRBShortcutsGrid7 and pyRecentReportsWidgetRow sections. | Reporting |
INC-B30751 | 890799 | Null check added for retrievereportdata | A null pointer exception was generated when attempting to apply a filter on the "Requests" tab when the configuration included a data page sourced from a report definition. This was due to missing handling for a null parameter in pxretrievereportdata when a data page is involved, and has been resolved by adding a check. | Reporting |
INC-B36882 | 908809 | Corrected AddPropListForClass_TreeGrid handling | When a keyboard user navigated to the Reports tab and created a new report, properties from the Index table either did not have a label in the data explorer page and appeared as blank in the UI or the page property was seen for all embedded properties. This has been resolved by updating the logic for determining inheritance in the pzAddPropListForClass_TreeGrid so properties have the correct label visibility. | Reporting |
INC-B36941 | 890293 | Cloud3 documentation updated for usage of a Customer SFTP/Custom path | The documentation for BIX extractions has been updated to clarify the use of SFTP-based methods to obtain extract files in Pega Cloud. This comprehensive information is available in the documentation "Overview of BIX extractions in Pega Cloud environments". | Reporting |
INC-B38322 | 894040 | Scheduled report field values correctly translated in the UI Validation | When working in the case manager portal, scheduling a report and entering an old date or old time for the task scheduling produced an error message consisting of the field value name instead of displaying the value. Investigation showed the field value pzEnterAValueBeyondTheCurrentDateAndTime was created in the class Pega-ScheduledTask instead of the expected Embed-ScheduledTask-Scheduling. This has been corrected. | Reporting |
INC-B38690 | 892129 | Added category report sorting for CMReportBrowser7 | The sorting of reports and of categories AtoZ or ZtoA worked as expected when using the default browser pyReportBrowser, but sorting was not working when using a harness with pyCMReportBrowser7. This has been corrected by adding a condition in the pzReportListSort which sets the legacyRB value as true for the pyCMReportBrowser7 harness. | Reporting |
INC-B40231 | 891838 | Report viewer opens in new tab using UIKit | The new Navigation rule pyRBItemActionsUI has been created in the UIKit to support the function pega.desktop.infinity.openReportInNewTab . | Reporting |
INC-B40272 | 892412 | Corrected heading display in Report Editor | The header pop up was appearing as distorted in the Report Editor screen. This has been corrected with additional stylings in pyReportEditorStyling.css . | Reporting |
INC-B41112 INC-B47368 |
892905 897372 |
Corrected focus issue on Category type | When using the dropdown within the "Create new Category" modal, focus shifted unexpectedly to previous field after selecting an option from the Category type drop-down list. This has been resolved by updating pznewcategory7 so that when an option is selected from the Category type drop-down list, focus remains on the combo box until Tab is used. | Reporting |
INC-B42877 | 897076 | Updated Insight filter handling | When an insight with single records was displayed on the case, the filter showed all the records from the available table. This was seen when there were filters coming from outside the Insight, and has been addressed with an update to consider external filters when transforming Insight column filters. | Reporting |
INC-B43717 | 904084 | Work Search "Attachments" column displays correct values | The Pega Smart Investigate Work Search screen "Attachments" column was displaying an incorrect attachment count value when there were more than three attachments on an exception case. The number of attachments was correct in the case itself. This has been corrected by modifying the pysetparamsbasedontypeofwork data transform. | Reporting |
INC-B44668 | 904394 | Modified linked property display for Report Browser | When using the end user Report Browser, the Best Bets versus the All Matches were displayed slightly differently. Investigation showed that a linked property was displayed in the Report Browser Date Explorer as a list instead of as text. This has been resolved by modifying the pzAddPropListForClass_TreeGrid to mark the linked properties as Text properties rather than displaying falsely as a list. | Reporting |
INC-B46998 | 901831 | Corrected datetime calculations in function aliases for locale | After migration, the date and time report display in the manager portal displayed in GMT instead of the timezone/locale used in the operator profile. This was traced to handling differences between on-premises installation and Pega Cloud in the pxDay function alias used in the Report Definition, and has been resolved with an update to consider the operator time zone while calculating the datetime values in function aliases. | Reporting |
INC-B47266 | 899144 | Improved accessibility for Dashboard delete buttons | All of the Delete buttons controls on the Personal Dashboard had the same title/name, "Delete this widget", which was not unique or descriptive and hindered accessibility. This has been resolved by creating a new field value for the Delete icons which will make the buttons unique based on the pyLabel coming from the field value. | Reporting |
INC-B51370 | 904875 | Report Definition filter condition shows correctly | Using a function in the report definition filter with "Is null" or "Is not Null" did not display the relationship value when running the report. Other conditions such as "Is equal", "Is not equal", etc, worked as expected. This has been corrected by appending the StrOperation when the Function aliases are used in the RRFilters_Logic Control. | Reporting |
INC-B53008 | 905484 | Updated handling for decimals to avoid rounding in BIX extraction | Decimal values were being rounded off during BIX extraction. This has been addressed by updating the handling to ensure that the actual decimal points are taken into consideration during the BIX DB extraction. | Reporting |
INC-C2213 | 908240 | Modified ExcelExporter compression mode | After update, a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) flow where a bot read an Excel report and extracted the data was failing with the error "File contains corrupted data". This has been resolved by updating the ExcelExporter compression mode to false so the generated Excel is compatible with PowerBI. | Reporting |
890299 | Report unsubscribe UI handling updated | After a report was scheduled, clicking on 'unsubscribe' caused checkboxes to lose labels and the radio button at the bottom was not visible. This was caused by previous work to update the controls, which resulted in small discrepancy in the UI display. This has been corrected with updates to pytaskoutputprocessing. | Reporting |
24.2.1 Resolved Issues for Security
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-B25480 | 904190 | SetRequestorAsDisconnected updated to resolve logout issue | An authenticated session was getting logged out intermittently even when active. Investigation showed this was due to the operator presence state being updated to disconnected, and has been resolved by updating the pzSetRequestorAsDisconnected activity. | Security |
INC-B26841 | 876615 | Operator modification creates history record | No audit record was being added to the history when operators were enabled or disabled via the "Organization and Security: Operator Access" landing page. This was traced to the pxUpdateDateTime and pxUpdateOperator properties not being properly updated from this page, and has been resolved by adding the necessary logic. | Security |
INC-B33195 | 898922 | Corrected sending mobile "Forgot password" when using localization | Attempting to send the "Forgot password" one-time password (OTP) to mobile was not working when using localization. Investigation showed the ForgotPasswordUtils class was reading the SenderID from a hardcoded location instead of the expected SMSAccount value. This has been corrected. | Security |
INC-B35148 | 894514 | Server path not disclosed in upload error message | The error message in the UI generated by an exception during file upload will not include the server path. | Security |
INC-B35150 | 893272 | Security updated for multiselect control | Cross-site scripting filters have been updated for the Capsule function in control_multiselect.js. | Security |
INC-B37967 | 908051 | Updated handling for IDP authentication timeout | When using AzureB2c, logging in successfully after a brief timeout resulted in the login screen resetting to display the Pega basic Auth Service Selector login screen. To provide a better experience to mobile application users, this has been addressed by including a check of the IDP response: if there is no requestor and no authentication service details, the system will consider that the temporary requestor has expired rather than fallback to the Pega screen. | Security |
INC-B38494 | 895513 | AddCalendar updated with DSS to use operator timezone | By default, the date/time calculations of the addCalendar function are dependent on the server timezone. This may cause validations to fail across different implementation applications if the Cloud server is in a different timezone than the operator. To resolve this, a DSS is available to set the function to calculate date/time based on the operator timezone. Owning Ruleset: Pega-Engine Setting: datetime/addcalendar/version Value: 2 |
Security |
INC-B38494 | 896686 | Timezone updated for en_NZ | When the locale was set to en_NZ, the time returned was GMT+13 when NZDT/NZST was expected. This has been resolved by adding the New Zealand timezone in the en_NZ locale XML. | Security |
INC-B39506 | 891411 | Switch application popup correctly closed | After creating two different authentication services for two applications using SSO, logging into one and clicking on the second application from the switch application option launched the second application in a new tab but the popup to login remained active in the first window. This has been resolved by adding an event close in the pzSwitchAppDispayLoginScreen section. | Security |
