
Saltech Consulting
Last activity: 14 Jan 2019 15:23 EST
Use existing products in the DB as Proposition Data
We have a table in the database with Products that we would like to offer to the customers when using Decision Strategies. Therefore we would like to use these Products as Propositions. How can we map, the Proposition Data to use the Products existing in this DB table?
We were checking how the Propositions are structured in the DB. The pattern of the class where the Propositions are is like <Enterprise>-<Application>-SR-<BusinessIssue>-<Group>, for example MyCo-MyApp-SR-Sales-Phones. All these Proposition classes are mapped to the DB table "pegadata.pr_dm_proposition". After creating some Propositions, we expected that this table would contain them, however, the table is empty even though there are several Propositions in the system. So, where are the Propositions stored in the DB?
We are using Pega 7.4.