what is the use of kafka service in 8.5 and is it mandatory to configure to run the pega application
We have upgraded our pega 7.x to 8.5 version, in 7.x we did not have kafka services but when we have upgraded to 8.5 we are having kafka service and kafka data. Development team not aware of what is the use of Kafka. If application does not require or not using Kafka. Can we delete the Kafka configuration whihc we updated in prweb ear file.
update the prwebear with kafka and kafka data directories in prconfig.xml of prweb.war as below. prweb.ar -> webinf-> classes->prconfig.xml
Edit the prconfig.xml file and add teh below settings:
<env name="dsm/services/stream/pyUnpackBasePath" value="/apps/IBM9/Dev/DevPEGA/PegaTemp/kafka" />
<env name="dsm/services/stream/pyBaseLogPath" value="/apps/IBM9/Dev/DevPEGA/PegaTempDir/kafka-data"/>