
Hawaii Medical Service Association
Last activity: 28 May 2016 23:35 EDT
The button control does not provide conditions for actions like post value.
there are conditions for action like post value, smart info for the actions when the control is text input but when the control is a button, we do not get the conditions and when rules for such actions. how can i get conditional actions for the buttom?
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Vinoth Nandhakumar Alekhya Nalla -
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Pegasystems Inc.

Hawaii Medical Service Association
Hello Susan,
When we click Post Value, the post value will be displayed under action. Then when we try to click below post value for the condition when it has to post value or not, we do not have that option if it is a button. However, we get option to provide when condition had the control been the text input ( in place of button) for example.

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes, I see what you mean. Could you please provide more details about the use-case(s) for Buttons to have conditional actions.

Hawaii Medical Service Association
Hi Pankaj,
The use case is that button provides functionality mainly for mouse click. I have same functionality for the keyboard (enter). I have some actions with conditions on enter. I cannot replicate the enter=click if the button does not provide the same conditions for the actions.
Updated: 13 May 2016 1:29 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.

Hawaii Medical Service Association
Hi Mounika,
thank you. I am actually looking for the actions on general button control.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Gyan,
Display action 'post value' posts the property value to the clipboard and refreshes the cell's contents. It is triggered by Change or OnBlur of the field and prior to any other event (such as a click action) initiated from a control, or from the calculation of expressions.
As per my understanding this is the explanation about the 'post value' of any property which holds some value, but in case of button it doesn't hold any value to perform calculation of expressions which is why we don't have option to provide parameters.
For example: a pxButton control refreshes another section using an activity that requires three updated properties before the control can update the target section. When the user clicks the button, the properties are posted to the clipboard and are synchronized with the activity.
So on Button you can perform your action based on the type of the event it triggers which might be the reason why it doesn't contain parameters to add in 'Post value' action. Any how to select the type of event which the button triggers the option is already available to select the type of even.
Kindly let me know if this information might helped you.

Hawaii Medical Service Association
Hi Mahesh,
Thank you for your reply. someone may want to post the value of property that is associated to the button by clicking the button.
Propery A = Value A Button A.
The use case is that the value of property A should be posted by clicking on button A. The post value or other actions can have conditions if they are configured on the Value A if the control is text input. The same is not available for the button. The question is, is there a work around to have the conditions on the button like they do on text input actions?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Gyan,
I had implemented the setting of ShowField1 property value to ShowField2 property on click of button using the activity PostAct1 as shown in the attachments.
With this use case you can read the value of the property on event trigger of the button.
Kindly let me know if this is your requirement.

Hawaii Medical Service Association
Hi Mahesh,
Thank for your reply. Sorry, I don't see any attachment.
Updated: 22 May 2016 21:04 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Gyan,
Check the inserted images as follows and confirm me if you still don't have access,
I had implemented the setting of ShowField1 property value to ShowField2 property on click of button using the activity PostAct1 as shown in the attachments.
Hi Gyan,
Check the inserted images as follows and confirm me if you still don't have access,
I had implemented the setting of ShowField1 property value to ShowField2 property on click of button using the activity PostAct1 as shown in the attachments.
With this use case you can read the value of the property on event trigger of the button.
Kindly let me know if this is your requirement.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Gyan,
Kindly let me know the update about this issue for the further assistance.

Hawaii Medical Service Association
Hi Mahesh,
I found that 'Note: If the UI Element is Checkbox
, you cannot apply condition' but I found that if the UI element is button, we cannot apply conditions. and the question is if I want to use condition for button control, if there is a way.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Gyan,
“The use case is that the value of property A should be posted by clicking on button A. The post value or other actions can have conditions if they are configured on the Value A if the control is text input. The same is not available for the button. The question is, is there a work around to have the conditions on the button like they do on text input actions?”
As per your above requirement, I implemented the posting of ShowField1 value to ShowField2 on click of Button using the Section refresh as shown above in my use case.
As per my understanding you have a textfield1 and a button beside it, then on click of button you need to post the value of textfield1.
If this is your exact requirement then try to implement the above way by adding “Refresh-This section” action and perform the post value operation with the help of activity as shown above.
Kindly let me know if this is not your requirement or if you face any difficulty in implementing the above process.

What sort of conditions are you not able to put on your button? Would you be able to make an encapsulating section around the button and put the conditions on the section instead of the button? /Eric

Hawaii Medical Service Association
Hi Eric,
Thank you for your reply. The actions of button do not have conditions. Would you please elaborate or point me to some details on 'encapsulating section around the button'?

>>> details on 'encapsulating section around the button'
If your button is in section A, put the button in new section B instead, and put section B in section A.
If the conditions available for controlling a section are more useful than the ones available for controlling a button, then this is useful. /Eric