
Last activity: 27 Mar 2019 11:49 EDT
Highlight row in Report Definition using custom section
I have to conditionally highlight rows in a Report Definition. This i have been able to achieve using the Custom section to display rows option. Created a section with a grid sourced from the report definition and the rows are being displayed while running the report. But I face the following issues -
The report will be displayed in the Report Browser -
1. Sorting on the columns is not working (configured in the grid layout and the report)
2. Filtering on the columns is not working (configured in the grid layout and the report)
3. I see the row headers recurring every 50 rows when the report is run. I want to see the row headers only once. The row count in the report is not set to 50. Its a very high number.
Pega version used 7.2.1
Please provide some solution to solve the above problems
Deepika Kumar
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****