
Lloyds Banking Group
Last activity: 17 Sep 2015 11:11 EDT
Conditional event(single/double click) call
We have a grid repeat layout(sourced dynamically) to show work object results based on user search criteria, we configured "double click" event for grid repeat layout to open work object in a new tab.
Requirement : For some work objects(based on a flag value) showed in the grid repeat layout, the double click event should not open that work object in a new tab, meaning that result row should be read only.
Question : Is there any out of box way to conditionally call the double click event in grid repeat layout as far I see I cant find, or please suggest any work around to do this.
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Pegasystems Inc.

Lloyds Banking Group
Hi Santanu,
Thanks for your reply, to provide more information on this issue, On the "double click" event of Grid repeat we configured the action to "open selected item" and that is the only event/action configured, so there is no series of actions in our requirement.
looking forward for any other workaround/solutions.

Pegasystems Inc.
i will do some research at my end and get back to you.

Lloyds Banking Group
With the issue stated above, we came up with new approach of having a custom control set for one of the Column(pyId) in the grid and only on click of that (Column/Row) the work object will be opened in a new tab(Action called is "Open selected item").
But the issue what we are facing now is, if we configure our custom control(in Report Definition Column Format options) for Virtual Grid the work object is not getting opened in a new tab and we are getting an error.
But the same custom control if we place outside the grid or if the grid is not populated Dynamically its working perfectly fine meaning the case is opening in a new tab.
Please advise on this.

Pegasystems Inc.
would filtering/segregating the list upfront makes sense?
- Accessible assignments in one repeat grid
- non-accessible assignments in another repeat grid with no onClick configurations...?
at the moment, onClick OOTB API's are not configurable having validation or when rules to rollback Click Events or skip the onClick events conditionally...
please note: If the action is editable when condition configuration field turns up...

Lloyds Banking Group
Hi Phani Sahukaru,
The results which we are showing in repeat grid is based on user search criteria and our client expects all the results(clickable/non clickable) in the same grid only.

Pegasystems Inc.
instead of row onClick event, can we have pxlink column based the when condition..?

Lloyds Banking Group

Pegasystems Inc.
Can you open work object using a pxButton control instead in your Virtual Grid?

Pegasystems Inc.
I would also like to suggest what Phani Sahukaru mentioned in the previous post.
If you see the OOTB Section pyUserWorkList , we have used a grid to show the assignments.
The column having a property pxRefObjectInsName is having a link configured which does the open Assignment. You can re use the same section and based on the privilege ( whether you want user to open or not to open ) you can make the link as readonly or clickable.

Lloyds Banking Group