What decides Time zone for my application?
Our application is hosted on the Pega cloud ,supposed to be in CST for local users and in Phillipines timezone for PHI users. All applications are defaulted to GMT per Pega Cloud team. I noticed that the operator timezone setting decides how the date and time are displayed to that particular end user. I have a couple of questions in that regard:
Our application is hosted on the Pega cloud ,supposed to be in CST for local users and in Phillipines timezone for PHI users. All applications are defaulted to GMT per Pega Cloud team. I noticed that the operator timezone setting decides how the date and time are displayed to that particular end user. I have a couple of questions in that regard:
- Which timezone will be used for the SLA's and report generations etc - server or operator level? Example: If a user from Phillipines set an SLA for a task and that will be picked up to work by somebody from the US timezone, which timezone will the SLA adhere to? and how will it work?
- If I needed to update operator timezones, is there an easy way to do per access group?
- Is there any other setting we can do at an application level that decides what timezone should be followed by all users irrespective of their location?
- Can managers change timezone for people reporting to them>If so, how can this permission be given to them?
I am relatively new to Pega development and would appreciate any help I get to understand the way the application time zone works. I have already read lots of article including https://community.pega.com/sites/default/files/help_v81/procomhelpmain.htm#data-/data-admin-/data-admin-operator-/data-admin-operator-id/general.htm but did not get a straight forward answer to my questions above.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update SR Details***