
Last activity: 5 Dec 2017 8:18 EST
Upgrade from 718 to 731,Database-NonexistentTable error followed by upgrade failure.
Hi Team,
While trying to upgrade from 718 to 731,we are observing the below mentioned error and the upgrade is getting failed.
We dont have a table by name PEGA_RULES.pr4_rule_service_rest in any of our environments but not sure why the upgrade script has been trying to upgrade a non-existent table and getting failed.
[java] Nov 29, 2017 11:08:57 AM com.pega.pegarules.boot.internal.extbridge.AppServerBridgeToPega
[java] SEVERE: Problem during method invocation (main)
[java] Database-NonexistentTable PEGA_RULES.pr4_rule_service_rest PegaRULES
[java] From: (unknown)
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