Updating decision tables using advanced agent activity
Hi, is it best practice to update column values of Rule-Declare-DeciisonTable using advanced agent activity.?
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Hi, is it best practice to update column values of Rule-Declare-DeciisonTable using advanced agent activity.?
Hi @AkkuH. I'm afraid there is too little here to respond confidently. If you can elaborate on what your business objective is and the background, this might help uncover the right solution for you, rather than answering a very technical question that is not based on a good understanding of the problem you are actually trying to solve.
@BalajiG0758 , What are you trying to accomplish? Why do you want to programmatically change a decision table? What is the business case and requirements that is driving that?
As a general statement, it is not best practice to change any Pega rule programatically.
@Saleem_A I was researching a solution, so here is my business use case.
An existing business uses a decision table to hold a list of activities (not pega activities, but physical activities) that are not allowed in the facility. Management will occasionally add or remove activities. Management has actively refused delegation. Management wants to send an email describing the changes and let the Pega architects update the decision table. The list is updated habitually enough, and with numerous additions/removals, that the developers want to save time.
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