INC-B39594 | 898928 | Security updated for Dev Studio section titles | Cross-site scripting protections have been updated for the section title in Dev Studio. | Security |
INC-B40295 | 894421 | Cache-control sent in mobile app response headers | The pzGetUserinfo activity has been modified to send the "Cache-Control" header as a response for the oauthclients/v1/userinfo/json REST call. | Security |
INC-B41084 | 897084 | Security updated for binary files | Cross-site scripting protections have been updated for SVG files. | Security |
INC-B42872 | 899626 | SECU0017 alert observability added for Browserfingerprint issue | Additional logging has been added to assist with diagnosing unexpected logout issues related to a browserfingerprint error. | Security |
INC-B43365 | 901879 | Corrected Access Group timeout handling | Access Group timeouts were generating the error "please contact your Administrator" instead of the expected Log Off and Login Screen. This has been corrected. | Security |
INC-B45214 | 898230 | Corrected SchemePRAuthBasicLogOff to correctly redirect | Web-Session-Return was not being correctly triggered when logging off from a PRAuth – Basic Auth session. The pzSchemePRAuthBasicLogOff function has been updated to correct this. | Security |
INC-B49938 | 901704 | ABAC policy validation added for embedded properties | Encrypting a property with a declare expression was generating an error. This was due to missing validation: encryption is only supported for textProperty, and validation was properly applied for non-text exposed properties. However, the type was not validated for embedded properties, and embedded encryption is not supported. To address this, a validation check has been added for the Embedded Property type in ABAC policy, and the documentation will be updated to specify that embedded encryption is not supported. | Security |
INC-B51940 | 905330 | System data encryption documentation updated | The documentation for encryption concerning "Protection of other sensitive data" has been updated to clarify which encryption methods are available for the different data types. | Security |
INC-B52163 | 905425 | Improved security for alert popup | Cross-site scripting filters have been added for the authentication screen error handling. | Security |
INC-C372 | 908084 | Security updated for URL hash | Cross-site scripting protections have been updated for fetching URL hashes. | Security |
INC-C45 | 909176 | User ID recorded in audit for disabled operators | Disabled SAML SSO operators received the error msg "Your account has been disabled, contact your system administrator", but their user ID was not recorded the in the security audit report. This has been corrected. | Security |
INC-C962 | 908670 | GetAuthServicesList scope modified | The error "You do not have access on xxxx application please contact system admin" was generated when attempting to switch from one application portal to another. If an operator had the "XXXX" authentication group enabled in their profile, attempting to log in to the "YYYY" application was automatically redirecting to the "XXXX" application only. Attempting to switch from one application to another did not move directly to the specific second application login but instead landed on a PRAuth page. These issues were traced to the authentication service data page not being properly updated; to resolve this, the D_pzGetAuthServicesList scope has been updated from Node to Requester. | Security |
System Administration
24.2.1 Resolved Issues for System Administration
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-B28716 | 894662 | Added logging for chat queue diagnostics | Extra diagnostic loggers have been added for subscribe and unsubscribe call to assist with diagnosing issues where the the global and queue-specific max number of conversations for chat operators is intermittently not being honored. | System Administration |
INC-B32194 | 900919 | Support added for Kafka OAuth client properties | While trying to connect Kafka using OAUTHBEARER as the SASL mechanism, the error "No principal name in JWT claim" was generated. This has been resolved by adding the necessary implementation for the AuthenticateCallbackHandler to support this authentication mechanism. | System Administration |
INC-B32892 | 903892 | Dashboard teams Worklist widget performance improved | Performance issues were seen with the Dashboard teams Worklist widget when there were more than 1000+ operators in a workgroup. This has been addressed with design updates to improve responsiveness. | System Administration |
INC-B41124 | 891451 | Diagnostic logging added for OpenMobileChannel | Additional logging has been made available for database exceptions at openMobileChannel in order to facilitate diagnosing intermittent issues with connecting to the synchronization service when processing an offline case or when attempting to log in. | System Administration |
INC-B41777 | 893294 | FieldValue conclusion logging added | Diagnostic loggers have been added to assist with diagnosing issues related to loading FieldValue conclusions. | System Administration |
INC-B42475 | 901968 | Queue processor improvements | Queue processor improvements have been added. In order to improve queue processor maintenance, an update has been made which will interrupt queue processors using REST connections which are running longer than expected. Queue processing resiliency has been improved to ensure that the order of queued Kafka messages is maintained during streaming outages. The PEGA0137 alert (Ready-to-process items not picked by queue processor) has also been replaced with PEGA0169 (Queue Processor is disabled) for improved diagnostic purposes. Please see the documentation for "What's new in system administration '24.2" for full information on these changes. | System Administration |
INC-B43196 | 897953 | Updated clearing of orphaned batch requestors | An excessive number of batch requestors were causing performance issues and exceeding the node limit. Investigation showed the requestor were not being properly cleared, and an update has been added to return orphan batch requestors. | System Administration |
INC-B50059 | 900558 | Updated handling for fallback to long poll connections | After disabling websocket so the server falls back to long poll when sending messages, the browser received an excessive number of requests from the server sending the event VERIFY_DISCONNECTED_REQUESTOR. This was traced to previous modification work done on the PresenceSessionStateTrackerDaemon to handle websocket throttling, and has been resolved with a check which will disable the PresenceSessionStateTrackerDaemon function ‘verifyDisconnectRequestors’ if long poll is enabled. | System Administration |
INC-B50938 INC-B34573 |
901054 904488 |
External Hazelcast v5 startup updated for use with Oracle use | When the Weblogic server was started using Hazelcast v5 with Oracle, multiple errors were generated including a null pointer error. This was seen with Oracle deployments but was not encountered with tomcat,postgres deployments, and has been resolved by refactoring the Hazelcast v5 initialization flow to mitigate startup failure for the prcluster_service. | System Administration |
INC-B52096 | 904063 | Deferred-save item properly removed from queue processor | When attempting to resume a flow on a assignment after a call Set Ticket, the queue item was not found to be dequeued when the Resumeflow was performed if the assignment had an associated SLA. The error "PRQueueException: For Delete: Trying to reserve failed as item" was generated. This was traced to the queue processor deferred-save queue item with SLA not being removed as expected using the dequeueDeferred method, and has been resolved by adding the necessary logic for this action. | System Administration |
User Experience
24.2.1 Resolved Issues for User Experience
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-A20794 | 840526 | Updated active layout conditional visibility handling | When using a Dynamic Layout Group to display controls for each element of a tab within a page list, on initial load multiple tabs were selected at the same time, presenting two separate tabs of controls on screen. This did not impact functionality, and selecting a tab reverted it to normal presentation. Investigation showed this issue was linked to the logic used for the conditional visibility, and has been resolved by updating the active layout handling. | User Experience |
INC-A21567 INC-168291 |
834482 644551 |
Dynamic layout headings no longer generate unnecessary aria attributes | When configuring a bar header type on a dynamic layout, a label was automatically added on the top right corner of the div. However when text was added to the label, it was not possible to access the label via tab or arrow keys using NVDA. Configurable headings within Dynamic Layout/Repeating Dynamic Layout cell property dialogs display visual headings coded using HTML heading tags. When the HTML heading tag is used, the aria heading role and attributes are not needed. To resolve the accessibility issue, this update removes the unnecessary attributes aria-level and role from the template_layout_header js and the aria-labelledby attribute from the dynamic layout header. | User Experience |
INC-A24064 | 900668 | Deferload corrected when the previous tab is invisible | Tab contents were not loaded when deferload was on, the active tab had a previous and next tab, and the previous tab was invisible on layout group. This has been resolved by updating the handling for defer load with visibility conditions. | User Experience |
INC-A24088 | 843701 | Layout group menu icon visible after relocation | After changing the layout group menu icon position from right(default) to left, the menu icon was not shown on the section in Theme-Cosmos. This has been resolved by adding padding-left to the CSS so the icon has some room to be visible. | User Experience |
INC-A24271 | 855128 | Corrected classless Anypicker pagelist on clipboard | When using a screenflow with an Anypicker field on multiple pages, an unexpected classless pagelist appeared on the clipboard. After changing the Anypicker to a textinput the issue was not seen. This was traced to the handling of the control when used in multiple sections which caused a missing reference in the generated HTML. To resolve this, an update has been made to register the property based on runtime instead of using a hardcoded value from design time. | User Experience |
