
Last activity: 13 Apr 2020 0:15 EDT
Upgradation issue from 8.2 to 8.3
Kindly someone can help on this issue. While I was trying to upgrade PRPC Platform from 8.2 to 8.3 am getting below error.
Logger initialized
Ant basedir:E:\New folder (2)\pegaGuiInstallerTemp
Filter: org.tp23.antinstaller.runtime.exe.LoadConfigFilter
Config loaded
Filter: org.tp23.antinstaller.runtime.exe.CreateUIFilter
Setting look and feel:javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel
Created UI classes
Filter: org.tp23.antinstaller.runtime.exe.PropertyLoaderFilter
Checking for predefined properties
Loading pre-defined properties from file E:\New folder (2)\
No predefined properties
Filter: org.tp23.antinstaller.runtime.exe.ExecuteRunnerFilter
Can not load icon resource: /resources/pega-desktop-icon-64.png
internal target execution started:antinstaller-loadResumeProps
internal target execution error:antinstaller-loadResumeProps
Install screens rendered
Filter: org.tp23.antinstaller.runtime.exe.PropertyPrinterFilter
auto build supported: false
Filter: org.tp23.antinstaller.runtime.exe.AntLauncherFilter
Installation error: Use logs to find the cause, then correct and run again : class org.tp23.antinstaller.InstallException