
Virtusa Pvt Ltd
Last activity: 29 Dec 2016 2:25 EST
Update ruleset record in Class rule.
Hi All,
I've created a Implementation class in FW rule set, need to update the ruleset of that class rule as implementation. Is there any way to do it?
***Moderator Edit: Vidyaranjan| Converted from discussion to question***
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
>>> But why does pega restricts to modify the RS record in class?
- One class rule can not exist in multiple rulesets and hence there is a restriction
>>> what is the pega recommended way of implementation?
>>> But why does pega restricts to modify the RS record in class?
- One class rule can not exist in multiple rulesets and hence there is a restriction
>>> what is the pega recommended way of implementation?
- need to refractor the classes...
Wizards 'Move Rules', 'Delete a class' & 'Rename a Class' are considered.
- Create a Dummy class --> Move all rules from its original class to dummy class --> Delete the original class --> Re-create the original class on the desired ruleset --> Move rules from dummy class back to original class.
- Create a Dummy class --> Move all rules from its original class to dummy class --> Delete the original class --> Re-name dummy name to Original class.
- for moving rules - we had to ensure the classes are in inheritance path.

Pegasystems Inc.
Use the method 'Obj-Open-By-Handle' – Open the class rule form – Update pxUpdateDateTime, pyInitialVersion & pyRuleset – Obj-Save/SAVE then CommitWithErrorHandling
Ahamed Azhar Dharanidharan Murugesan

Virtusa Pvt Ltd
Thanks for the reply. As we know rules are instances of the rule- class we can manipulate them sing ins Handel. But why does pega restricts to modify the RS record in class? Is there any specific reason for that? Like I mentioned in my previous question if some created an implementation class using FW RS record later they wanted to change the RS to an implementation level what is the pega recommended way of implementation?
Ahamed Azhar
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
>>> But why does pega restricts to modify the RS record in class?
- One class rule can not exist in multiple rulesets and hence there is a restriction
>>> what is the pega recommended way of implementation?
>>> But why does pega restricts to modify the RS record in class?
- One class rule can not exist in multiple rulesets and hence there is a restriction
>>> what is the pega recommended way of implementation?
- need to refractor the classes...
Wizards 'Move Rules', 'Delete a class' & 'Rename a Class' are considered.
- Create a Dummy class --> Move all rules from its original class to dummy class --> Delete the original class --> Re-create the original class on the desired ruleset --> Move rules from dummy class back to original class.
- Create a Dummy class --> Move all rules from its original class to dummy class --> Delete the original class --> Re-name dummy name to Original class.
- for moving rules - we had to ensure the classes are in inheritance path.
Ahamed Azhar

Refactoring is best option. Changing ruleset only on class rule might introduce other issues like ruleset mismatch between rules' ruleset and class's ruleset.

Saturn Tech LLC DBA Saanvi Technology
Thank you SahuP1. It worked.