INC-A9276 | 822785 | Backspace announced in pxMultiSelect control with JAWS 2022 | After making a selection in the pxMultiSelect control, entering new text and using the Backspace button silently deleted the previously selected option without JAWS notifying the user about the selection or the deletion. This was caused by the Backspace happening before the highlight, and has been resolved by adding the necessary condition in the deleteByTokenSelection function. | User Experience |
INC-B10108 INC-B28149 |
880165 893594 |
Updated parent thread handling for refresh | After creating an activity inside an appointment, attempting to open the activity after refresh generated an intermittent “A processing error has occurred” or "Failed to load harness" error. This was traced to the inclusion of the "Refresh Current Harness" action on tabs, which created a new state without passing the parent thread and clearing the previous state. It is unexpected for the previous state to be retained, and this has been resolved with an update to ensure the parent thread is passed correctly for clearing the state. | User Experience |
INC-B13110 | 896268 | Improved accessibility for filter checkboxes | Accessible labels have been added to the list of checkbox values in the filter modal of the optimized table to assist with context for applying the filters. | User Experience |
INC-B16034 | 868173 | Corrected landing page handling for post-drilldown action within mashup | When using co-existence, launching the work portal and opening a case and then attempting to launch the Cosmos harness landing page from the left navigation pane did not work. Investigation showed this was due to the URL not being updated from the previous case open, and was traced to a parameter not updating the window object correctly. This has been resolved by updating the parameter handling. | User Experience |
INC-B16611 | 866893 | Corrected accessibility for disabled menu items | When using the arrow key while navigating through an optimized table widget, the screen reader was not able to read out the unavailable / disabled list items. This was incorrect behavior, and has been resolved by correcting the aria tag handling for the disabled elements. | User Experience |
INC-B18416 | 877219 | Corrected section layout IDs displayed in UI | After creating a repeating dynamic layout with a datasource as pagelist property, running a two-section screen flow by triggering a 'Flow in Modal Dialog' action from a button embedded in a section showed the data-layout-ids on the screen when moving back and forth from the second screen to the first and back. This was an issue with the dom structure of the layout when the LAST predicate of a page list was used as context for embedding a section that contained dynamic layout, and has been addressed by updating the handling for resolving the LAST predicate. | User Experience |
INC-B22714 | 877715 | Corrected AM/PM handling for localized values | When using the Taiwanese locale (zh_TW), the calendar was showing times as AM(上午) when it should have shown PM(下午). Investigation showed the toDate() function in the moment.js library was unable to identify the AM/PM with localized text and converted the hours into 12 hour format, such as a date time value of '2024/7/1 下午4:15:22' returned as "Mon Jul 01 2024 04:15:00" where the hour was calculated as "4" instead of "16". This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B22959 | 887465 | Added handling for \"-\" in decimal field | If a number control with decimal property had a validation in the flow action, running the case and inserting a "-"(minus) symbol in the field generated an error on submit. This has been resolved by adding handling in pega_validators.js with logic/expression in the function "numeric_isDecimal()" for the scenario where only "-"(minus) is given as input for a number control. | User Experience |
INC-B25848 | 891542 | LOAD_View updated to display actions | AvailableActions were missing from Redux when using LOAD_VIEW. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B27023 | 900861 | Layout group arrows working in review harness | Expanding a table row and clicking on the layout group navigation arrows worked as expected in the perform harness, but clicking on an arrow generated a console error when using the review harness. Investigation showed the error was caused by child div being passed the parent data-repeat-id value, and has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B27437 | 878889 | Updated accessibility for button with menu action | A button configured with a menu action was not indicating whether it was expanded or collapsed when using a screen reader. This was due to a missing aria-expanded attribute, and has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B27550 | 879624 | Corrected autoscroll on spacebar click action | Navigating to the Task Notes disclosure button and activating it using the spacebar performed the action along with unexpectedly scrolling the page. This was caused by a missing event.prevent default and has been resolved with an update to the accessibility to prevent an autoscroll when activating a spacebar click. | User Experience |
INC-B28041 | 881040 | Improved accessibility for modal popup focus | When a pop-up was launched after clicking on a button in a modal dialog, focus was set on the back button instead of the "X" (close) button. This was incorrect behavior, and an update has been made to ensure the modal popup focus order is Cancel > Submit > X button. If there are editable controls in the modal, the default focus is on the first editable control. | User Experience |
INC-B28212 | 897161 | Corrected "Create new case type" wizard for Constellation | In some scenarios where there is an Application A and Application B is built on Application A, using the "create new case type" wizard when all rulesets are locked and branch development is on could cause the rule "SAPortal" to be created in an unexpected ruleset branch such as PegaCRM-SFA without the correct context. This was traced to the handling of the Param.BranchID being passed to pxUpdateRecord in pzAddCaseTypeToPortals, which is invoked whenever a new case type is added in order to update the Constellation portal so the new case type is visible in its "Create" menu. This has been corrected by updating pzAddCaseTypeToPortals. | User Experience |
INC-B28654 | 902139 | Updated handling for error on tab switching | If a validation error occurred, clicking another case tab displayed an error message on the top banner at the same time as the "loading" indicator. This was due to the deferred loading on the tabs, and has been addressed by updating the handing for the tab error message. | User Experience |
INC-B28733 | 886968 | Corrected accessibility for calendar close button X icon | The NVDA screen reader was announcing the "X" special character as "times" in the calendar pop-up close window. This was caused by a missing title attribute for the close icon, and the CSS has been updated to correct this. | User Experience |
INC-B29170 | 903047 | Corrected parent keyword resolution error | While adding DDS as destination to a data flow, the error "Please consult your system administrator" was generated. Investigation showed the "Parent" keyword for HiddenInput was not correctly resolved to the parent reference which caused a field security issue. This has been corrected by updating to resolve the "Parent" keyword to the proper reference. | User Experience |
INC-B30098 INC-B42360 INC-C3206 |
891267 896509 909647 |
WebEmbed first load improvement | The first load of the WebEmbed Channel was taking an excessive amount of time. This has been resolved by modifying the scope of the data page d_pzbuiltonapproutingtable from requestor to node level in order to improve performance. | User Experience |
INC-B30156 | 894322 | Restored error message for attempting to preview restricted case | After update, the preview of an unauthorized case was not showing any message or preview panel and did not display an error. This was a missed use case for the blended co-existence UI, and has been resolved so the Restriction window opens with the expected message. | User Experience |
INC-B30368 | 891941 | Updated date field control for Search and Select | Date field value handling has been updated to correctly clear the values from Search and Select when "Clear" is clicked, and to preserve other portions of the value when correcting mm or dd. | User Experience |
INC-B30578 | 891152 | Corrected unexpected App Explorer reload after search | After entering the full class name to search in App Explorer, hitting enter to open the class and right clicking on name of the child class then choosing an action from the menu refreshed the App Explorer list instead of invoking the action. This was caused by a refresh action for the section related to the autocomplete, and has been corrected by setting the autocomplete results popup state as inactive if the autocomplete input element is stale or not in DOM due to refresh. | User Experience |
INC-B31175 | 886370 | Updated accessibility visibility handling for autocomplete carrot dropdown | After creating an Autocomplete and checking the "Display as combo box (field and button)" in presentation, the focus moved to the caret icon which did not contain any accessible text. To improve the accessible experience, pzpega_ui_template_autocomplete.js" has been updated to implement the aria-hidden="true" attribute for this icon. | User Experience |
INC-B31300 | 896045 | Updated accessibility for repeating dynamic layout div | In order to improve accessibility, the role ='region' markup has been removed from the repeating dynamic layout template. | User Experience |
INC-B32311 | 886985 | pzModalHelp icon made accessible | A field value title attribute has been added to the help icon of the modal header to improve accessibility. | User Experience |
