
Atos Syntel
Last activity: 13 Jun 2017 9:33 EDT
Use of Get row key checkbox in Report Definition
What is the use of Get row key checkbox in Report definition, i can see that the key gets added to the sql select when checked but what is the use of that.
sql query when Get row key unchecked
SELECT "PC0"."pyuseridentifier" AS "pyUserIdentifier" , "PC0"."pyusername" AS "pyUserName" , "PC0"."pyaccessgroup" AS "pyAccessGroup" FROM personaledition.pr_operators "PC0" WHERE ( "PC0"."pyorganization" = ? ) AND "PC0"."pxobjclass" = ? ORDER BY 2 ASC, 3 ASC, 1 ASC
sql query when Get row key checked
SELECT "PC0"."pyuseridentifier" AS "pyUserIdentifier" , "PC0"."pyusername" AS "pyUserName" , "PC0"."pyaccessgroup" AS "pyAccessGroup" , "PC0"."pzinskey" AS "pzInsKey" FROM personaledition.pr_operators "PC0" WHERE ( "PC0"."pyorganization" = ? ) AND "PC0"."pxobjclass" = ? ORDER BY 2 ASC, 3 ASC, 1 ASC
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