Unable to configure Kafka instance in Pega 8.6
We are trying to setup Kafka instance in our Pega 8.6 server in kubernetes. We are not using SSL configuration, and we are passing the following in the kafka client JAAS config file, which is kept in the designated folder and the jvm arguments are updated as -Djava.security.auth.login.config="/<FOLDER NAME>/jaas.conf"
KafkaClient {
sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required \
username="myusername" \
However, when we are trying to save the Kafka instance, we are getting an error "Error connecting to Kafka. Failed to construct kafka consumer. Value not specified for key 'null' in JAAS config"
So can someone please advise on whether.
1. Kafka instance can be created without SSL configuration
2. What else should we add to the JAAS config file to be able to save the Kafka instance.