
Accenture Federal Services
Last activity: 28 Aug 2020 16:29 EDT
Using the pyDesktopNotificationGadget for real time notifications
I am trying to utilize the out-of-the-box pyDesktopNotificationGadget to display real time notifications to users. Use case is that when an admin creates an alert, all recipients should be notified when they log in the next time or in the middle of their session if they are already in the system.
I have used the pxNotify activity to create a notification and assign the respective recipients and that is all working as expected, I can verify in the database. The issue I am running into is the notification icon (the bell with number of unread notifications in red box) does not automatically refresh to pull the new notifications. The portal needs to be refreshed manually and then and only then does the icon refresh/update and shows the correct unread count.
From what I expected this notification icon is expected to refresh in real time and no manual refresh should be needed. Is there anything specific I need to configure to achieve this desired result?
Thanks in advance for your help.
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Ramalingeswar Reddy Murari -
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Pegasystems Inc.
What is the version of pega you are using?
Can you please check whether websocket is created for the session in developer tools?
and ensure that the developer tools is opened before login.

Accenture Federal Services
We just upgraded our system from 7.2 to 7.4 a few months ago. Although this is first time trying to set up notifications in general.
I launched the developer tools in Chrome before logging in like you asked and in the dev tools window I do not see any WebSocket connections being created. Below is a screenshot (not sure if there is a different place to check).
Are there any configurations needed on the server/network side to set the WebSockets up?
Thanks for your help.

Pegasystems Inc.
Are there any console logs relevant to it?

Accenture Federal Services
Attached is a zip file of two HAR traces from chrome, one is for the initial designer studio load and the other for portal load.

Pegasystems Inc.
We first try to use WebSockets and if not implemented in the infrastructure being used, load balancer etc, then we down grade to use Long Polling. You may not be seeing any WebSockets in the debugger because it's not implemented in which case you will see a 501 response for the request to set it up. This will be followed by a request to establish Long Polling.
Did in your earlier version of PRPC disable notifications with DSS settings with "prconfig/server-push/enabled/default" set to false?
Hope this helps,

Accenture Federal Services
That particular DSS is set to 'true' in our system. And I just checked again and from developer tools I don't see any websocket connections but I also do not see any 501 status requests pointing to the failed request. Would this mean that websocket setup was never attempted?

Virtusa Consulting Services Private Limited,Ind
Hi Chris,
With long polling we are seeing multiple for every 20-30 seconds.Is there any possibility to increase the the time to 30 minutes for request.Can you please help me.
Using prpc7.3.1 with WebSphere9.0.07.
One more with multiple request at load balancer will degrades the performance?(i think performance will not degrade) please confirm once.

Pegasystems Inc.
Can you check the DSS value for "prconfig/server-push/transport/default". It might just be set to "long-polling".

Accenture Federal Services
Hi Chris,
I actually don't see that DSS at all in the system. Does it need to be set to something besides 'long-polling'?

Pegasystems Inc.
Doesn't need to be set as it just controls what is used. The default value is "websocket,long-polling".
Send me a chrome network trace file. I can tell you what we are using .

Accenture Federal Services
Attached is a zip file of two HAR traces from chrome, one is for the initial designer studio load and the other for portal load.

Hi Everyone,
Is there any root cause / solution for this ?
We are facing the same problem currently. We can see the notifications getting added properly into DB and the updated notifications are reflecting in UI upon clicking on the bell icon but the notification count in Red color is not reflecting real-time.
To see the bell icon with count in Red, we need to log-off and log-in else it is not reflecting.
We are using OOTB section as is picked from pyPortalHeader section.
Appreciate your help on this regard.
Dilip Voosuru

State of New Jersey
Any solution/root cause why this is happening?

Pegasystems Inc.
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