When declare expression evaluate exactly?
I have the following problem:
I have a class Assign- and his child class Assign-Worklist
I also have a data page D_worklist (which has object type Assign-Worklist)
This data page fill with report definition
Also in Assign- class, I have a property Deadline
The last property I fill with declare expression (which calculate whenever used)
And also that last property I use in report definition for D_worklist
(D_worklist objects looks like D_worklist.pxResults(k) and inside D_worklist.pxResults(k) I have a property Deadline and something else)
The question is:
When exactly declare expression calculating the deadline property in D_worklist.pxResults(k)?
I had used tracer and find out that pega starting from calling database via report definition (so it creates a list of D_worklist.pxResults) and here no declare expression, but I not sure that my observation is correct
The main purpose of that question: I want to sort all objects by a .deadline field (in D_worklist.pxResults(k) I have several page group and in every page group I have a deadline field, so declare expression just decide which deadline correct for every object of D_worklist), but since declare expression (probably) calculating after report definition, sort by .deadline field doesn`t work
Any help/suggestion/links will be helpful!