INC-B32329 | 886146 | Updated handling for dirty popup validation | The dirty check popup was appearing even when no changes were made in the UI. Investigation showed this was caused by a CKEditor condition mismatch due to the Rich Text Editor text being encoded, and has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B32418 | 892245 | Updated SessionTimer X button click behavior | When the popup box was counting down the seconds remaining, clicking on the cross button to close the popup rather than clicking on the OK button caused the entire session to be terminated immediately instead of the expected behavior of the cross button behaving the same as the OK button. The pxSessionTimer function has been updated to resolve this. | User Experience |
INC-B33065 | 890118 | Navigation Menu announced parent child expand/collapse | To improve accessibility, the necessary aria-label attributes have been added in the slideToNextLevel function in pzpega_control_menu to announce parent child expand/collapse in the navigation menu. | User Experience |
INC-B33841 | 898806 | Localization added for validation messages defined with parameters | The localized version of validation messages defined with parameters was not being displayed. This has been resolved by enhancing the LocaleUtils#getLocalValue() API to resolve error messages with parameters. | User Experience |
INC-B34653 | 892589 | Templates updated for non-editable Field group displays | After configuring a repeating view for embedded data and configuring the inner view to have another table, the embedded tables were truncated in the UI. This has been corrected by updating the FieldGroupTemplate rendering to use Details UI components and templates when read/display only. | User Experience |
INC-B35050 | 897011 | Updated TrackerChanges handling to prevent empty WorkPage | When trying to perform a assignment on the Service case opened inside the interaction case, the D_Interaction.CorrespondenceCase.pyEmails page structure was not properly loaded. As a result, pyWorkPage was empty, and the email data pages with a dependency on a property on pyWorkPage missed recipient data that was loaded on the UI. This was traced to an unintended reload section that triggered tracker changes before openAssignment was invoked, and has been resolved with an update to validate the thread name so that onTabSwitch event is triggered only when the thread changes. | User Experience |
INC-B35060 | 895860 | Accessibility corrected for My Application left navigation panel | When navigating to My Applications in the left navigation panel, the focus was not moving to the "Proceed To" drop down and "Go" button for the last application as expected. Instead the focus jumped to the "Close" button at the top. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B35246 | 895012 | Pega "busy" spinner updated to CSS | To improve security, the handling of the "busy" spinner image has been modified from background-image: url(data:"base64Content") to a CSS file which references a static image file hosted on the webserver. | User Experience |
INC-B35455 | 889001 | Corrected aria-label for setTodayCell | The pzpega_ui_calendar.js file has been updated to correct a typo in the aria-label for the "setTodayCell" function which interfered with accessibility. | User Experience |
INC-B35504 | 888528 | Filters cleared after Theme-Cosmos search | After opening the Theme-Cosmos portal and performing a search which opened a new tab, changing the filters and closing the tab carried the filter revisions to the next search from the portal. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B35736 | 886819 | Corrected Constellation AM/PM handling for en_HK locale | When using en_HK locale in the operator context with Constellation, the AM/PM drop down did not work, the control only captured time in PM, and the date time value submitted was 12 hours behind the actual time. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B36109 INC-B42477 INC-B50464 |
889436 898909 905909 |
Constellation Case in traditional app opens in correct UI | When reusing a Constellation Case Type from an existing application in a traditional UI application, the case opened in an incorrect UI and the view was not displayed correctly. This has been resolved with an update to ensure the correct harness is generated. | User Experience |
INC-B36334 | 890401 | Corrected drag/drop issue in repeating list | After adding an embedded data table with several columns to a repeating list in Constellation, performing a row drag/drop operation on any of the rows caused the row to get stuck if it was dropped outside of the table. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B36442 | 889450 | Corrected pyDirtyCheckConfirm resize issue | After making an entry in the Rich Text Editor area and clicking cancel without saving so the dirty dialog popup appears, resizing the portal caused the dirty popup to become distorted. This has been resolved with an update to set the minumum width and height of the modal dialog. | User Experience |
INC-B36484 | 892966 | Column sort functionality removed for "Refer to Data Page" | The sort icon was visible on a report table even though sorting was not available when using a pagelist specified in the source of the repeating grid with a configuration of "Refer to Data Page". This has been resolved by updating pyReportBrowserAllReports to uncheck the checkbox "Allow column sorting". To sort data on the clipboard and reflect it on the UI, use "Copy to data page" as the data access for the pagelist property that serves as the source for the repeating grid. | User Experience |
INC-B36536 | 889167 | Corrected accessibility for report case ID links | The case ID column links of a report were not accessible via keyboard in the pxReportWidgetGridAndChartSection section. This has been corrected by adding the enter key action on the table configuration level to work with accessibility tab keys. | User Experience |
INC-B36909 | 899315 | InlineDashboard correctly loaded | After creating a hybrid application and adding a landing page to the portal using the InlineDashboard template, the InlineDashboard was not loaded at runtime. This has been corrected by updating the loading logic to account for templates. | User Experience |
INC-B37291 | 898336 | Corrected icon display in staging | When using a dynamic layout header. <i class="pi pi-information"></i> was displayed in staging instead of the expected icon. The icon was correctly shown in production. This was traced to the handling for the cross-site scripting protections, and has been resolved with an update to the pzpega_ui_template_layout_header file. | User Experience |
INC-B37456 | 893961 | Updated handling to persist response for reuse | On property change, the refresh action was being triggered to fire a data transform and calculate a value. A custom component button then saved the form data using save assignment and launched another local action. Attempting to access the calculated data from the earlier step did not work as the save was made in a different thread. This has been resolved by updating the handling so the data is available. | User Experience |
INC-B37492 | 890067 | Mandatory validation control returns to Rich Text Editor | The mandatory validation control was not directing back to the Rich Text Editor (RTE) fields as expected when using a form containing both Text Input and Rich Text Editor fields. Both types were required for submission, however if the Text Input was filled in but the Rich Text Editor field was blank, clicking submit caused the validation to incorrectly focus on the Text Input field instead of returning to the Rich Text Editor field. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B37800 | 893665 | Explicit on-change added for textinput control on Apple Safari | Values with a separator were not updating on refresh when using the Apple Safari browser. This has been addressed with a new flag which can be used to fire an explicit changehandler. Set pega.ui.setExplicitOnChange to true for the specific browser as per requirement. | User Experience |
INC-B37817 | 891861 | Attachment correctly deleted from modal | After adding any attachment and minimizing the modal in Constellation, the attachment could not be deleted after opening the modal again. This was an issue with the deleteModal method of the modal component losing its reference after being minimized, and has been resolved by reassigning the deleteFile method when the component is remounted. | User Experience |
INC-B37919 | 892609 | New controls provided in pyActionAreaParams | Due to the pyActionAreaParams section having deprecated controls and layouts, the required parameter actionSection was not set properly when including the pyCaseActionArea and resulted in a different path in the doSave API. This has been resolved by updating the layout to a dynamic layout and modifying the UI rule pyActionAreaParams to provide new controls in the section. | User Experience |
INC-B38146 | 897093 | Corrected accessibility for semantic tab layout | An 'aria-selected = 'true'' element was appended to the first dynamic layout when using semantic tab layout. This is not used in this area, and has been resolved by removing the aria-selected attribute from the header. | User Experience |
INC-B38645 | 899694 | Case ID icon focus corrected | The Suitcase "Case ID" Icon on the MDC tab was unexpectedly receiving focus. This has been resolved by adding the necessary aria-hidden attribute to correct accessibility. | User Experience |
INC-B38679 INC-C374 |
891945 908177 |
Corrected unnecessary attachment validation call | Attachment validation was being called in Constellation when no attachment was present. This has been resolved. | User Experience |
INC-B38837 INC-B44647 |
900045 903341 |
Corrected UI display on tab switch and refresh | When accessing the user portal, right clicking on the Case ID to open it in new tab and then changing the application caused UI rendering issues post-refresh. This was traced to a harness issue when multiple URL mapping links are present which caused the default harness to be executed instead of the expected one, and has been resolved by adding a step in the showDesktop activity to parse and fetch the portal name in case of NewTabthread. | User Experience |
