The "Wrap Text" option on Grid Repeat Layout does not work when Read-Only Mode
I am facing issue on Grid Repeating Layout which should be "Editable" on Input screen and be "Read Only" on Review screen.
The current field implemented with spread sheet style and Text Area as input field control. Confirmed "Wrap Text" check box is marked.
Read-Only mode tested by setting Edit Option to Text Area field.
Tested in Input screen, the field wrap the text as expected.
But once Read-Only applied, inputted text did not wrap and it does not correctly break a line.
I am facing issue on Grid Repeating Layout which should be "Editable" on Input screen and be "Read Only" on Review screen.
The current field implemented with spread sheet style and Text Area as input field control. Confirmed "Wrap Text" check box is marked.
Read-Only mode tested by setting Edit Option to Text Area field.
Tested in Input screen, the field wrap the text as expected.
But once Read-Only applied, inputted text did not wrap and it does not correctly break a line.
Is there any way I could make wrap text like in above situation?
Kindly advise me if there is any settings/configuration/condition which I need to concern.