What is the name of master agent ?
What is the name of master agent creates agent schedules or which queues all requests for standard agents
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What is the name of master agent creates agent schedules or which queues all requests for standard agents
Accepted Solution
Agent schedule is created by the system itself. All agents in one node are accessible under one agent schedule. Hence for every node there exists one Agent Schedule. If not present, the system creates Agent Schedule. Please find below content from an article that I found useful. This should help.
When Process Commander starts, the system looks for all the Agents rules. For each of these rules, the system looks for one Agent Schedule instance for each node.
If there is not an Agent Schedule instance present for a node, the system creates one by copying information from the associated Agents rule. Thus, if a system has five nodes, then for the Pega-RULES Agents rule, there will be five Pega-RULES Agent Schedule data instances.
Hi Pavani,
I think what you are trying to ask is the "Agent Manager which is the master agent that gathers agent configuration information". Please refer below link for detailed information.
Hope this helps.
Who creates agent schedule
Accepted Solution
Agent schedule is created by the system itself. All agents in one node are accessible under one agent schedule. Hence for every node there exists one Agent Schedule. If not present, the system creates Agent Schedule. Please find below content from an article that I found useful. This should help.
When Process Commander starts, the system looks for all the Agents rules. For each of these rules, the system looks for one Agent Schedule instance for each node.
If there is not an Agent Schedule instance present for a node, the system creates one by copying information from the associated Agents rule. Thus, if a system has five nodes, then for the Pega-RULES Agents rule, there will be five Pega-RULES Agent Schedule data instances.
seems we can see master agent only under requestor tab in SMA.
Question Solved
Question Solved
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