INC-B39157 | 891909 | Improved performance for semantic tab layout | Performance issues were seen when enabling semantic tab layout. This has been resolved by adding a safe check for pageName. | User Experience |
INC-B39185 | 890691 | Attachment error correctly cleared | If a 'when' condition in the attachment widget was used to prevent a file attachment of a specific category, the error message was shown and the upload of the document stopped but clearing the document did not clear the error message with it. This has been corrected with an update to ensure the http error messages are cleared on file upload cancel. | User Experience |
INC-B39459 | 896288 | Harness rule handling updated for cross-site scripting | When the pyPreventXSSInLabel DSS was set to true, opening a harness and going to the Advanced tab failed to load. Investigation showed the pzRuleFormAdvancedTab section had a dynamic layout label control with an unexpected meta tag which caused a java compilation failure. This has been corrected by updating the harness ruleform advanced tab to better handle the use case of special characters on the info text. | User Experience |
INC-B39641 | 896303 | Search box displays suggestions after error | When autocomplete was configured with a non-queryable datapage, it was not possible to clear a value after selecting it, and no options were displayed after an error was encountered. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B3966 | 881186 | File upload alert and busy indicator display in correct position | Uploading a file that exceeded the max upload size resulted in the the file loader alert / busy indicator not being properly centered on the screen. This was traced to multiple modal dialogs and overlays causing incorrect calculations for pega_ui_busyIndicator.js, and has been resolved by setting the active modal as the root element when calling the busy indicator. | User Experience |
INC-B39897 | 892597 | Color contrast increased for recents | The color contrast when the display window is contracted has been improved for greater accessibility for the RecordID in the pyRecentWorkContent section. | User Experience |
INC-B40151 | 891843 | Check added for blank name in file attachment |
It was possible to attach a filename and edit its name to be only spaces and the extension type when using Constellation. This has been resolved with a validation check which will trim an edited fileName to remove the extra spaces in the string and check if the string is empty or not in updateFileDetails function. | User Experience |
INC-B40253 | 890716 | Stakeholder names prevented from exceeding container bounds | In the "Stakeholder" section of the UI, the names of stakeholders were extending beyond the boundaries of the container instead of getting wrapped and interfering with the layout. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B40893 | 901819 | Additional TestIDs generated for repeating dynamic layouts using v1DXAPIFUA | When using the Cosmos application with a custom breadcrumb which holds the Repeating Dynamic Layout, the DXAPI client retrieved the JSON data which included the TestID of the layout which was then processed in the Angular application. This was working in Production, but was not working in a lower environment due to the JSON data not having the TestID of the repeating dynamic layout. This has been resolved by updating the vieworpage function in the repeating dynamic layout generation code to include TestIDs for each row. | User Experience |
INC-B41321 | 896903 | SessionTimer reset handling updated | If the "ok" button on the close icon of the pxSessionTimer warning dialog was quickly clicked after it appeared, the pxSessionTimer was not reset and no further pxSessionTimer warnings were generated even when the end user was inactive on the portal. This was traced to the desktop_showTimeoutWarning function clearing the TimeoutWarningCountdown and resetting in this quick-click scenario, which led to the function not being able to load the dialog again. This has been resolved by removing the clearTimeout code. | User Experience |
INC-B41401 | 895149 | Updated handling for View deletion | After making some changes to a View in an open Ruleset, using the trash can icon to delete a data reference field from the Summary / Highlighted regions also withdrew the view previously present in a Ruleset which was closed/locked. Attempting to restore the view generated the error that it was not possible because it was a closed Ruleset. This has been resolved with an update to prevent rules being deleted for a reference field, as well adding handling to ensure unique viewnames for newly added reference fields. | User Experience |
INC-B41420 | 898976 | Increased max records limit for localization report definition | Some rule names and property values were not localized as expected. This was traced to the record limit size of the report definition, and the max records limit has been increased from 10,000 to 50,000 to resolve this issue. | User Experience |
INC-B41667 | 891833 | Sorting corrected for TimeofDay property type | Sorting of the "TimeOfDay" property column in a Constellation table view was not working as expected. This has been resolved by adding type-specific sorting for time fields. | User Experience |
INC-B41782 | 896582 | Corrected assignment submission with date field error message | When using a date field that was not required, an invalid or incomplete entry did not prevent the assignment from being submitted in Constellation even when there was an active validation error on the date field inside the table. Investigation showed this was caused by the changeHandler receiving a blank value in this scenario, causing the server validation to not fire, and has been resolved by updating the error state in Redux store for invalid DateTime fields. | User Experience |
INC-B42014 | 898779 | Updated accessibility for hidden case icon | After the child work object is resolved, navigating back to the parent case displayed a hierarchical table listing all work objects, including any parent-child relationships, in a tabular format with an expand/collapse icon to allow users to view or hide child cases when they are present. The child work object correctly did not show the expand/collapse icon when the case was resolved, but the screen reader continued to interpret and read the expand/collapse functionality even though it was hidden. This has been resolved by adding aria-hidden ='true' so the expand/collapse icon will not be read by the screen reader when it is not visible. | User Experience |
INC-B42324 | 893870 | Corrected image distortion in Rich Text Editor upload | When an image is uploaded in the Rich Text Editor (RTE), it is resized to fit within the editor. However, the resizing was inconsistent the first time and required opening the image properties and clicking 'OK' to display it correctly. This has been resolved by adding a function to set the height and width values for dropped/pasted images to be populated in the image dialog. | User Experience |
INC-B42981 | 896997 | Validation error message correctly clears | A validation error message in Constellation was persisting even if the value was corrected. This has been addressed by updating the handling to revalidate the updated field. | User Experience |
INC-B43080 | 901118 | "No value" message localized | Localization has been added for the field value "No value". | User Experience |
INC-B43500 | 897110 | Updated handling for datetime dirty check | When datetime controls were used in a dropdown contained in an editable table of an unoptimized grid, the dirty check popup appeared even when no changes were made. This was seen for both a datetime control of format input+calendar with allow text entry as no and for a datetime control of format dropdown, and has been resolved by updating the dirty validation check handling on the initial load. | User Experience |
INC-B43564 | 899058 | Resolved dots truncation issue in placeholder | When using an integer property and setting the placeholder to "test...", only "test" was displayed on the UI. The placeholder was displayed with the ellipsis as expected when using a text property. This has been resolved by updating the handling for the integer placeholder property. | User Experience |
INC-B43663 | 895135 | Resolved QR-code download of Ad-Hoc iOS apps | After creating a provisioning profile with 'Ad Hoc' distribution and building a mobile app, the QR code was not being generated for download/install. Investigation showed the Apple iOS application signing-certificate type was being consumed by Pega as certificate type of 'AppStore' even though the signing certificate was created as iOS Distribution type certificate intended for both purposes. This has been corrected by updating the QR code display for the ad hoc provisioning profile. | User Experience |
INC-B43827 | 895927 | Corrected pageinstructions handling in nested embedded list | When using a nested embedded data structure in Constellation where the parent embedded data had a field group with different properties and another embedded list data property which was shown as a grid, deleting the first row of parent embedded data did not delete the child embedded list and this child list was then displayed as the first row. Investigation showed the pageInstructions function was not generated correctly for a nested structure while performing a move or reorder operation, and this has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B43831 | 898823 | Focus corrected for save button after refresh | When using a Theme-Cosmos application, entering details in a case form and clicking on the save button shifted the focus back to header title after the refresh. This has been resolved with the updated function focusPrevElement in pzpega_ui_doc_focus js to return focus to the save button as expected. | User Experience |
INC-B43898 | 896330 | Row values maintain reference on delete in Constellation | After configuring a reference field inside an embedded data section and adding multiple rows to the embedded data during runtime, deleting a few rows or reordering to change the sequence of the rows caused subsequent changes to a row to affect an unrelated row. This has been resolved with an update to maintain proper row association on delete and reorder actions in ObjectReference. | User Experience |
