Last activity: 4 Nov 2015 7:28 EST
What is best way to avoid moving unwanted classes during deployment
When we create a product and include individual rule sets, all the classes mentioned in that rule set will get added. This is creating problem in below scenario,
Suppose we have created a class in XXX rule set and 01-01-02 version where as there is some other functionality in 01-01-01 version. When we move XXX 01-01-01 rule set to higher environment, all the classes in that rule set get added which is not desirable.
To solve this either we need to select advance option and deselect check box for individual rule. or we need to select Exclude Non Rule Resolved Rules check box while creating product (when selected this option, rule set version is not getting moved).
Can anybody suggest what is best way to solve this?
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When I had this issue, I ended up not specifying any ruleset or rule-application on the rule-admin-product, but instead specifying the exact pzInsKeys of the few rules I wanted to include. /Eric
manoj Reddy
it will be difficult to mention individual pzInsKeys if the rule count us high. In my opinion product rule should exclude such class rules
>>> In my opinion product rule should exclude such class rules
I agree. /Eric
To get around this issue, pick the RuleSet version alone using the individual instances to include option, and migrate single ruleset version rule. Followed by this import your original package with other rules
Pegasystems Inc.
how about copying rules from XXX:01-01-01 to XXX:01-01-02, then deploy XXX:01-01-02 only to other environment?
i think, copying rules will not help. Product rule includes all the classes in the mentioned rule set is the problem. Also including rule set version alone and then moving other rules can be work around.
But better if issue can be addressed in future versions of the pega.
Pegasystems Inc.
it seems I misunderstood your original post.
what you are trying to do is that only deploy XXX:01-01-01 related classes, and avoid classes defined during development of XXX:01-01-02.
So, selecting the "Exclude Non Rule Resolved" option and pick the individual ruleset version instance in RAP as Govardhan Gangavaram mentioned should address your problem.
How about selecting "Exclude non resolved rules" for the xxx ruleset and then add pzInskey of non resolved rules belonging to xxx, if this scenario is applicable for one or two etc.? And if there are multiple such rulesets then consider option suggested by Chunzhi.