How does rule resolution execute when switching between apps ?
I have configured one of my application(App2) to allow it to view all the assignments from different applications. (removed pxapplication filter from worklist data page) Now I am wondering about how the rule resolution works in this situation ? For instance, I have a data transform for SOAP requests defined in Work- class on framework ruleset. And then I customize it in Org-Div-App1-Work- class on implementation ruleset. But when I open App1's assignment on App 2, where does PRPC look for the data transfrom ? Under App1-Work and App1 ruleset or App2-Work and App2 ruleset ?
I also would like to ask whether my is my approach is correct ? I mean, I need to allow users to view all his/her assignments and process cases in one screen, not switching apps.
Thank you very much.
***Edited by Moderator: Lochan to update platform capability tags***