INC-B44029 | 897454 | Embedded Data visibility condition evaluated properly | On clicking on Add+ to add a new record for suppliers, all fields were visible including one without a value which had a condition to be not be visible if blank. This has been resolved by updating the handling to return the value as an empty string if there is no property in the given custom data or redux store so it is correctly evaluated. | User Experience |
INC-B44040 | 900663 | Create Stage title corrected for new modal window | The modal opened from the ActionsMenu of CreateStage was showing the title as "New Casetype_Name" instead of displaying title as "Edit details" or "Change Stage". Investigation showed when multiple local actions were set up and launched from the create stage, the local actions title display was the new pyID ("New Casetype_Name"). To resolve this, new header title sections have been added so the correct title is shown for modals opened from the actions menu on a work object. | User Experience |
INC-B44067 | 899646 | Corrected save and close local action in create harness | When using the create harness and trying to abandon a launched flow action process or click of "Save and Close" button, the portal ended in an infinite loading screen which blocked any further tasks until the browser was refreshed. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B44107 | 896198 | Long table heading displays properly on mobile | After creating a list view with a long name and putting it in the preview panel, the table heading was not displayed properly on mobile. This has been resolved with an update that prevents the title and count from overflowing to the next line. | User Experience |
INC-B44135 | 897280 | pzModalTemplate close icon accessibility updated | When a modal dialog was created using pyModalTemplate, the X close icon did not properly receive focus during keyboard navigation. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B44248 | 899006 | Screen reader working for autocomplete in modal dialog | After adding an autocomplete inside a modal dialog pop up window, the expanded autocomplete input fields were not being announced when navigating through the options. Investigation showed that when the modal was opened, the modal div contained "aria-modal=true" which prevented the screen reader from reading the list items due to them not being part of the modal. This has been resolved by removing the aria-modal designation from the parent modal when there is autocomplete focus. | User Experience |
INC-B44300 | 894317 | Corrected date formatting for Swedish locale | When using the Swedish locale, the date was incorrectly formatted as "dd mmm yyyy". This has been resolved with an update to use a date formatted as an ISO string to ensure accuracy. | User Experience |
INC-B44421 | 898403 | Corrected case view rendering issue during tab switch | While switching between tabs such as Pulse or Details in Theme Cosmos and the Constellation Hybrid application, the screen unexpectedly shifted to the top position. This was traced to the container height handling and has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B44592 | 897284 | Updated ListView-fields localization | Localization has been added for messages in ListView-fields when using Constellation, including the "New records have been added" indicator which prompts users to refresh their view. | User Experience |
INC-B44790 | 898123 | Improved accessibility for menu with disabled item | Accessibility has been updated for a menu that contains a disabled item by updating the parent element from the role of presentation to the role of menu. | User Experience |
INC-B44870 | 904770 | Corrected table layout grid incorrect results for readonly | When using a single page property which referred to a datapage as source (LOOKUP) and below it there was a pagelist property, referring it in the view with no records still showed 1 result. Investigation showed that the readonly view was being incorrectly executed during the security flow, adding a row in view runtime processing. This has been corrected by adding a readonly check. | User Experience |
INC-B45227 | 898384 | Corrected checkbox slider focus highlight | After update, the highlighting on the checkbox-switch (toggle) was not rendering correctly. This was traced to a box-shadow applied during focus intended to improve accessibility, and has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B45668 | 901405 | Scrollbar height for menu items updated | When a portal header is used, the scrollbar for the left menu items was not showing all of the items configured. This has been corrected by updating the height to consider the header as well. | User Experience |
INC-B45747 INC-B43983 |
903431 903347 |
Corrected resizing columns in an optimized table | Resizing a column was not working in an optimized table when there was a scrollbar present or when each column was already at minimum width. This has been resolved with an update which will resize the table width under these conditions. | User Experience |
INC-B45821 | 897846 | Ensured field (i) tooltip visibility | While authoring, the (i) icon next to the field / view to show additional information on hover / click was intermittently not visible in Constellation. This has been resolved by updating the Ruleinfo component to use the AdditionalInfo component on render. | User Experience |
INC-B45828 | 897714 | Refined refresh call handling for rapid selection | Previous work was performed to resolve an issue where choosing multiselect options quickly caused the Check Refresh call to fail and already checked items were getting unchecked and then checked again after a successful refresh call. This work has been refined to additionally remove an unwanted check against canceling refresh calls when a caseWide action is included. | User Experience |
INC-B45959 | 903416 | Updated handling for form refresh settings | Using form refresh settings in the flow action to set data for an embedded field based on a data reference field was intermittently not working, refreshing the data to old values again. Investigation showed this was due to consecutive refreshFor and refresh calls being triggered, causing the response from the refresh call to overwrite the response from refreshFor. This has been resolved with a code update to enhance the refresh-epic request cancellation logic for existing requests. | User Experience |
INC-B46100 | 899921 | Corrected responsive breakpoints for optimized table | Responsive breakpoints for trees and tables was not working correctly when the table preference had Optimize code and Personalize table enabled. This was due to a hardcoded row height for density short, and has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B46130 | 907956 | Corrected accessibility for non-actionable grid items | Role=link was being applied to non-actionable items in the first row of a grid. To resolve this, a conditional check has been added in the pzpega_ui_grid file to append role=link only to actionable items to improve accessibility. | User Experience |
INC-B46230 | 900873 | Exception handling updated for multiselect popup | After upgrade, multiselect was not working. This was an issue with multiselect properties using a data page reference for the property name value that not was being correctly resolved, and has been addressed with an update to catch and handle exceptions. | User Experience |
INC-B46513 | 900235 | Improved DynamicFieldName color contrast | In order to improve accessibility, the pyDynamicFieldName color contrast has been modified for the add and modify badges in py-case-manager-header-overrides. | User Experience |
INC-B46843 | 904612 | Added missing text spacing in calendar icon helper label | When using a Date time control in a section to allow users to select a date range for displaying data in reports based on criteria specified in another section, adding the Refresh Section or Refresh Other Section actions caused the Date time control’s accessibility name tag to not render with the correct text spacing and interfered with accessibility. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B46892 | 899070 | Switch URL scheme handling from allow list to block list | After update, organization-specific URL link components within a table in Constellation stopped working. This was due to URLs being checked if they are in an allowed list; if their scheme fell outside the allow list, the links to those URLs were not provided. This has been resolved by switching the handling from an allow list to a block list for URL schemes. | User Experience |
INC-B46921 | 898940 | Corrected focus accessibility for AJAX container worklist tabs | When using the keyboard to navigate the worklist case tabs in an AJAX container, the close tab icon did not have a focus indication. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B47006 | 905172 | Corrected drop down overflow handling during scroll | The Anypicker and Autocomplete drop downs were detaching from the field during scrolling. This was traced to the registerScrollHandlers function overflow not calculating correctly, and has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B47154 | 900996 | Improved accessibility for expand/collapse icon | When using a non-optimized table with master detail and expandable row, the expand/collapse icon was not read by JAWS. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B47214 | 901529 | Corrected AnyPicker "undefined" search category | When both AnyPicker and Multiselect were used in the same section and categorization was used for AnyPicker, the results included "Undefined" as part of the results in the search category. Investigation showed this was caused by the pega.c.filterCrossScript function being present in Multiselect and the AnyPicker control with the same name but slightly different implementation, causing AnyPicker to use the Multiselect implementation(overrriden) where undefined is not handled by the method. This has been resolved by updating the Multiselect implementation. |
User Experience |
