
Posted: Dec 18, 2015
Last activity: Dec 22, 2015
Last activity: 22 Dec 2015 2:27 EST
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why we are encrypt the Storage Streams of classes? Any practical situation?
Message was edited by: Vidyaranjan Av
Hi Chathurika,
Found these article which share a good amount of information on the need & .These might work as pointers.
Additionally,I would encourage other community members to share any tips/suggestions based on your experiences that might help Chathurika.
Thank you Vidyaranjan, i will go through the articles which you are mentioned.
I did not understand the question. Are you looking for use cases on why the storage stream should be encrypted? Or did the question mean why is it already encrypted?
Thanks Rajiv for your consideration, actually I wanna know ,In the Class rule we have check box as Encrypt BLOB? & which situations we are using this option & after encrypting how optimize happen? & what about the performance?
This to secure the content in the BLOB. It really depends on your need to secure the data stored in the database by the Pega platform -
The links shared by Vidyaranjan has the PAL statistics used to capture for additional overhead of encryption and decryption. Please note that the optimized properties are not encrypted unless the property is of type Password or Text Encrypted.
Thank you Rajiv
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