When rule execution
When we add a condition into an action as shown in the file, the when rule or the action "Harness" is executed the first?
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When we add a condition into an action as shown in the file, the when rule or the action "Harness" is executed the first?
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to add Categories***
Whenever there are any actions with when rule, the when rules are always executed first.
Best Regards,
Hello Zein,
Thanks for posting your query in PSC :)
I see that Rawap and Mounika has answered the query raised.
Just an add-on, you can use the Java code to debug your application or to examine how rules are implemented. Click Actions > View Java to view the generated Java of a rule.
Hope this helps.
This question is now being discussed over another post. To avoid confusion, this post will be closed to future replies. Please continue the discussion over the new post: When rule execution in case of multiple actions
Lochan | Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.
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