
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 8 Jul 2021 10:55 EDT
[Urgent] Radio Button Control not displaying existing value. Why?
I'm using the same Section twice to first set and then display and possibly reset a value using a Radio Button control.
When first using this Section to initally set the value everythign is alright and I'm ending up with the right underlying value set in the right property in the clipboard.
But when I'm reusing this same Section to redisplay (and possibly change) this vlaue I've got a problem: the Radio Button is empty. While the underlying value is still present in the clipboard, its corresponding button is not marked as selected on the screen.
Atatched to this question, a Word document with some screenshots of both the rendered UI and the corresponding content of the clipboard when using the Section the second time.
Any help welcomed.
NB: Product is Pega Platform 8.2.6
NB 2: an SR has been rasied but Support is implying it's not a product but a development issue.
***Edited by Moderator: Pallavi to update SR Details***
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Venkat k jitendra verma -
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Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Could you please check if.CriteriaType.Values pagelist is present for the second time?
If yes, then the values for the radio button should be populated as first time.

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes the list is there and the right entries/values are there.
The screenshots on pages 4 and 5 of the attached document are showing the content of the clipboard when using the Section and the Radio Button a second time to display and possibly change the value.
The first screenshot on page 4 is showing that the value set in the .Value Property is ok (CPFV011).
The second screenshot on page 4 is showing that the first entry in the Values list is containing the right values (pyID = CPFV001 and pyValue = Oui). So that one should be mathcing with the value of .Value.
The first screenshot on page 5 is showing that the second entry in the Values list is also containing the right values (pyID = CPFV012 and pyValue = Non). So of course that one is not matching.
Updated: 3 Apr 2020 12:17 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Could you please share your SR ID so that we can connect this thread with it?
Marissa | Senior Moderator | Pega Collaboration Center

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello. The SR Id is SR-D94083. Support is not replicating the issue and is implying it's a configuration bug and not a product issue.
Problem is: in my configuration here I'm pretty sure I have everything in the clipboard for the Radio Button control to work as I'm expecting it should.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello. The SR Id is SR-D94083. Support is not replicating the issue and is implying it's a configuration bug and not a product issue.
Problem is: in my configuration here I'm pretty sure I have everything in the clipboard for the Radio Button control to work as I'm expecting it should.
Edit: OK it seems now that Support is acknowledging this might be an issue with the Radio Button Control as the Dropdown Control (which is configured pretty much the same way the RB Control is) is behaving correctly when replacing the RB Control.

Pegasystems Inc.
Support now fully engaged on the SR but if anyone could give some clue that would be great. :-)

Pegasystems Inc.


Pegasystems Inc.
Having the same property twice in the DOM typically causes issues. As a diagnostic, if you remove one of them, or set one to read only, does the issue effectively go away? This will probably help narrow down the root cause if not done so already.

I am also facing the same issue. Any solution for the above problem ?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi @jitendrav5753,
Did you try Rett's suggestion from above? It worked for @VenkatKanneti

We are also facing the same issue. We are using Pega 8.4.3
Is this issue resolved in Pega 8.6.1 ? If not, is there a Hotfix available for it ?

Pegasystems Inc.
I'm not sure if there is a hotfix for that. Did you try the suggestion that Rett supplied above? It's worked for other users.