INC-B47340 | 897313 | Corrected tag handling for dynamic layout Title field | When any tag (Eg: Title (<span class="required-star">*</span>) or Title (<span>asd</span>)) was added to the Title (header type = Fieldset) of a dynamic layout with a required control, the inline error message on tabbing out had the word "Required" added - Eg: "LabelRequired value cannot be blank". If the Title was changed to Field Value with the same tag added to the rule, the tags were seen as plain text and the error message was correctly rendered. This was an unintended side effect of previous work on displayFieldNameInValidationMsg and has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B47543 | 903244 | Resolved question mark reading as number | After adding Image control, Icon Source: Icon Class, Class: pi pi-help, Helper tet : None, with a click action which opened a overlay or modal dialog, screen readers were reading a question mark Help icon as a number button. This has been corrected by updating the CSS for improved accessibility. | User Experience |
INC-B47832 | 901556 | Corrected accessibility for dirty dialog in modal | The dirty dialog header was not being announced by the screen reader. This was traced to the modal dialog header on pyDirtyCheckConfirm using a label instead of an h2 element, and has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B47958 | 900183 | Corrected highlight handling for expandable field group | An expandable field group with no visible field initially displayed a small outline on expand, but on collapsing and later expanding this extra outline was not present. This has been corrected by adding visibility to state and conditional rendering for the Details and Details Template components. | User Experience |
INC-B48129 | 899508 | Corrected hierarchical tab handling | When submitting a flow action in Constellation which included View Hierarchical Form, clicking the Submit or Save for later buttons generated the error "Invalid request data". Investigation showed this was caused by the use of lazy loading as part of the DeferLoad process on the Hierarchical Form view metadata. To resolve this, an update has been made to avoid setting the deferLoad: true flag in the context metadata generation when processing views within Hierarchical Forms. | User Experience |
INC-B48163 | 902236 | Corrected reload issue in locked work object | After upgrade, the Work-Cover!WorkUnlock activity, which was Internally triggered from doUIAction activity, was failing at step 3 to unlock the work object. This caused the case to close abruptly on the UI. Investigation traced this to the handling of the harness refresh for dynamic navigation, and the issue has been resolved by adding a check to the reload function. | User Experience |
INC-B48218 | 901337 | Improved accessibility for Search Input for Followers modal | In order to improve accessibility, the Search Input for Followers modal window has been redesigned to include a more descriptive search readout for screen reader users along with an updated interface to be more in line with other existing modals. These changes include updating the search input 'Label Value' from "Search" to "Search Followers", removing the place holder text and enabling the label to be shown and read by screen readers to allow the user to better understand what the control is doing, and using more informative layout descriptions. | User Experience |
INC-B48597 | 902048 | Records saved for later properly loaded on return | When using "Save for later" in Constellation's Advanced search, the selected record was not loaded when the assignment was opened again. This has been resolved with an update to ensure the selection table is loaded with records when selection exists in the Advanced search template. | User Experience |
INC-B48999 | 901714 | Corrected visibility 'when' configuration for edit in modal table | Table columns were completely visible even when setting visibility condition to "Never". When setting edit mode to table row, the data in each cell was not visible. When setting edit mode to modal, the data in each cell was still visible. Investigation found that the edit in the modal template of an embedded data table was not using the necessary components if the table was loaded in forms, causing the issue with the visibility functionality of cells to not work as those were not connected components. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B49092 | 906067 | Corrected portal text localization | Portal level texts were not localized as expected. This has been resolved by updating the locales reference for portal level text. | User Experience |
INC-B49162 | 904849 | Dev Studio locale form made read only | The App Studio localization landing pages should be used to create and update localizations. Dev Studio editing of localization rules is not currently a fully supported method and can lead to unexpected results. To avoid confusion, the locale code in the Dev Studio ruleform for Rule-UI-Localization instances has been made read-only, and the documentation for Localization Limitations has been updated to clarify that the system will not update the localization file when saving a view manually through Dev Studio instead of using the App Studio authoring environment. | User Experience |
INC-B49172 | 902350 | Corrected overlapping of radio button value in a table | When a property of the type Radio buttons was added as a column in the table with mandatory validation, clicking submit resulted in the radio button value (example - 'Yes') overlapping with the radio button. This has been corrected by updating the CSS for non-optimized grids. | User Experience |
INC-B49330 | 908291 | "My Worklist" text localized | Localization has been added for the 'My Worklist' text in the Todo widget. | User Experience |
INC-B49603 | 903100 | Save action announcement added for accessibility | In order to improve accessibility, clicking on the work save button will generate an announcement from the screen reader to let the user know the action has been taken. | User Experience |
INC-B49607 | 909112 | Corrected case open with URL Mapping | When logging in using URL mapping for the first time, it was not possible to proceed with case submission when the concurrent session feature was enabled. This was traced to the thread name handling, and has been resolved by adding pzisRedirectedFromSimpleURL as an additional check for URL mapping validation. | User Experience |
INC-B49910 | 903434 | Accessibility improved for case-wide action launched modal | When using a case wide action reopen, the modal launched did not have accessibility attributes consistent with other modals such as announcing the reopened modal title. These attributes were present when opening the modal with a button triggering a local action. This has been resolved by removing the role dialog for dialog headers in pydialogcontainerheader and pynewcaseheaderouter. | User Experience |
INC-B50003 | 903025 | Updated handling for filtering on prompt value | After specifying a property that sets PromptList in Promoted filters in the end user filtering settings, it was possible to choose to filter by PromptValue, but the filter was not applied and results were not shown in the table even if the value existed in the table. Manually filtering the table using the standard value worked, but not with the prompt value. This has been resolved by updating the mapping to always include key and value to ensure the filter condition is created with the proper RHS. | User Experience |
INC-B50162 | 906568 | Corrected save of table records added on change of a dropdown | When using Constellation, attempting to save table rows/records added on change of a dropdown value was not working unless "save for later" was clicked. Without clicking "save for later", after the first record was added, selecting a second dropdown value replaced the first row with the details of the second selection. This has been resolved by modifying the generation of the UPDATE Page Instructions when a pyRefreshData DT adds a new row in the pagelist. | User Experience |
INC-B50297 | 902426 | Added quotes handling for ReadOnly constant value | After configuring a text area in a section with presentation as "Readonly(always)" and value as "Constant", giving some text with few words in double quotes as the constant value generated an error when trying to save. This has been resolved by adding handling for using double quotes in the constant text value for EditMode: Readonly. | User Experience |
INC-B50334 | 905661 | Alert attribute handling corrected | When validation was configured through the flow action, the alerts displayed on the UI were causing a failure due to the role of alert being used within a <UL /> element. This was due to the alert being located on the incorrect element, and has been resolved. | User Experience |
INC-B50336 | 901675 | Tabbing out of multiselect correctly closes the item | When using the keyboard to navigate to a drop down pill box and select an item, tabbing out of the field caused an additional item to be selected. Investigation showed that on tab the system was incorrectly calling the createCapsule method for selecting an item instead of closing the multiselect popup, and this has been resolved. |
User Experience |
INC-B50466 | 903418 | Corrected Paragraph rule translation | Inherited Paragraph rules were not being translated. This has been resolved with an update for the handling of Paragraph lookup with class resolution. | User Experience |
INC-B50486 | 905742 | Corrected "When" visibility handling for data edit view in modal | When a visibility condition was configured on a field inside the edit modal for embedded data, the field became visible when the rule returned true but was not displayed as expected when returning to the edit dialog. This has been corrected with an update to merge context data instead of overriding it for open embedded data modal. | User Experience |
INC-B50493 INC-B44820 |
901685 895969 |
Corrected Datetime value property handling for Arabic locale | After update, using the Arabic locale (ar_SA) displayed date control properties as "undefined" instead of the expected values. This has been resolved by correcting the number conversion and formatting for the necessary values. | User Experience |
