
Tata Consultancy Services
Last activity: 29 Oct 2020 7:06 EDT
When condition is not working (on first click) at ACTION Condition for "Local Action"
I am Using Pega v7.3.1
I have implemented Local Action(Modal Dialog) with condition on 'Click' event of button.
But 'when' condition on action is not working on first click.
On second click, its working and Popup gets populated.
Requirement: On Click of button, Popup should be populated, depending on condition.
Approach: On Click event, we have 6 actions
Action 1: Calling Data Transform.
Action 2: Calling Activity and setting flag 'FlagForPopUp'.
Action 3: Calling Activity.
Action 4: Refresh Current harness.
Action 5: Calling Activity.
Action 6: Calling 'Local Action' based on condition i.e. value of
1)Flag 'FlagForPopUp' (set in Action 2)
2)Checkbox value on UI.
Let us know if have solution.
Thanks in Advance.........
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****
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Pegasystems Inc.
Have you tried to trace both clicks? Can you see the difference and why your WHEN condition isn't working the first time?

Tata Consultancy Services
Yes i tried to trace both clicks. But in tracer not showing WHEN condition.
On first click tracer ran upto:- Action 5: Calling Activity.
On second click tracer ran successfully but not showing WHEN condition in tracer.

Pegasystems Inc.
Well, you should have the WHEN condition been called on tracer. At least for the second click. Did you enable WHEN rules correctly on tracer?

Tata Consultancy Services
Thanks for reply.
Yes i have enabled WHEN rules correctly on tracer.

Pegasystems Inc.
Oh yes,
I just look into your screen shots again. You are not using WHEN rules that's why. Can you create real WHEN rules instead of those test on properties you having.

Tata Consultancy Services
Thanks for reply,
I already tried using real WHEN rule instead of properties(When Condition using 'Other Property').
But still same problem occurs. Local action calls on second click only, not on first click.

Below link might help you

Tata Consultancy Services
Thanks for update.
Updated: 12 Feb 2019 10:03 EST

Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Run the tracer on both clicks and look for ".FlagForPopUp" and ".LRbox1" have values.
I believe that on the first click, the above properties are having their values set and then on second click they are being used for the when conditions.

Express Scripts
Please check this link -

Hi, do we have a fix for this issue, please share.