
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 21 Aug 2018 15:53 EDT
Using Map Control multiple times in a section
I have a section in which i use AddressMap (pxAddressMap) multiple times. We display the current user location on the screen by default and on click of a button, we are launching a local action to pull near by people (to current location) and show them as pins on map. The 2nd map we are showing in a modal window. THis works very well.
However we had to write custom map control (Using Google Maps Javascript API) and try to do same as above i am getting an error saying google map api has been used multiple times in the screen.
May i know if there is something to be done in my control that allows me to use it multiple times in the same page? Clearly pxAddressMap does this. I cant see the pxAddressMap source code to find out.
Please let me know if you happen to run into this kind of scenario