INC-B50650 | 901181 | Constellation associated localization correctly created for circumstanced rule | After configuring two picklists on a case type and adding them to the process workflow in a view, one was configured with a visibility condition that used a 'when' rule. When the Application Readiness: Constellation tool was run, the Associated Rule-UI-Localization was not created for the field that was using the 'when' condition. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B51182 | 901917 | Corrected header checkbox alignment | The header checkbox was misaligned in Constellation if all columns were hidden except for one and the browser was resized. This has been resolved with an update that adds flex-shrink to avoid action column shrinking. | User Experience |
INC-B51382 | 904398 | Corrected Semantic tab Title display | The Semantic tab layout option in Dynamic Layout Group did not display the Title of the last tab correctly when the Title was sourced from a Field Value, displaying the ID of the Field Value rather than pulling from the result of the Field Value. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B51564 | 902452 | Corrected Followers localization | The "Followers" and "People to add" sections of a case were not localized on utility collapse. This was a missed usecase and has been resolved by passing the locale reference while creating pconnect objects on the fly. | User Experience |
INC-B51564 INC-C3588 |
903147 909117 |
Corrected InvalidCharacterError while editing localization | When editing the localized rules, any special characters in the JSON were changed into invalid icons upon checking in the rule and refreshing. This has been resolved by updating the JSON encoding mechanism to use TextEncoder to account for handling non-binary characters within strings. | User Experience |
INC-B51570 | 902542 | Corrected validations when text entry is empty | Despite setting a datetime property as a required field, no validation was triggered when attempting to submit the form without any values. This was traced to the "Allow Text Entry" option in the cell properties for the datetime field: when this option was set to "Yes," validations were triggered correctly, however when set to "No," no validations were observed on the screen. This has been resolved by updating the handling of the validations. | User Experience |
INC-B51609 | 905963 | Updated handling for special characters in label control | When a label control had a special character value such as an equal sign, an at sign, a single quote, or a plus sign ( = @ ` +), the encoding and decoding was affected by the cross-site scripting filters. This has been resolved with a specialized unescape function to avoid such errors. | User Experience |
INC-B51841 | 906611 | Corrected Constellation hybrid landing page preview | The first time an Insight landing page was opened in hybrid mode it rendered as expected, but after navigating to another menu item and back to the initially opened insight landing page the page content was not loaded. This was traced to the re-load handling in pzLaunchView, and has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B51867 | 904279 | Corrected dirty discard handling in Cosmos case creation | When creating a new case using the Create Harness (modal window) in theme-cosmos, clicking the create button successfully created the case in the backend, but the application did not navigate to the newly created case’s work area. Instead, the previous case’s view remains displayed. This was traced to an issue with the check for the dirty discard popup during new case creation, and has been resolved by updating the dirty dialog handling. | User Experience |
INC-B51994 | 905674 | Case links from preview window correctly open in tab | Attempting to use "Open in tab" for an email triage case redirected the new tab to the Home screen instead of to the case. This was caused by an error in the semantic URL, and has been resolved by ensuring the case key is passed in the resource parameters. | User Experience |
INC-B52018 | 903781 | Localization added for property additional info text | Field 'additional info' popups were not being translated. This has been resolved by adding the additionalInfo localeReference in the response. | User Experience |
INC-B52357 | 903594 | Collapse summary panel helper text made accessible | After opening a theme-cosmos case, the 'Collapse summary panel' button showed the helper text on hover but not if accessed using the keyboard with tabbing. This has been corrected in pxCaseMainPageTemplate. | User Experience |
INC-B52637 | 905842 | GetWorkStyle handling updated for lost thread | WorkformStyles was not correctly loading the skin after being passivated. This was traced to the clipboard not having the correct information for the pyPortal page, and has been resolved by updating the getworkstyle activity to create the needed pyPortal page if not present. | User Experience |
INC-B52656 | 906426 | Corrected localization for Arabic locale | Localization was not working as expected for some labels such as the filter dropdown lists in the list view, the SLA, and the new comment label in the Pulse section in Constellation. This has been resolved by adding the necessary format and column options for localization. | User Experience |
INC-B53265 | 904449 | Assignments text localized | Localization has been added the Assignments text in the "To Do" component of the case page. | User Experience |
INC-B6680 | 859908 | Updated handling for negative integer in field label | If a negative integer value was entered in a field label, the HTML formatting showed special characters when it was used in a dynamic layout. This has been corrected by updating the HTML handling. | User Experience |
INC-B6783 | 859365 | Improved accessibility for login error message | JAWS was not reading the error message if incorrect credentials were entered on the login page. This has been resolved by adding the alert role and aria live attributes to the error div. | User Experience |
INC-B6817 | 901664 | Improved accessibility for optimized table filter checkboxes | Accessible labels have been added for checkboxes present in the column filter overlay in an optimized table. | User Experience |
INC-B7889 | 868552 | Corrected focus placement on property validation trigger | When working on a form with required fields, if no input was made and the submit button was clicked the focus shifted to the first field with the error. If an incorrect value was input and the manual validation message was shown on top of the page, clicking submit caused the focus to move to the top page element rather than moving to the field with error. This was caused by the hidden input of the checkbox incorrectly receiving focus, and has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-C105 | 905153 | Corrected session timer spacing | The session timer popup had additional space on the right side. This has been resolved by setting the Iframe width to take full space available. | User Experience |
INC-C1503 | 908938 | Corrected accessibility for combo box with autocomplete | When configuring a required autocomplete control on a form in theme-cosmos with the 'Display as Combo Box' checkbox selected on the presentation tab, focus was not drawn on submit and the expected error did not appear to instruct on the correct input. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-C228 | 905902 | Localized ErrorBoundary text | Localization has been added to ErrorBoundary and its supporting components. | User Experience |
INC-C2641 | 911772 | Corrected "Save for later" close handling | Using "Save for later" on an automatically opened child case was unexpectedly generating a dirty popup warning about losing changes. This was traced to an OPEN_WORK_BY_HANDLE action triggered by the "Save for later" which was trying to open the parent case, and has been resolved by removing the open work by handle action triggered during save and close. | User Experience |
INC-C312 | 906371 | Added handling for deleting multiselect value option | In Constellation UI, after configuring a property of type Case reference to show as multiselect - combobox sourced with a data page, removing one of the selected multiselect values during case processing generated an "Invalid request data" error on submit. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-C350 | 908659 | Accessibility improved for modal dialog components | JAWS 2024 was announcing extra information including the browser tab name when launching a modal. This has been resolved by updating aria-describedby to aria-labelledby so that the tab context is not read by JAWS. In addition, logoff timer dialog for the sessionTimer loaded inside the modal has been updated to be more informative. | User Experience |
INC-C490 INC-C4060 INC-C3187 |
910135 910126 910233 |
Required fields validation corrected | Required fields validation was not working as expected after upgrade. In some cases, fields set to required always did not generate a popup to prevent submission. When creating a case without entering any value in a required Rich Text Editor and clicking submit, a browser alert appeared which prevented submission as expected. However, accessing the same case by clicking the Go button from the home screen allowed the case to be submitted without mandatory fields even if no values were entered. If mandatory text field, radio buttons, or date field were left blank on a non-focused tab, submit was allowed without throwing any validation error. This was an inadvertent side effect of work done to correct client-side validation performed on hidden fields, and has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-C591 | 911770 | Corrected localaction visibility issue during cancelAssignment | Local actions in the menu were still showing when the visibility condition was false. Investigation traced this to merge_data action unexpectedly persisting previous actions in redux, and has been resolved with an update to initialize the optionalActions array to empty array if it was missed in the cancelAssignment response. | User Experience |
INC-C688 | 909055 | Date picker calendar labels made accessible | To improve accessibility, title attribute to the month, year, hour, min, and am/pm dropdowns for the combo boxes within the date pickers so they are correctly announced by screenreaders and the browser tooltip will be seen on hover. | User Experience |