
Common Wealth Bank
Last activity: 30 Aug 2018 5:20 EDT
What is the struts framework version in PEGA 7.4.0 uses?
What is the struts framework version in PEGA 7.4.0.
How can we find out from db can we query like this and can see?
select * from pega_rules.pr_engineclasses where pzjar like '%strut%';
In the SMA lib folder i can see the version is struts2-core-2.3.34.jar. Does 7.4 uses struts ? and is the version correct?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Apache struts is not used in the Pega 7.4 platform engine, it is only utilized in SMA and the version is as you mentioned. You will not find it in the database.

Common Wealth Bank
Thanks NickLoving for the confirmation. Also could you please share your comments on the below.
As part of struts Vulnerability we got recommandation to go with the below versions.[Upgrade to Struts 2.3.35 and 2.5.17]. Can we get help on this raising support ticket or do we have to replace the jar from our end? If so will the SMA supports the latest jar ?
Shrikant Pustode Bert Kuijer Raja Sekhar Reddy Reddem Md Sharique Akhter

Federal Express Office
Thanks Nick for confirming. it is useful details and i have received the hotfix for this issue.

How can we update the Struts version? We are also concerned about exposure to the newly listed vulnerability.
Do we need to load an SR?
KrishnaChaitanya Gaddipati Pinaki Banerjee Derek Vandivere

Pegasystems Inc.
What is the HFix ID?
Is it for SMA only?
(I'd like to see the details.)

Yes Apache struts is not used in the Pega 7.4 platform engine.

Is there a way to find the Struts framework version in SMA for PEGA lower versions, like 6.x?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Arnab,
I see that you have created a new post for your question - STRUTS Version for 5.5 and 6.x
Good practice!