Last activity: 18 May 2018 5:32 EDT
Unable run RPA using PEGA7.3 because of below errors
Hi Team, I am try to run small automation using RPA, but it is failing with below errors. Can someone throw some light to fix the below issues.
Failed to find a 'RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY' with the name 'PZNOTIFYROBOTICWORKBASKETCONTAINER' that applies to 'Assign-Worklist'; no rules with this name were found in the rulebase.
I understood that 'PZNOTIFYROBOTICWORKBASKETCONTAINER'activity is missing. As per some PDN article I imported 'Pega Robot Manager' zip file to fix the issue, after the import I getting bellow error.
Failed to find a 'RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY' with the name 'PZNOTIFYROBOTICWORKBASKETCONTAINER' that applies to 'Assign-Worklist'. There were 2 rules with this name in the rulebase, but none matched this request. The 2 rules named 'PZNOTIFYROBOTICWORKBASKETCONTAINER' defined in the rulebase are:
1 related to applies-to class 'Assign-Worklist', but were defined in rulesets which are not in your rulesetlist: 'Pega-Robotic-Console:01-01-02'.
1 unrelated to applies-to class 'Assign-Worklist', for example: 'Data-Admin-WorkBasket'.
ERROR INL-Dy7JTF2| Proprietary information hidden|Rest|api|v1|assignments|A94F4C7CDF52E64C14825CC98C982AE4D - Authorization failed, please contact system administrator. PRRuntimeError
at com.pega.pegarules.session.internal.mgmt.bas
here 'INL-Dy7JTF2' is my robotname/system name.
Venkat Garapati