Objectwise Group
Last activity: 17 Oct 2016 12:40 EDT
In Version 7.2 which Layout can be used to show valueList property on section
I created a property of kind ValueList but using Dynamic Lay out i was not able to show it on section. Which layout has to be used to show it on the section
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Use Repeating Grid to display the value list records.
Blue Rose Technologies GmbH
Repeating Grid Layout doesn't support value list.
The Pega OOTB rules has value list properties referenced in the Repeat Grid.
Value List Prop - pxApplicationRuleSets
Section - pzOperatorProfileAppRuleSets
Blue Rose Technologies GmbH
There is no layout that accepts value list as data source. There is a control named MultiSelectList that takes in value list as input and allows user to select mulitple values.
Syntel Pvtt Ltd
Could pls show me where is multi select list in section
Thanks in advance
Blue Rose Technologies GmbH
Select magnifying glass after dropping the control into the layout. In the overlay, choose other and type in MultiSelectList.
Incessant Technologies
Select a control "MultiSelectList" and in the parameters tab you need to specify a property that has edit table info.At run time you will get the values from table type to select .After you select the values it will be saved into the valuelist.But this may not satisy your requirement completely.
Thank you Sents for telling about the control.I did have a requirment for that.
Blue Rose Technologies GmbH
Always welcome :)
The Pega OOTB rules has value list properties referenced in the Repeat Grid.
Value List Prop - pxApplicationRuleSets
Section - pzOperatorProfileAppRuleSets