
Accenture Federal Services
Last activity: 20 Nov 2018 13:42 EST
DataTransform is NOT executing when the Rule is Checked in
DT 1 is calling DT2. When DT2 is checked out, it is executing. Experiencing a run time error when DT2 is checked in ONLY. Tracer is showing the DT2 is not executing. The error is happening on "For Each Page" step in DT2. Pega Log is show there is a Compile error and the logging is happening when it is trying to execute.
*** In screen shot: ReasonList is a PageList
Pega Log:
The rule which attempted to use a non-accessible jar during rule compilation is: "com.pegarules.generated.model.ra_model_mapclosuredata_bd7e9e1cfa11f558c69551e77d8a5700". Please see error above for non-accessible jar information.
Failed to compile com.pegarules.generated.model.ra_model_mapclosuredata_bd7e9e1cfa11f558c69551e77d8a5700, pzInsKey = RULE-OBJ-MODEL "Work Class" MAPCLOSUREDATA #20180403T131552.220 GMT; see class's compile log file.
Seems below from Class Logs:
DT 1 is calling DT2. When DT2 is checked out, it is executing. Experiencing a run time error when DT2 is checked in ONLY. Tracer is showing the DT2 is not executing. The error is happening on "For Each Page" step in DT2. Pega Log is show there is a Compile error and the logging is happening when it is trying to execute.
*** In screen shot: ReasonList is a PageList
Pega Log:
The rule which attempted to use a non-accessible jar during rule compilation is: "com.pegarules.generated.model.ra_model_mapclosuredata_bd7e9e1cfa11f558c69551e77d8a5700". Please see error above for non-accessible jar information.
Failed to compile com.pegarules.generated.model.ra_model_mapclosuredata_bd7e9e1cfa11f558c69551e77d8a5700, pzInsKey = RULE-OBJ-MODEL "Work Class" MAPCLOSUREDATA #20180403T131552.220 GMT; see class's compile log file.
Seems below from Class Logs:
Failed to compile generated Java com.pegarules.generated.model.ra_model_mapdmclosureextractiondata_5dba1001e8bb1cf37b8008805834f741: ----------
1. ERROR in /com/pegarules/generated/model/ (at line 110)
actionProlog(pz_CurrentTraceInfo,"2.2", "For Each Page In", null, pz_3);
pz_3 cannot be resolved to a variable
2. ERROR in /com/pegarules/generated/model/ (at line 147)
actionEpilog(pz_CurrentTraceInfo,"2.2", "For Each Page In", null, pz_3);
pz_3 cannot be resolved to a variable
2 problems (2 errors)
Compile failed.